Saturday, August 31, 2019
Casablanca Review Essay
Some suggest that Rick Blaine’s (Humphrey Bogart) popularity among college-age people grows out of his role as a classic existential hero. What is existentialism? What existential traits does Rick have? Are these appealing to you? Why would they have such appeal to the above-mentioned audience? Existentialism is an early twentieth century philosophy that deals with individualism, and assumes that people are entirely free and thus responsible for what they make of themselves. Rick throughout a bulk of the film seems aloof, and is out for only himself. In the beginning of the film Rick was a totally different he was very optimistic, but because of Lisa leaving him in Paris he became very angry. Until Lisa comes back into his life he seems to only be out for himself, the way he runs the club he seems to have no regard for anyone but himself. I understand as to why college age students would be drawn to these traits, but if you ask me these traits do not appeal to me. The reason I believe it appeals to college students is because a lot of college age students see the way he acts and sees him as independent, which college students are trying to achieve when they’re on their own. Another reason I believe that his character appealed to this audience is because of when he shoots Major Stresser, this appeals to these students because they see him as a hero. As in Welles’ Citizen Kane, the function of the flashback is quite important both to the narrative structure and the development of the main characters. Discuss the flashback to Paris. The flashback in this movie played an important role in the film, in the flashback they show Rick as a happy, loving man. He seemed to be in love with Lisa and seemed very excited to run away with Lisa. The reason this is so important is because throughout the movie Rick is always depressed and seems to only care about himself. The flashback consisted of Rick and Lisa planning to meet at a train station to run away together, when they were scheduled to meet we see Rick there without Lisa arriving. This incident is what has turned Rick into the man that he is during the movie; this is why they go back to this flashback during the movie. This flashback also explains the reason as to why he got angry when Sam played â€Å"As Time Goes By,†and as to why he becomes infuriated when Lisa shows up to his club in Casablanca. Like stated before people see Rick as an existential hero because of the way he acts through the film, seeming very reserved and only seeming to care about himself. The flashback shows why he became this way and lead to him becoming the existential hero that he became. Select some examples from the dialog and discuss. I believe one of the most famous quotes from the movie was in the end of the film when Rick and Renault are walking away into what seems to be a mist, and Renault mentions to Rick about leaving Casablanca and joining the Free French at Brazzaville, then he utters a quote that is very popular in films today â€Å"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I believe that this quote was so popular because of the set up for this quote; the quote itself is very mysterious and is generally leading towards something that isn’t good. The fact that the quote came about right after Rick had killed someone because of Renault setting him up, makes it even more mischievous, and there was also the point I made before because of they were walking into a dark mist made this scene one of the strongest exit lines and scenes I’ve ever seen. Another very strong example from the film was when Rick says to Lisa â€Å"Here’s to looking at you kid. This line showed the two sides of rick in the movie, the first time when he said it was in Paris this is while Rick was happy, and had a gleam to him that was totally different then throughout the movie where he always seems to be negative and down on life. Another reason that the quote in Paris was very strong was because when this quote happened the lighting in the shot was very bright as compared to the bulk of the movie while he was angry where the lighting always seemed to be dark. On the other hand the second time he used this quote was when he was trying to get Lisa to go with her husband, this shows the other side of Rick because the way he said it seemed to be half hearted. Another thing that made the scene more telling was because as compared to the very bright set the first time he said it, it was dark and his facial expressions were not as strong as they were when he initially said it.
