Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Understanding Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
Joshua Harris Althea Johns Organizational Behavior October 21, 2012 Understanding Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Citizenship, most don’t normally associate this term with an organization like a business. Many would think of the word citizenship in terms of the country that you may live in. Some may even think of it more broadly then that. As in we are all citizens of this planet. But what is the opposite? Are there smaller citizenship classifications, and are they as important? Particularly, what about citizenship at your place of employment? What does organizational citizenship behavior mean to a company?Can it affect things like job satisfaction, efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction? Research suggests that there is a â€Å"moderately positive correlation†between job function and organizational citizenship behavior. [ (Kinicki) ] This paper will examine real examples of OCB, explain how organizations can influence OCB, and which pitfalls to watch out for. (Kinicki) Organ defined organizational citizenship behaviors as, â€Å"Individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization.By discretionary, we mean that the behavior is not an enforceable requirement of the role or the job description, that is, the clearly specifiable terms of the person’s employment contract with the organization; the behavior is rather a matter of personal choice, such that its omission is not generally understood as punishable. †(Organ) Literature in this subject has been almost non-existent prior the early 1980’s, but has increased in popularity ever since. Its these â€Å"discretionary†behaviors that according to Brooker, â€Å"Our esprit de corps is the core of our success. That’s the most difficult thing for a competitor to imitate.They can buy all the physical things. The th ing you can’t buy is dedication, devotion, and loyalty. †(Brooker) Its this loyalty that convinced Herb Kelleher, from Booker’s article tiled â€Å"Can anyone replace Herb? â€Å" to argue â€Å"that employee citizenship is the single biggest reason for the company’s success. †However this was hard to prove with hard evidence until late 1990’s. (Brooker) In Bolino and Turnley’s 2003 article â€Å"Going the Extra Mile: Cultivating and managing Employee Citizenship Behavior†which appeared in Academy of Management Executive, they describe factors that can promote good OCB.It is the authors’ opinion that the most important being job satisfaction. (Turnley) Bolino & Turnley conclude from their analyst of several studies, that if an employee is happy, they will provide a positive organizational citizenship behavior. The article also covered other factors such as trust, job interest and involvement, organizational suppo rt, and Employee Characteristics. It is with these factors that researches use to try to come up with predictors. Perhaps one of the best predictors happens in what Bolino and Turnley calls the â€Å"recruitment & selection†process. Turnley)They provide three main ways in which human resource managers can help achieve this. The first is to look for causes that applicants are committed to. For examples, college graduates that have a lot of extra curricular activities or a professional with volunteer services. Another predictor in determining positive OCB would be to provide situational questions to the interviewee. (Turnley)This is one tool that Smucker’s uses to gage their employee’s. The last tool the article provides is personality trait questions.This is somewhat similar to situational interviews, but they are geared to the person and not a specific situation. The next natural step in influencing organizational citizenship behavior is during training. It is during training that an organization may have the best chance at eliciting citizenship behaviors. However, Bolino & Turnley, describe how this is usually the opposite of what organizations do, due to their emphasis on individual achievements. One way an organization can help influence positive OCB is to sponsor training programs that focus on cooperation and taking initiative.But probably the best would be to develop a training program that is used to improve relationships among coworkers and/or supervisors and subordinates. Bolino’s article gave an example of this at Southwest Airlines when works were cross-trained on other positions. This allowed employees to gain experience in other area, but also appreciate and help out when they could. Also a study showed that supervisors that have had training in organizational justice principles also benefit from higher levels of OCB. In the last direct way organizations can influence OCB is in compensation.Bolino’s arti cle concluded that employees are more likely to engage in behaviors that are rewarded. An example of this is Asada, the British subsidiary of Wal-Mart, gives awards to employees who go â€Å"above and beyond†. CitiGroup does something similar. It is called â€Å"Galaxy of Thanks†. Employees can thank other employees for going above and beyond. If an employee reaches so many, that employee gets special recognition by the company and can win rewards. (Young) Bolino’s article also pointed to group or organizational level compensation fosters positive OCB. But, there can be many pitfalls for compensating for OCB.Some more informal ways of promoting positive OCB would include developing a culture in the organization that is conducive for positive OCB. Having managers and supervisors living by the same standard and by having an organization act in a deserving way. As you can tell there are many ways that organizations can influence their potential positive organizatio nal citizenship behavior. But, there are some pitfalls to be aware of. While there are potentially several pitfalls, all seem easily manageable. Bolino places pitfalls in three categories: Impression Management, Costs, and Escalating.Impression Management, is noted in another article by Bolino as, â€Å"Several organizational behavior scholars have noted that individuals may engage in organizational citizenship behaviors not because they are concerned about the organization’s welfare but because such activities may cause others (especially their supervisors) to look favorably upon them†(Bolino) The pitfall here comes when rewarding this type of â€Å"Impression Management†behavior, which can put a strain on morale. (Turnley)Managers should watch for this type of motivation during citizenship assessments and be sure not to reward this type of behavior.If this behavior is rewarded the costs could certainly outweigh any potential gains. Another potential downside to positive OCB happens when employees become lax on their main job functions. Many don’t think helping another co-worker could potentially be a downfall, but that is exactly what Sprint, Xerox, and Ford found out in a Wall Street Journal study. Employees would help co-workers with computer issues and it was estimated to have cost the companies upwards of $15,000 per computer. It is thought that hiring more support personal would have been significantly less expensive, and with better quality of support. Bulkeley)The last area of pitfalls is a concept of Escalating Citizenship. You can think of this concept like inflation. Today a dollar will buy you much less than fifty or so years ago and escalating citizenship is something that manager must watch out for. If the bar for above and beyond is constantly moved higher and higher it can be catastrophic for an organization including high levels of job dissatisfaction, high turnover, and high stress. It is the author’s opi nion that the evidence is overwhelming that positive organizational behavior can greatly influence or be the â€Å"single biggest reason for the company’s success†. Brooker)In this essay we have examined why organizational citizenship is important to an organization. We also took a look at what organizations can do to positively impact OCB. Finally we examined some downsides of OCB and provided some way managers can navigate around them. Organizational citizenship behavior can be a very good thing, when done correctly. Bibliography Bolino. â€Å"Citizenship and impression managment: Good soliders or good actors. †Academy of Managment Review 24. 