Friday, August 30, 2019
College Stress Essay
Recently, many first-year college students face to stress. Stress is come from different ways. From The Associated Press and MTV conducted a survey of college students , 74% of students feel stress about grades,67% of students feel stress about financial worries, 54% of students feel stress about their families and 53% of students feel stress about relationships(The Associated Press and MTV,2009). In the following, I would like to discuss what cause, effect and prevention of college stress. The cause of stress is divided to three parts. They are academic performance pressure, financial problem and family. The most important cause is academic performance pressure. In your college life, you have many works, such as attending classes, completing the readings, writing papers, managing projects and preparing for exam. For freshman, it may constitute stress. In addition, some freshman don’t know what happen when starting college, some students don’t know how to distribute their time to finish their project or assignment. Moreover, so many test and exam need to do revision, students who study all through the night because they worry they can’t get a content marks. Also, students who want get higher score and GPA to get scholarship, so the competition for earning top marks can be very fierce (White, 2010). â€Å"College life has become a lot more competitive, it’s much harder to get into schools, it is gotten a lot more expensive. †Say Elizabeth Scott, stress management expert. If you are college graduated, you can find a great job easily that you can have a good future. Owing to society is overvalue to college graduate, because it can prove your educational background to show your boss you can handle this job. Base on upward academic performance reason, it may bring out stress. Secondly, financial problem may comprise stress too. Because you need to pay fee about your room and board also your tuition. The high cost of tuition also adds extra stress to student’s live. Some students cannot pay fully tuition, so they choose borrow student loans. But students loans will make tuition cost be higher, because students need to pay interest, so some students worry that they cannot pay off the tuition after they graduated. Thirdly, family will bring stress to college students. Because many students feel obligate to please their parents, they study the subject maybe is not they feel interest, just satisfied their family. If they fail the subject or not get higher marks, their parents will be disappointed. Also, parents maybe a bit over protect and care student because this is student first time leave home for a long time to study, they live in college dorm. All of this added pressure can put a great weight on the student’s shoulders (Rodriguez, 2008). If you are the first person from your family to attend college, the stress is even greater (Hansen, 2009). Next, I will discuss the prevention of college stress. In fact, we can prevent this stress. First, you must have a good time management, for example create a schedule, be sure you allow yourself the time you need to study and get work done. Also, you may stay connect to home, because being away from home can be difficult at times, so if you feel unhappy or difficulties, you can use phone or email to chat with your family or best friend. Then, do more exercise when your free is one of the reduce college stress’s method, you can try yoga it providing excellent relaxation and total health benefits (Scott, 2009). Also, you can do exercise with your friends, it can keep your relationship and reduce your stress, it is one of social activity. â€Å"The effects of socializing and exercise may be important†says to Alexander S. Strauss, MD, a spokesperson for the American Psychiatric Association and a psychiatrist in private practice in Marlton, NJ. (Strauss, 2013) . Finally, get enough sleep also can reduce stress too, because sleep can replenish your energy to study and keep your mind clearly. Gave enough time to your brain get rest it can reduce stress. Furthermore, it can keep your health. Because insufficient sleep can put you at risk for serious illnesses, such as diabetes, obesity and depression (Forbes, 2010). About finance stress, you must stay away from credit cards, because there are always situations when they will get carried away and they will feel the necessity to pay for the dinner, new clothes or some other non-emergency purchase which will be paid from nowhere else than our credit card limit (Malgi,2009). Also, design a budget plan and hold on to it, don’t buy luxury product. In addition, start thinking and spending rationally, you can use all the discounts available, start buying more carefully and compare the prices, because it can reduce your budget, can save more money. In conclusion, college stress is come from academic performance pressure, financial problem and family. So students should learn how to reduce stress. Too much stress is affect students health. Therefore students can create a schedule to handle your study and rest time. Also, do more exercise will friends is a reduce pressure method. But student get enough sleep also important, because sleep can reduce stress and keep your health. In addition, keep contact to home if you meet difficulty because your family will listen to you. Furthermore, design a budget plan allot to your money and stay away from credit cards to prevent college stress and enjoy college life. Reference Alexander S. Strauss, MD, (September 4, 2013). Exercising with others helps students. Retrieved December 12, 2013 fromhttp://medicalxpress. com/news/2013-09-college-students-stress. html Elizabeth Scott, M. S. (April 20, 2009). College Life – How to reduce stress in college life. Retrieved December 10, 2013 fromhttp://stress. about. com/od/studentstress/ss/college_stress_2. htm J. David Forbes, MD, (March17, 2010) College life: 10 ways to reduce stress Retrieved December 10, 2013 fromhttp://www. everydayhealth. com/college-health/college-life-10-ways-to-reduce-stress. aspx Mary Gormandy White. (2010). Stress causes of college students Retrieved December 11, 2013 fromhttp://stress. lovetoknow. com/Stress_Causes_of_College_Students Misty Rodriguez. (2008). What are the causes of college stress? Retrieved December 12, 2013 fromhttp://www. ehow. com/about_5385329_causes-college-stress. html#ixzz2nHQZDvNR Randall S. Hansen,Ph. D. , (2009). Top college stressors that affect academic performance Retrieved December 12, 2013 fromhttp://www. mycollegesuccessstory. com/academic-success-tools/top-college-s.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Tort law undergraduate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Tort law undergraduate - Essay Example One should be aware that this is another province in which the relationship among Human Rights Act and the common law principles will have to be worked out over periods of time. Further, the introduction of HR Act has not resulted in any major changes in the court’s outlook to the public official’s obligation at common law. (Lunney & Oliphant 2008: 530). In Van Colle case, the plaintiff’s son, who was likely to be a witness, in an ensuing criminal trial process, was under constant intimidation and threat which the police were aware as he had duly intimated to police about this, and the plaintiff’s son was murdered before the commencement of trial itself. Under Article 2 of the HRA, a claim was brought under the HRA for the infringement of the duties. (Lunney & Oliphant 2008:148). Thus , an action was initiated against the police for awarding compensation under the HRA 1998 , basing on a failure by the police as they failed to save the life of a citizen under police’s positive obligation under art .2 of ECHR and got a favourable verdict at first instance. The police appealed to the Court of Appeal, and it was unsuccessful and then made an appeal to House of Lords where the Lords gave the verdict in favour of police. In â€Å"Hill v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire†, (Harpwood 106), the decision of Houses of Lords was footed on public policy, which functioned as a watertight guard in civil claims for the police which resulted in a disproportionate bar on the privileges of individuals. (Harpwood 106). House of Lords was of the opinion that there was no fundamental for inflicting duties on the police as it would interrupt with the freedom of action which police is required when dealing with a grave crime(Harpwood 106). However, in Hill case, Lord Keith was of the view that police may be tortuously responsible to an
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Question 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Question 1 - Essay Example The electrocution was caused by faulty wiring. Edward, also a guest at the party, thought it would be amusing to dance on the garage roof. As he could not reach the roof unaided, he decided to use a radiator under the window as a step. For some time, Alice had known that the radiator was loose. The radiator collapsed under Edward’s weight and he broke his leg in the fall. Question Advice Alice and Bert, who are both, being threatened with legal claims by Delia and Edward. A Glance at the Circumstance Based on the given situation, one could say that both, Bert (the landlord) and Alice (the tenant) had committed mistakes resulting to the injuries suffered by Delia and Edward. With regard to Bert, he was the one who hired Charlie’s Electrics which presumably did not fix well the broken light switch in Alice’s kitchen as Delia was electrocuted due to faulty wiring. Alice on the other hand, is somehow guilty of what happened to Edward. Edward actually suffered a broke n leg after he tried to go to the garage roof using the radiator under a window which Alice knew to be loose. If only Alice reported the loose radiator to Bert for him to fix it, the incident could have been avoided. As far as the circumstance is concerned, it seems that Bert and Alice have failed to perform their respective obligations as the owner and tenant of the place. Analysis According to Markesinis and Deakin (1999, p.69), the element of duty is associated to the following query: â€Å"does the law recognize liability in the cited situation?