1 (n. d. ): 82-88. Brooker, K. â€Å"Can anyone replace Herb? †2000. Fourtune. 19 Oct 2012 <http://money. nn. com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2000/04/17/278112/index. htm>. Bulkeley, W. M. â€Å"Study finds hidden costs of computing. †The Wall Street Journal (1992). Kinicki, Angelo. Managment: a practical introduction 5E. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011. Organ, D. W. Organizatioal citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome. Lexington: Lexington Books, n. d. Turnley. â€Å"Going The Extra Mile: Cultivating and managing employee citizenship behavior. †Academy of Managment Executives 17. 3 (2003): 60-71. Young, Joseph P. Interview. Joshua Harris. 19 October 2012.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Bullying and Worldwide Issue
It is designed to harm someone's social humiliation. Convert Bullying includes lying, spreading rumors, negative facial expression, and playing nasty Jokes embarrass, humiliate, and simulate unkindly. The fifth one is . When a bully threatens someone else and frightens that person enough to make him/her do what the bully wants. The last one is SOCIAL. When a bully excludes someone from a group on purpose. It also includes a bully spreading rumors and making fun of someone by pointing out their differences.How are boys and girls different in their bullying? Boys may bully more than girls may, however some question this†¦ Do boys bully both boys and girls? Mostly. Do boys use physical aggression than girls? Maybe. Are girls becoming more physical in bullying than in the past? Yes. Are girls more likely to bully girls than boys? Yes. Last, do girls target weakness in others? No. How frequently does bullying occur? There are different estimates of how often children are bullied or p articipate in bullying.According to America, 3. 7 million participate in bullying. In addition, more than 3. 2 million are victims of â€Å"moderate†bullying each year. Seventy -four percent of eight to eleven year old students said teasing and bullying occur at their schools more than 40 times a day. Over the course nearly one-fourth of students across grades reported that they have been harassed or bullied because of their race. You know†¦ Try to be nice†¦ Moreover, stop following behind what people do†¦ Don't be a bully†¦ Be a friend
Monday, July 29, 2019
Hovey Insurance & Financial Services Research Paper
Hovey Insurance & Financial Services - Research Paper Example If these fees are unsuccessful, the organization cannot successfully move the project to the completion stage. The dynamism with which the business environment is changing with constrains all organizations in business. In the current business environment, few organizations have surplus resources. If anything, they struggle with the limited resources and tight budgets to realize their objectives. Hovey Insurance & Financial Services Company, being part of this environment, has to contend with the high competition levels and low budgets. This at times bends the organization to opt for the lowest bidder while seeking the right people to deal with in the development process. Low bidders mean that the organization cannot afford the best brains, the most knowledgeable and the most experienced specialists in the market. Subsequently, the quality of products may not meet the expectations of the planners while it may take a longer time before completing. Lack of information technology is yet another problem facing the company. In the current business environment, technology plays a crucial role in the success of the business. Currently, most of the organizations have computerized their operations to suit the global demands and quality requirements of goods and products. For high quality products and services, companies have to give priority to technological investments. Companies operate on a global competitive platform, where customers have unlimited choices of goods and services. Increasingly, more organizations are investing in technology to have the upper hand in the market. Most aim at having long-term benefits from technological investment. Although the initial capital investment by a company in technology is high, there are numerous long-term benefits accrued. Companies save on time taken in producing goods while service industry firms gain more from customer loyalty resultant from high quality services. These are the missing factors in Hovey Insurance & Financia l Services since the company has low technological investment capacity. While developing the company’s website, the company faced a myriad of problems. There was an acute shortage of technology in the country during the developmental stages of the website. This poses even a bigger problem to Hovey Insurance & Financial Services as monitoring of the trends and the traffic of people visiting the site will be a problem. This might mean additional costs to the firm as it may frequently need to outsource these services to an external provider. This poses a dual problem to the organization. On one hand, the organization suffers the problem of secrecy and autonomy as it has to allow inside information to the public. This could have devastating effects on the organization as the contracted person may decide to trade the information with the organization’s competitors. On the other hand, the quality of services provided may be compromising against the high costs charged by the provider. This problem even gets worse when the organization factors in its constrained budget. Time is essential in completing high quality work or when providing high quality services to the customers. While developing a project, the planners and implementers allow enough time to plan the project, get it on its feet and help it start running. It also allows for any changes whenever a problem arises in the implementation
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Hong Kong Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Hong Kong Cinema - Essay Example Many cinema critics attribute (Abbas, 1997; Li, 2001) this miracle to European influences and those of Hollywood, principally, comparing to China, which had been running the policy of mystification and cultural isolation between the 1950s and 1990s. Hong Kong is usually depicted as a capitalist city, which growth over Communist China and to great extent assimilates to Western postmodernism and realism. The theoretical framework for Hong Kong cinema analysis was provided by A.Abbas (1997), who draws and synthesizes the concept of dis-appearance. modern Hong Kong cinema is close-knit to the 1997 integration into China, as the Communist rule was always perceived as the power limiting cultural and contextual peculiarities and eliminating all national allegories and allusions. The sense of dis-appearance is very specific and refers to a purloined or secreted reality which is ignored because of the common tendency to standardization (Abbas, 1997). Furthermore the representation of dis-appearance employs dichotomies, especially one between dj vu (or a feeling of clich action or behavior) and deja disparu, or a feeling that points to the uniqueness of the situation, which has already happened and leads a viewer to hyperreality of interrelations between the facts and the events which have never happened. The concept of dis-apperance is particularly relevant to Diaspora members and those wh o observe Hong Kong with foreigner's eyes, so I would like to discuss the film 'City of Glass' (by M.Cheung) in terms of Hong Kong cinema trends. Deja disparu is masterly shown in the film, as the plot itself contains underlying redline of dis-appearance as the characters' state of mind. The movie narrates about the fates of two persons, whose parents die in car accident just before the integration of Hong Kong into China. The catastrophe unfolds a romantic story between Rafael and Vivian, "that was seeded in the flamboyant 1970s at the University of Hong Kong, yet disrupted by the fervent political movement and social unrest. Their participation in the movement resulted in their separation when Rafael was put in prison and expelled from the university, a separation that would be overcome only 20 years later when Hong Kong is on the verge of turning "Chinese" again" (Hao and Chen, 2000, p.37). In spite of the separation of their fates, Rafael's son, David, and Vivian's daughter, Suzie, meet and begin to discover their parents' past. The young people gradually realize that Hong Kong is not merely a city of glass, but a huge sto re of memories and anticipation as well as the time-space reverses (ibid), allowing everyone create a number of models and in conditional tense('if..then'). Psychological life of both Hong Kong residents and foreigners is described as deja disparu, or a re-consideration of past events, including the search for inimitable and unique aspects in fates and fortunes. The idea of dis-appearance runs freely through the movie and reaches its culmination at the very end, when the young couple decide to put their parents' bone ashes blasted up in Hong Kongas the event signifies the complete physical disappearance and the return to the country at the same time, or deja disparu, a renovation of the old story. The ending could be interpreted in other ways, but all of them to certain degree point to the concept of dis-appearance: for instance, Rafael and Vivian 'withdraw' just after Hong Kong's transition to China, or after Hong Kong ceases
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Current applications of nanotechnology in medicine and its future Essay
Current applications of nanotechnology in medicine and its future potential - Essay Example This implies that nanotechnologies are increasingly finding real world utilization. Stephen conceives nanotechnology as having the potential to greatly influence many fields including the pharmaceutical industry; this is also true according to AAAS, which argues that the science in the area of nanotechnologies ‘is exploding’. In that respect, this implies that there is massive advancements being witnessed in the field of nanotechnologies in general and there even greater potential for innovative applications of nanotechnologies both in the near and distant futures. Bhushan predicts that nanotechnology promises to impact the economy and society in general, more than even information and semiconductor technologies, or cellular and molecular biology ever did. The same position is taken by AAAS, which narrows further to particular applications and argues that â€Å"the science of extremely small materials’ is going to yield great benefits especially in cancer diagnos tics, imaging, as well as treatment that would finally bring about the era of personalized medicine. Similarly, Bhushan highlights the specific areas that are set to benefit intensively from the applications of nanotechnology including materials and manufacturing, Nano-electronics, medicine, healthcare, energy, biotechnology as well as information technology and national security.
Discuss the role of technology in translation and its effect on the Essay
Discuss the role of technology in translation and its effect on the translation process - Essay Example Early researchers (Weaver 1949; Booth 1953; Dostert in IBM 1954) were excited about MT for its technological potential. They marveled at the prospect of one day automating translation thereby providing an alternative to human translation. Translators, on the other hand, felt their craft was being undervalued and depreciated. They retaliated with feelings of fear and anxiety. As it became evident that machines would not soon take the place of human translators, attention shifted to forms of computer-assisted translation (CAT) technology. Kay (1980) and Belby (1982) in particular motivated research for computer aids to assist the translator. Books by Bowker (1998) and Somers (2003) contain articles about many aspects of computer technology for translation while Astemuhl (2001) and Bowker (2002), as well as parts of Sofer (2004), target the professional translator interested in acquiring the necessary technological skills. In addition to an increased focus on computer assistance for translators, the rise of globalization further increased the need for efficient computer support in view of making translation quicker and more cost efficient. One the best examples is Sprung (2000). The change in focus from replacing to assisting translators marked the beginning of a shift from technology-centered to human-centered applications in the translation industry. Whi le a theoretical framework has been well been documented by psychologist Donald A. Norman (1998), truly human-centered technology has yet to come. Considering the changes the translation industry has experienced over the past 50 years, the objective of this paper is to asses the role of the technology in translation and its effect on translation process. In this context I will start by defining machine translation (MT) and computer-assisted translation (CAT), evaluate their impact on translation process and finally will discuss Toredo as a means to complete my translation project that I recently done. Computer-based translation technology roughly falls into two categories, Machine Translation (MT) and Computer Assisted Translation (CAT). Broadly speaking, MT is "the application of computers to the task of translation texts from one natural language to another". MT is mostly associated with stand-alone systems that seek to automate the entire translation process. CAT, on the other hand, are software programs designed to assist or aid the human translator by automating certain translation sub-processes such as terminology search and the reuse of previous translations. MT and CAT have no clear-cut boundary but rather belong to a continuum with varying levels of computer automation and human involvement. This process has been illustrated in the figure 1 below. Toady a translator working with word processing software and assessing various electronic resources such as online dictionaries may still be considered to producing 100% human translation. The key criterion is whether any part of the target text is automatically generated. There are many computer tools available to translators and almost as many ways to classifying them. Some tools consist of generic applications that have been adopted in many areas including the translation industry. Others focus specifically on the needs of translators and offer ways to run the business and support the