†The essence of this question is related to the duty attached to a landlord as far as the given situation is concerned. Under section 4 of the Defective Premises Act 1972, the landlord is obliged to maintain or repair the premises under tenancy. He or she owes a duty to take reasonable care in all circumstances to all persons who can be affected by the defects of the premises (Defective Premises Act 1972). This is to say then that Bert, as the owner of the first floor flat which Alice rented, has the obligation to make sure that nothing in the premises is defective that might cause any harm to any tenants. To take reasonable care would mean that Bert should have conducted an inspection in Alice’s area to check if there is something defective and to fix it immediately. Since Bert did not know about the loose radiator, it can be presumed that he did not exercise reasonable care to maintain the place. To note, it is not actually essential for the tenant to notify â€Å"the landlord of the want of repair†(Clements & Fairest, 1996, p.85). Nonetheless, Bert could not be made liable to Edward’s injury because the ultimate fault is attached to Alice. As the occupier of the place, Alice has the responsibility to take care of the premises. Taking care of the premises would mean that she should not do anything that could damage the property and if she does, she will be held liable to it. Section 1 of the Occupier’s Liability Act 1984 states that the occupier of a certain premises is obliged to take good care of the people who are in his or her premises especially if he or she knows of the possible danger his or her area might have. He or she has reasonable ground to believe that a person may go to the vicinity the danger and that the corresponding risk is one which necessitates some form of protection from the occupier. To note, Alice had known of the fact that
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Outside speech Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Outside speech - Assignment Example Second, it is the role of the human resource development section to improve on the quality of this employee through programs such as training and seminars to make them fit in the contemporary environment. Therefore, as emerging leaders of this great nation, we shall be in various leadership positions in the future. To make the workforce that one has go that extra mile to not only deliver to the given goals of the company, they need motivation. Motivation can be done through increased salaries, recognition of the best performing employees and promotions. On top of that, motivation without creating a good ethical culture in the business may not work well or deliver the desired results in the company. Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, as leaders in the future, let us uphold great ethical standards both while serving and out of the work place. As managers and human resource personnel, let us know that to make the given employees to work they not only need motivation but a good working environment that will make them own up the responsibilities that they are given.’ I gave the speech to students during an organized trade fair where the students were accorded the chance to interact and give their views on ways to improve organizational performance. The goal of the speech was to pin point the need of merging the knowledge in human resource management and human resource development to get a highly performing employee team. In the speech, I provided the audience with the approaches to both ideas since most people rarely understand the difference between the two and how they can be merged to increase the organizational performance. I made the speech in the following manner; - Since I had prepared to give this speech having explored various strengths and drawbacks while doing it, I did not suffer from anxiety. All the points that I was to address were coherently put
Monday, August 26, 2019
What is the benfit and how does it help us Research Paper - 1
What is the benfit and how does it help us - Research Paper Example A monitor is part of a computer that coordinates with the video card to ensure that images and texts are displayed on the screen. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is a computer brain that is mandated to perform the basic functions such as arithmetic, logical, output and input operation of the computer system. On the other hand, keyboard is a part of a computer that is mandated to enter data and communicate using the computer. Finally, the mouse ensures that objects on the screen are easy to point, click and move them. It is worth noting that these four main parts vary in reference to the type of computer that is being utilized at the time (Oram 16). Eason (28) articulates that this technology emerged in the 19th Century when two scholars came up with a first computer that was known as HP 200 A Audio Oscillator, which rapidly gained popularity from the engineers as a test equipment. As a result of the impact that it brought about in the engineering field, there grew an urge to advance it so that would serve them with more options on functionalism. In the general sense, much advancement was realized between 1943 and 1988 whereby a computer was capable of incorporating drive for an optical storage disk , a built in digital signal processor that would handle voice recognition and object- oriented languages that were meant to simplify programming. Currently, there are variety of computers in the market that have been used for various functions in Engineering and other fields. It is for undoubted reasons that the benefits of computers are numerous particularly now that the world is submerged in a computer age. Firstly, computers have ensured that human beings are in a position to gain a working knowledge of other sciences and applications. Apparently, the engineering field has received an
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Enviornmental Biotechnology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Enviornmental Biotechnology - Research Paper Example The contamination of drinking water by these compounds is a major concern, and has led to the development of water treatment strategies aimed at their removal. The EDCs have been implicated in disorders of the neuroendocrine system, specifically on the hypothalamic neurotransmitter system, size of specific hypothalamic region, and the numbers of cells expressing the estrogen receptor ÃŽ ² . Certain chemical groups can disrupt and mimic reproductive hormones of fish, resulting in feminisation and premature egg yolk production in fish. Aside from effects on the reproductive system, these disrupters of hormonal activity have also been related to the prevalence of obesity and lately, schizophrenia. Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) is a freshwater algal toxin that is produced certain cyanobacterial species. The strains producing CYN are widely distributed in different regions of the world. These are Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Umezakia natans and Aphanizomenon ovalisporum. Cylindrospermopsin is a tricyclic alkaloid with a tricyclic guanidine moiety combined with hydroxymethyluracil. It is considered a globally important freshwater algal toxin. The tolerable daily limit for cylindrospermin is 0.02 g/kg body weight/day (2) . Ingestion of CYN can result in liver and kidney damage with bloody diarrhea and urine (2). Several methods have been developed for the detection of CYN (3). CYN has has a maximum UV absorbance at 262 nm, and an easily identifiable peak. The first screening method for CYN used reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with photo diode array detection.Later HLPC-mass spectrometry with electrospray increased the detection limit to 200 ÃŽ ¼g L-1. With tandem mass spectrometry, 1 Â µg of CYB can be detected. The techniques used earlier were quite expensive and the development of polymerase chain reaction amplification systems were developed so with
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Organisational Structure, Boundaries and Space Essay
Organisational Structure, Boundaries and Space - Essay Example The boundaries between home and work are blurring. Today, workers want more flexibility and mobility as compared to the previous years. The increase in the Web 2.0 tools at the workplaces is contributing to the erosion of boundaries between social and work life. The technological developments, web presence and the social media are considered as the major factors contributing to the blurring boundaries between work and home. Adnerson argues that difficulty in managing work-home balance is increasing divorce rate because when couple experiences difficulties in managing their roles, they start confusion over changing gender roles which create problems between them. Actually individuals have different roles which they perform in the society. In the context of an organisation, the roles of individuals at workplace and home are of special interest. Edwards, R. J. and Rothbard (2002) argue that a dramatic increase has been seen in the research devoted to study the association between work a nd family life and a number of linking mechanisms have been also suggested to explain the nature of the relationship between work and family roles of an individual. Organisations have adopted various mechanisms to reconfigure the work and home roles, so that employees could be better able to achieve the balance. Boundaries between work and home have become significantly important because of the changing work patterns and organisational behaviour. Greenhaus and Singh have highlighted few major links which are usually parallel to work-home boundaries. These conflicts include conflict, accommodation, enrichment, compensation and segmentation. Work-family conflict is the incompatibility between the work roles and home roles and it may be because of the pressures from either of the domain. Work-family accommodation as defined by Lambert (1990, cited in Greenhaus and Singh, 2003) is the process through which people try to reduce their participation in one role to fulfil the demands of the other role. Work-family compensation as defined by Lambert (1990) and Zedeck (1992, cited in Greenhaus and Singh, 2003) is the attempt to seek satisfaction from one role by offsetting the dissatisfaction in other role. Another mechanism that links work and home is the work-family enrichment, in which roles of ind ividuals in one role support the role of individuals in the other role. Finally work-home segmentation separates the roles of individuals at work and home and it advocates that integrating the roles can create conflicts. Therefore, work and home roles are strongly linked with each other. Managing boundaries have become important for the companies because organisations seek to achieve maximum employee productivity and it is only possible of employees play their role more effectively and efficiently. All individuals have transitions in their roles of home, work and other places and the transitions are the boundary-crossing activities where one performs roles and enters and exists (Ashforth, Kreiner and Fugate, 2000). Ashforth, Kreiner and Fugate have considered these roles to be arrayed on a continuum which spans from high segmentation to high integration. Actually, Ashfort and his colleagues have argued that roles can be broadly categorised into two major groups. When the segmentatio n between roles is significant, the boundaries blur and the magnitude of change increases, thereby, making the boundary crossing more difficult. On the other hand, when the roles integration is significant, t