Friday, July 26, 2019
Making Sense of Strategy II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Making Sense of Strategy II - Essay Example In order to maintain a successful brand image of an organization in international perspectives are to offer high concentration over the factor conditions. The prime domestic factor conditions of the industry of telecommunication might be capital and quality of infrastructure. This is because, it is the capital or the revenue that helps an organization operating in this segment i.e. telecom to amplify it is growth and expansions in other international nations or countries. Similarly, the organization of Oman Tel invested a huge amount of capital or revenue in order to develop it is 3G and 4G network connections. Other than this, by investing a huge amount of revenue worth OMR 116 million by the organization of Oman Tel proved extremely effective for it to expand it is network connections in numerous rural as well as developed countries of the entire world. As a result of which, the organization of Oman Tel became successful in positioning it is 3G and 4G network among the target custo mers of Oman. As a result, the brand value and market share of the broadband connections increased by 61.6 percent as compared to many other rival contenders. In addition, the organization of Oman Tel also decided to offer high-ended services to the target customers so as to amplify it is equity and uniqueness in the market of Oman. Along with this, the organization of Oman Tel implemented low tariff plans in order to increase it is range of customers and to retain the existing ones so as to amplify it is competitive advantage and sustainability in the market among many other rival contenders (OmanTel, 2014). In addition to this, the organization of Oman Tel implemented the plan of unlimited usage in order to enhance it is position and reputation in the market of Oman among it is target segments. Due to which, the organization of Oman Tel became successful in
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Outline of three ideas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Outline of three ideas - Essay Example atrons for such expeditions; however, there are numerous fishing businesses that depend almost exclusively on the catches they obtain through more destructive mid- and deep-level trawling. These businesses could be encouraged, through law or regulation, to offset some of their harmful by-catch (the killing of valued or endangered animals such as dolphins, turtles or sharks) by returning a specific amount of plastic catch for every 5 live catches, for example. Drainage filters throughout our cities and towns are necessary to protect our water and food supplies. Filters would work to reduce the amount of trash that enters the oceans and pollutes the fishing industry. They could be installed in storm drains throughout the cities – making the city dwellers and the cities themselves obvious patrons of the system – and help prevent some of the plastics that are making their way into the ocean and poisoning the fish. Because of land effects of plastic on the fishing industry, this industry might also be interested in being patrons, helping with educating the public and helping with other marketing efforts. A filter could be developed that works in much the same way as the filters we use for our tap water. Water would flow into the storm drains and go through a series of chambers that have different levels of screening material before it is finally free to enter the river or ocean system. It would be necessary to also begin a new c ity service similar to the waste department to maintain these filter systems, emptying the chambers of collected trash on a regular basis. To reduce the amount of rubber produced and its harmful effects on the environment, these tires are designed to stay full for nearly the life of the vehicle. They are made from ultra-durable rubber created with recycled plastic and rubber materials and designed with a special self-heal technology that instantly closes off any potential punctures. These tires would be in high demand by tire
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Accounts Receivable Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Accounts Receivable - Research Paper Example If such settlement is made between the company and its customers, the amount owed to the company by the customer is shown in a separate account known as account receivable. This accounts help in establishing long-term relationships between a customer and a company. However, account receivable is usually opened in the case of the customers only whose credit risk is above a certain criteria and whose past history with the company is good. The account receivables are also opened in a case where sale is made or service is provided, the invoice has been raised against the customer but the amount has not yet been received as the money is in the course of transit. This may be the case where the money is in transit, that is, in transit if sent through a banking channel or in transit in the route of courier. The sale and revenue is recorded as soon as the invoice is raised against a certain transaction. The invoice is sent to the customer who, after receiving the invoice, sends money to the company. Even if no settlement in respect of deferring the payment has been made between the company and the customer, some time may lapse between the course of the procedure. During this period, the company opens an account against the customer known as account receivable in which the amount owed by the customer is shown. Accounts receivables are shown in the Balance Sheet as a separate head of account in the current assets. The movements in account receivable are made through the payments received and the sales made or the services provided in respect of which payment has not been yet received. The balance is shown in the balance sheet. It may also happen that some of the account receivables are gone bad in the period, such as the customer has gone into liquidation. In such a case, the money owed by the customer or a portion thereof will be written off by charging an expense in the profit and loss account as a
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
India’s Classical Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