Literature Bachelor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Literature Bachelor - Essay Example This mutable reality is also linked to the famous "catch" of the title, which will be discussed later and shows the absurdity of the modern world. In Jazz, the improvisational form of the art is used to suggest how the past is changeable through the perspectives of the couple who are slowly falling out of love with one another. An event in their past, like a theme in jazz music, may be different upon each 'playing' or 'remembering'. In Catch 22 time is represented as a manipulative continuum in which what occurs depends upon the person seeing it. The very structure of the book seems to reflect the paranoid and near-to-insane characters who inhabit it. Thus the novel starts with ten chapters dealing with the present, before flashing back to the past of the events in the Siege of Bologna for a few chapters. The present appears once again before flashing backwards into the past. The final section of the book is set once again in the present, but with a more formal and linear narrative than the fragmentation what characterizes the other parts. Slipping backwards in time, the reader learns how the characters avoid the true horror of what occurred on the undefended Italian mountain village with the rape and murder of a completely innocent girl. The soldiers do not want to admit what has occurred and so they at first deny it or obscure it through the various bureaucratic absurdities of the military situation they face. The insanity within both their present and past world is best described by the various 'catches' that the soldiers must face, the most famous of which is the catch 22 of the title: There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle. (Heller, 1961) This kind of bizarre circular logic, which is obviously absurd and nonsensical, but is impossible to deny due to its own frame of reference. In the same way a person who tries to fully understand the past must be crazy, but if he is crazy he will then not have a genuine grasp of what happens. Again, a circular logic that wraps around itself and forbids any kind of rational in-roads into comprehension. The novel revolves around a kind of complex sense of dj vu that many of the characters express. Thus the chaplain has an "impression of a prior meeting was of some occasion far more momentous and occult that, of a significant encounter with Yossarian in some remote, submerged and perhaps even entirely spiritual epoch in which he had made the identical, foredooming admission that there was nothing, absolutely nothing, he could do to help him" (Heller, 1961). The use of the word "foredooming" is integral to this section. The past cannot be understood, but it is most readily available to the characters through the overwhelming sense of dj vu that many of them feel. The Chaplain is central to this questioning of history, and this is
Friday, August 23, 2019
ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY - Research Paper Example The proposed research will examine the use of assistive technology in elementary schools, seeking to establish the merits and demerits of such use. Through the research, policymakers, individuals, and the community as a whole will be empowered to make informed decisions on whether to use assistive technology. The expected findings are that the advantages of using assistive technology are more than the disadvantages, and the paper recommends the review of education policies and curriculum to enable more children with disabilities to use assistive devices in learning institutions. Introduction Assistive technology is any product, equipment, or technology that is adapted or specially designed to improve the function of an individual with disability. The use of such technology in the education sector has been on the increase in the recent past, particularly due to the regular advancements in technology experienced in the 21st century. Learners with disabilities are enabled to access curriculum material using the help of assistive technology in reading, hearing, and walking, and as such, their participation in learning is greatly enhanced. However, several barriers to the use of assistive technology in classroom settings have been identified over time, as well as challenges hampering the effectiveness of the technology in learning. These barriers include inadequate funding, lack of knowledge and skills to promote the use of assistive technology, and negative attitudes among learners with disabilities and caregivers towards the use of assistive equipment. Although challenges a nd limitations to widespread use of assistive technology among learners with disabilities abound, assistive technology has many benefits, both to individual users and to the community as a whole. It is therefore necessary to sensitize people on the advantages surrounding the use of assistive technology, and to make them aware