India’s Classical Age - Essay Example It is believed that Kalidasa was one of the nine gems in the court of the great Vikramaditya. Therefore, it is evident that some influence of the socio-political elements of the period can be traced in the plot of the great drama as no literature is free from the local and contemporary social influences. The great drama by Kalidasa, in the similar fashion, captivates the rich and glorious heritage of India and its tradition. We come to know that kings were fond of hunting and as the opening scene shows the king set out for hunting and chasing the antelopes, Sakoontala indeed is a great material to be incorporated as a film. The plot of the drama and its narrative structure captivates great dramatic element. Along with that character portrayal and character development of the drama give the play a total cinematic dimension. All the characters are portrayed brilliantly and coherently for the support of the plot and its development. A thorough focus on the main characters that of Sakoontala and Dushyanta launches its readers to a better understanding of the play incorporated as a film. The tender and innocent Sakoontala at the lap of nature falls in love with the king. Her love is fresh and pure as the nature. Amid the charm of the nature and enchantment of the nature girl Sakoontala, the king is enamoured in the love of the nature and the young tender girl with the ferocity of lightening and charm of an antelope. But their departure and the trajectory which the tender girl from the lap of the nature, Sakoontala undertakes launch her to a n evolved character of a matured fighter of her social rights and give a complete coherence to the plot and trajectory of the character development. On the other hand, the character transformation of Dushyanta, the king also is worth appreciation. His journey from falling in love to forgetting it and finding the lost love once more supports the plot development and trajectory of Sakoontala’s character equally
Monday, July 22, 2019
Researched on magazines Essay Example for Free
Researched on magazines Essay My magazine is called Flava and it is aimed at teenagers, as when I researched on magazines I found this one was quite popular. I spent 4 weeks on my magazine and put a lot of effort into it. Before I started to produce my magazine I planned out how I was going to set it out and what type of things I was going to include in it. I chose the above features, as they are the basic things included in a teenage magazine. I used Microsoft Publisher for the majority of it but I also used Microsoft word for things such as my real life stories. I found Publisher better because you get a wide variety of different backgrounds and formats whereas in Microsoft Word it is more basic. I used a number of different formats and fonts. I did a lot of research on the Internet using Yahoo and Google. I worked with another pupil in my class, Khiley Williams, and we both came up with our own ideas. The pages I produced was the, Dear Angel problem page, the album review of Christina Aguileras Stripped, dish of the day page, the real life story of How I coped with Anorexia, the front cover, the celebrity page (all the celebs dressed in black), and the whats hot and whats not page. The page which required the most research was the real life story but I also put a lot of effort into the front cover as I wanted to make it eye catching and interesting. I used Christina Aguilera on my front cover as she is hot and sexy and catches peoples eye as they look at the magazine. She is also a role model for a lot of young people so they would want to read anything that they see her on. The front of my magazine is bright pink as this also helps to draw peoples attention to it and would hopefully be intrigued as to what is inside it once they start looking over the cover. I used the band Busteds logo on my front cover as well as there is a feature on them inside the magazine. To get the logo I went onto the Official Busted website, www. busted. com, and had to cut, copy and paste it onto publisher. I then had to fill in its original red background with pink to match the background of my front cover. Also on the front cover, I have included the price, a barcode and a logo, Girls with taste get Flava. For my barcode I used the search engine Google and typed in barcodes. I found one and cut copied and pasted again.
Steinbeck is interested in the ways hardship and suffering human character Essay Example for Free
Steinbeck is interested in the ways hardship and suffering human character Essay Steinbeck is interested in the ways hardship and suffering human character. Discuss how this is portrayed in Of Mice And Men Of Mice and Men is a novel very much affected by the time in which its author lived. Steinbeck wrote and set Of Mice And Men in a time of great economic change in America, when the countrys 125,000 threshers (men who harvested grain- Californias major product) were slowly being replaced for the new and more efficient form of harvesting-mechanical combines. The Wall Street Crash in 1929 heralded the start of the Great Depression that swept America in the 1930s, and the consequences of this on farming was compacted and increased with the famous dust bowl crisis, forcing many farmers into poverty and immense debt. Migrant farm workers such as Lennie and George fuelled and made possible the intensive farming economy. They travelled many miles by foot or other cheap forms of transportation for a temporary job that would pay enough to survive on, only to be told to leave when they were no longer needed. They would then have to wait for the next vacancy available. In these conditions men most usually travelled alone- it was hard to form any stable relationships in a life where it was vital to travel so often and when self-survival was more important than anyone elses. Its in this world of self survival that John Steinbeck based Of Mice And Men, which is a portrayal of effects these conditions can have on human nature. The most prominent of these effects in the novel itself is loneliness, (a major theme) which is present in some way in every one of Steinbecks characters. The book itself has been described as a symphony of lonliness. In a world where ones own survival and well-being is priority and you are mostly alone, the workers became very isolated. The effects of the lack of friendship, love or compassion on the workers have made them unable to relate in any way to anyone but themselves, and the self-importance that is forced to become their priority renders them unable to feel much pity or empathy for anyone or anything, turning them inwards and embittered towards a world which hasnt treated them well. They all live an existence in which every day is taken as it comes, each one matters in the fight for survival. They do not think in the long term, they spend the small wages they receive as soon as they can in taverns and whore-houses, they do not have dreams of the future. Loneliness effects some characters in other ways. For example, Curleys wife lives a life rivalling and arguably, exceeding the workers in isolation and loneliness. She has entered into a loveless and -the suggestion is- brutal marriage on a ranch full of wary, frightened and suspicious men with no-one to talk to, no love or tenderness, no prospect of change or escape from it. Unlike the men, she also has no motivation to survive. The workers aim in life is to survive, to keep on going, to keep on surviving through all the deprivation, as some still have prospects for change. Curleys wife is stuck at a figurative dead-end. She has arrived at the place she will remain for most probably the rest of her life, in an incessant routine of lonely, endless monotony. It is this isolation and the dissapointment of niave dreams of Hollywood and broken trust that has turned her into the character we are presented with in the beginning chapters of the book. The whore, the slut, the jail-bait, and the tart are her own form of survival- whereas the men have had to become totally self-interested and self-dependent in order to survive, Curleys wife has had to survive by attempting to gain power and attention in the only way she can in a ranch full of men- through sexual supremacy. However it appears there are infact two characters in the novel less affected by the isolation than the other characters, Slim and Lennie. It could be argued that George is also less affected, as his friendship with Lennie saves him from turning totally inward. Lennies friendship and care stop George from becoming like the other ranch workers, as he has to think about Lennies well being in addition to his own. George and Lennies relationship is almost more like that of a parent and child than of friends, and George has to look after Lennie, therefore George thinks about someone other than himself. So far his relationship has had its downsides, because as this isnt a normal friendship and Lennie is less capable mentally, Lennie keeps getting George into trouble. This proves that George needs to become isolated, lonely and inward as the others if he wants to be able successfully to survive. The conditions of the workers affect them in sad, terrible ways, yet its interesting that they actually need to be behave in this way if they want to survive. There is a strange need for loneliness and isolation, and this is how loneliness effects George and ultimately, George and Lennies friendship.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Training Needs Analysis
Training Needs Analysis Kymm’s Express Training Plan The purpose of a training needs analysis is to identify performance requirements and the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by the company to achieve the requirements. J, a training consultant, has a meeting with D, the Human Resource Representative, E, the Customer Service Manager and L, the Customer Service Supervisor to determine training needs. In the initial meeting, J, is conducting a preliminary needs analysis. He begins to understand a little more about the department on an organizational level which consists of, what the company’s strategy and goals are, and how training (if any) has been handled in the past. In building this training plan, there will be several key parts that are a must have when building a customer service team. Begin by emphasizing the mission and purpose of the department and the training. MISSION: Stress the importance of creating a universal customer service culture by beginning with upper-level management and actualizing this goal among all staff including frontline personnel. The framework for the customer service culture at Kymm’s Express includes learning what the customers wants; implementing steps to provide for those wants; equipping frontline employees with training, information, empowerment, and motivation; and monitoring success through customer and employee feedback mechanisms. PURPOSE: To provide excellence in customer service through a positive and friendly attitude to all customers and employees through this comprehensive training plan. This plan reaffirms that Kymm’s Express will serve its customers with excellence. It outlines our responsibility to work with customers to improve the practical value of the information and services that it provides, as well as improving the delivery mechanisms used to distribute these. This plan reminds Kymm’s Express employees of the importance of interacting proactively with customers, identifying their needs, and integrating these needs into program planning and implementation. It seems as though the current customer service representatives have received an informal training. When an organization does not spend the time to fully train their employees the consequence is poor service. To make sure that your employees succeed, there needs to be a set of expectations and or goals in place. This non-training method, L could use to develop her employees. Employees want to see how their work contributes to larger corporate objectives, and setting the right targets makes this connection explicit for them, and for L, as their supervisor. Goal-setting is particularly important as a mechanism for providing ongoing and year-end feedback. By establishing and monitoring targets, you can give your employees real-time input on their performance while motivating them to achieve more which can result in monthly and or quarterly incentives. Doing a monthly recognition program for the representatives that has the highest number of sales and positive customer comments and or Aw ard quarterly bonuses for top sellers or make the bonus performance based; for example, you can give bonuses for answering the most customer calls or returning the most emails. State the goals that are going to be accomplished once this training is completed. Goal #1: Achieve Higher Levels of Customer Satisfaction: One of the many findings discovered during the Training Needs Analysis was frustration among the Customer Service Representatives. Some were concerned that there’s not a standard policy or resource to follow that describes in great detail how to pinpoint the core customer problem and either resolve or forward it to another for resolution. Concerns have been raised about their level of training and adequacy in dealing with difficult customers. Since a conclusive correlation exists between lack of skills training and knowledge, our training will target developing usable customer service skills to employees which will result in increased job performance. Goal #2: Create a Uniform Customer Service Policy: We will create a standard Customer Service policy tailored specifically to the Kymm’s Express mission statement. We will mass produce these so that each employee receives his/her personal copy during training. In addition each Customer Service Representative station will be required to have a copy to provide quick reference for customer service representatives. Goal #3: Develop Customer Service Procedural Guidance: We will provide training that equips customer service representatives with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will increase product knowledge, maximize problem-solving resources, and provide exceptional customer service to the Kymm’s Express base. We will develop a ready reference customer service procedural guide; make it readily available in the system of each workstation that will provide immediate direction to customer service representatives to effectively identify a customer’s concern and the process to most efficiently resolve it. Based on the needs analysis and design of training that was previously stated, there are many methods of training that can be added to the plan for Kymm’s Express. To adequately provide quality training that maximizes the customer service representatives potential for improved performance and retention, the length of this training should not exceed seven business days to complete. The training should be done in a non-call center location with access to computers, so that it will allow the customer service representatives the ability to dabble with the system in an offline function. However, if the location is not available it is also ideal to train on the floor. This way it will give the reps more real-life experience of the customer service environment. This will not only equip customer service representatives with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will increase product knowledge, maximize problem-solving resources, and provide exceptional customer service to the Kymm ’s Express, but all of these methods of training gives employees motivation to start the job. It is to be said that people learn more efficiently if they learn hands-on, rather than listening to an instructor. However, this method might not be for everyone, as it could be very stressful. On the Job training consists of coaching, mentoring, job rotation and job instruction technique. Coaching/mentoring gives employees a chance to receive training one-on-one from an experienced professional. Coaching will help to identify weakness and focus on areas which need improvement while mentoring focuses on attitude development. While the customer service reps are conducting on the job training with their supervisor they will be learning the Customer Service Policy, and its use on the floor as well as, how to navigate through the customer service procedural guide. Generally on the job training is more cost effective. However, it is less disruptive to the business. Customer Service Reps will be training with equipment that they will become familiar with on an everyday basis. On the Job t raining should be given to employees after completing a week of simulation and on-the-job training, and completion of a simulated comprehensive exam. All in all on the job training should be an everyday process to be done on the floor, due to everyday changes. Many avenues exist to train employees. The key here is to match the needs of the business with the different training methods. Assess each training method implemented in the organization and get feedback from trainees to see if they learned anything. As I am positive that these methods are very effective methods to build the customer service department, the results may deem otherwise. References Gallo, Amy. â€Å"Making Sure Your Employees Succeed.†HBR Blog Network (2011) October 30, 2013 Iwan, Lee. â€Å"Top 10 reasons for poor customer service and theirsolutions.†Lee Iwan Accumulated Experience (2007) October 30, 2013
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Privacy in Cyberspace Essay -- Internet Essays
Privacy in Cyberspace Computers and the Internet have changed many things in the world today. People surf the web on a daily bases for information and entertainment. The Internet is making things like paying your bills from home a possibility. This was something that you had to leave the house to do, even if it was just dropping a check in the mail. Now you can pay your bills and buy your groceries, with every thing being just a point and a click away. Other things that can be done on the Internet is E-mail and stock trading. The police and the FBI have even used the Internet to capture and convict criminals. All this new technology is coming at us so fast and from so many places. Such as television, magazines and news papers, pushing to buy sell or trade on the Internet. Yet how much do we know about what happens when you buy something or E-mail someone, who sees all this information. Could some Internet criminal get my credit card numbers, or bank account information. Many people in to days world do a great deal of their finical business on the Internet. Yet who is to say that people who the message is being sent are the only ones who will be reading it. You must remember that when you log on and send a message to someone that it could go through many systems before it gets to its final destination. While being sent through the system any one can read what was sent, and it is not illegal if it is readily accessible to the public. As you are looking at other peoples computers they can be looking at your computer. Many browsers keep track of where you have been on the Internet by using cookies. A cookie file is a small piece of information that a web server can store. However cookies are not without their problems. On... your encrypted files then someone else could also. This issue should go one way or the other. It is either you take the risk of letting everyone have a chance to access what you wrote, or nobody has access to it. If nobody has access or control over what is going on then it could become a criminals play ground. Yet if we let people have access to our accounts, we have some degree of safety, at the cost of our privacy. I look at it this way if you don=t want people to see your underwear drying on a close line don=t put them on the line to start with. The same goes for your E-mail if you don=t want other people to read it then don=t send it. It is the same thing with keeping a secret once you tell one person they could tell some one else, that is why they say that three people can keep a secret if two are dead. Source Privacy in Cyberspace
Friday, July 19, 2019
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry :: Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry Essays
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry In Mildred Taylor's enthralling novel, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, the Logan family serves as an excellent model of family values and self worth. In the face of racial and economic adversities, Mama and Papa Logan provide their children with the important lessons they need to be successful in life. First, the Logan children; Stacey, Cassie, Little Man, and Christopher-John, learn to be persistent and determined. Next, the children acquire the knowledge of caring for each other. Last, they become able to stand up for what they believe in. An example when the Logans teach their children strong work ethnic occurs when Papa explains the importance of owning their land. Cassie considers her father's words as she thinks: For it he would work a long, hot summer pounding steel; Mama would teach and run the farm; Big Ma, in her sixties, would work like a woman of twenty in the fields and keep the house; and the boys and I would wear threadbare clothing washed to dishwasher color; but always, the taxes and mortgage would be paid.(4) Papa's explanation to the family about working hard makes Cassie think about the sacrifices the family will have to make to keep the land. These sacrifices might be hard to make but it will be necessary to keep the land and pay taxes. Another quality is that the Logans care for each other when Stacey stands up for Little Man when Miss Crocker hands out old, dirty, and torn books. Cassie exclaims, "Yes'm, he been reading since he was four. He can't read all them big words, but he can read the columns. See what's in the last row. Please look, Miz Crocker." (18) Cassie's courage to stand up for her little brother is phenomenal. She does so even though she knows she might get whipped. Her bravery shows that she supports the fact that blacks are treated inferior to whites. Miss Crocker at first refuses to look and then she say, "well that's what you are." Miss Crocker is in a state of denial in trying to convince herself that there is no problem with the school. Last, the Loga ns instruct their kids to stand up for what they believe in.
Communication Principles Essay -- Communication
Effective Communication is essential to the success of all businesses however, due to the ever-changing nature of workplaces today effective communication is becoming increasingly difficult and hinged by many barriers, which cause the senders intended meaning to be misconstrued by the receiver. Although Communication within Organisations will never be completely barrier free, many facile solutions can be implemented to facilitate the effects these barriers have. With Respect to this particular case study two key communication principles were evident, the chosen Communications Channel and Noise. Communications Channel is â€Å"a medium through which a message is passed in the process of communication. Communications channels include the spoken, written, and printed word, and electronic or computer-based media such as radio and television, telephones, videoconferencing, and electronic mail. The most effective channel for a specific message depends on the nature of the message and the audience to be reached, as well as the context in which the message is to be transmitted†(Bloomsbury Business Library, 2007, p. 1703). Noise is simply â€Å"anything that interferes with communication effectiveness†(Campling, et al. 2008, p. 477). Choosing an appropriate communication channel for your intended message is a critical part of effective communication. If you choose the wrong channel for the message you are trying to convey not only will it impede communication but is also likely to cause mistrust particularly about sincerity and commitment. The effectiveness of communication channels is evaluated based on richness and opportunity for feedback. Richness refers to the depth of the message. In this case, James has chosen to email his team m... of noise. James has made mistakes but solutions to eliminate barriers of communication are easily implemented and should be followed to therefore eliminate further disruptions to business. More Importantly, organisations need to develop a communications policy and provide training for staff to help decrease the chance of ineffective communication within the organisation. Works Cited Bloomsbury Business Library. (2007). Business and management dictionary. London: A & C Publishers Ltd Ang, E., Campling, J., Chan, B., Poole, D., Schermerhorn Jnr, J., Tan, W., et al. (2008). Management 3rd Asia-Pacific edition. QLD, Australia: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd Forsyth, P. (2009). Effective Business Writing. London: Kogan Page Ltd Bloomsbury Business Library. (2004). Writing great emails. Email etiquette. (pp. 23-35). London: A & C Publishers Ltd.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Early Childhood Education and Children
Mothers Stay at Home Are there any benefits for children stay one of parent with them at home? Mothers who stay at home are helpful for their family. Many mothers prefer to give their children to their mothers, but if there is not grandmother to care child, that will be problem especially if the child is still baby or infant. Mothers are compelled to find a place to put their child there. Many kinds of places that may mothers join their child to stay there and to have education, such as to educational settings which consist of early child education, pre-school, nursery school, and pre-kindergarten.Also, there are many places to get care and education for children nanny, governess, babysitting, au pair, and extended family, for example. In fact, mother’s decision; that choosing stay with her children at home or going to work and joining her children in convenient place, is important critical for her. A mother who stays at house are more probable to have time to be involved with their children. Those mothers who stay home is able to become more completely involved their children activities.For example, mother will give carful and interest for her children. Moreover, many people mention to needs childhood such as feeding, sustenance, and nurturing. Most women have been housewife to be breadwinners, and to be caretakers. â€Å"Child care can cost up to $15,000 for one year in the United States. Approximately six out of every ten children, or almost 12 million children, age five and younger, are being jointly cared for by parents and early childhood educators, relatives, or other child-care providers†(Lynn, 2002).Indeed, many societies have been assumed that women will stay home and take care of their children while their spouses go out and work. In addition, woman pregnancy suffers to go out and doing hard work many hours without rest times, but when she stay home will get time to have rest and lying. Many mothers work to be ready for unexpected situ ations like a husband's unemployment, husband’s death, a divorce, or sickness. In fact, nobody wants to be working more than eight hours a day and missing his or her family life.In encouragement of mothers who want to work, Dr. Phil says that many mothers optimism to be a parent and pursue an occupation and they often become miserable when they are stuck just in a parenting capacity. â€Å"If the child is mothered by a parent who is feeling frustrated and depressed and empty, that is not a good thing,†he says. Even though some parents are now separated, father continues in the role of primary caregiver to his children, while mother continue to support her family. A man is not hard to give up the traditional role as breadwinner.However, A woman can be more responsibility to earn money and take care for her family. A lot of women have been socialized to be service workers for their societies, not solely to be housewife. Some time a man feels difficult to abdicate some t hings like giving up self-worth, feelings of masculinity and personal power. It can be tough on men, especially in the beginning. In conclusion, it's these deeper issues. Making the decision to stay home with your children or join the workforce can be a difficult process. It appears approximating employed moms just can't success.Every woman has dream to be effective in her society and earn money, but she will face challenges with her care children. Sources 1. Dr. Phil: http://drphil. com/articles/article/284 2. Olson, Lynn (2002). [According to the 2002 Quality Counts survey conducted by Education Week, approximately six out of every ten children, or almost 12 million children, age five and younger, are being jointly cared for by parents and early childhood educators, relatives, or other child-care providers. â€Å"Starting Early†]. Education Week 21 (17): 10–11. Retrieved 24 November 2012.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
With the High Turnover Which Characteristic Employment
The highly turnover rate of employees in tourism, hospitality and as yett organisation, which is a respectable issue concerned by either company, is defined as companys employees leave their line of descent at a relatively high rate in authentic industry. High turnover keep result from various numbers of issues of employee which whitethorn ignore or neglect by certain company in a certain extract (e. g. dissatisfaction of formulate, overload work, topic of competitors, poor management etc).But what is the main fence that caused high turnover in certain industry is that organisations fail to realize the grandness of engaging and motivating employees. They tend to sour that this action is such a hook of time and it is more than important to focus on on employees performance. There atomic number 18 few factors that caused high turnover which canister be listed out. Firstly, over burden of work may causes dissatisfaction among employees. They tend to think that they atom ic number 18 doing a double or even triple job, but they only bring out a single salary which is underpaid.Moreover, it is park for a professional to know the benefits of equivalent positions. Thus, to fulfil the needs and wants of an individual, one testament look for a job with a better salary and consumption and as a result leave the reliable organisation. Besides that, for an extended of time, some may feel tired of working in a boring and uninspiring job positions which would lead them to change job which is more attractive and challenging compare to the preceding(prenominal) organisation.
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