of the disadvantages associated with such use, both in the short term and in the long term. Increasing community awareness on the advantages and disadvantages of assistive technology would enable policymakers, individuals, and the larger community to make informed decisions related to assistive technology. Statement of the problem Over time, there has been increasing use of assistive technology to enhance learning among people with disabilities. Studies related to this use have largely focused on the barriers, challenges, and limitations of the practice in the community, with very few examining the advantages and disadvantages of assistive technology. As such, there is need for research to be undertaken with the aim of establishing the merits and demerits of using assistive technology. This paper seeks to propose a study of the advantages and disadvantages of assistive technology, aimed at providing information to individuals, policymakers, and interested individuals in the community on the use of the technology. The study will enable people to make decisions on the use of assistive technology with accurate and reliable information on the advantages and disadvantages of such usage, and will provide both short term and long-term effects of assistive technology. In addition, the study will consider the impacts of assistive technology on the individual user, the caregivers, and the community in which this technology is used, thus providing exhaustive information on the advantages and disadvantages of the technology to all affected parties in the community. Literature review Stumbo, Martin, and Hedrick (2009) observe that assistive technol
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Womens Struggle for Equality Essay Example for Free
Womens Struggle for Equality Essay Both Mary Oliver and Lucille Clifton are feminist women who fight for gender equality. By reading their poems the fight for women to be considered equals to men is evident. Both poems â€Å"Singapore†and â€Å"wishes for sons†were written in 1990-1991. During this time period women were fighting for equal rights in the world. They wanted men to see them as their equal rather than lesser. In â€Å"Singapore†Oliver reveals how difficult a woman’s job can be. In â€Å"wishes for sons†Clifton shows her strong desire for men to experience the embarrassments and difficulties that women face every day. In the poem â€Å"Singapore†Oliver writes about a woman who walks into a public restroom and finds a lady knelt over a toilet cleaning it. â€Å"A woman knelt there, washing something in the white bowl†(Oliver, 1990, line 5). The lady is at first disgusted with what she sees, but then as the lady turns to face her she sees the beauty in her. She realizes that even though this lady has a very disgusting job she is still a human and deserves to be happy. Oliver is showing that despite life’s difficulties women can find the strength to be happy and live a great life. She wants the reader to know that women can have the most disgusting jobs and still be beautiful on the inside and outside â€Å"the light that can shine out of a life†(Oliver, 1990, line 35). In the poem â€Å"wishes for sons†Clifton writes about her strong desire for men to experience the difficulties and embarrassments that women face. Clifton expresses her anger about the way women are viewed as the lesser of the two genders. She wants men to experience what women have to face regularly. â€Å"I wish them cramps†¦I wish them a strange town†¦and the last tampon†(Clifton, 1991, lines 1-3). She wants men to experience these difficulties in an embarrassing manner. Clifton is writing about all the physical things that women have to face. She desperately wants men to see how difficult it is to be a woman. While it is impossible for a man to actually have to go through these things Clifton wants them to realize what women face and to treat them as equals. Mary Oliver’s poem â€Å"Singapore†alluded a lot to nature. â€Å"Rivers are pleasant, and of course trees†¦A waterfall, or if that’s not possible, a fountain rising and falling†(Oliver, 1990, line 10). The symbols of nature go hand in hand with women’s nature and beauty. Lucille Clifton’s poem â€Å"wishes for sons†was a more straightforward approach. She wrote about a woman’s menstrual cycle and how unpleasant it is. Both of these poems hit on the theme of gender equality. In both poems the authors write about a woman’s role in a man’s world, the nature of women, gender equality, and the relationships between a man and a woman. Both of these poems reveal the struggle that women faced when trying to win the battle of equality with men. They fought so hard to show men that they were equal. During this time period women had rights but not the same rights as men. Women were expected to stay at home and take care of the house. Since they were the ones cleaning at home the type of jobs they could get involved cleaning. Women were not happy with the way they were treated in this time period. Men were the ones who went out and worked in the business world.. These two poems showed the type of hardships that women face. From the type of jobs women were given to the physical things they had to deal with. All women wanted were to be treated as equals of men.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Developing a professional portfolio
Developing a professional portfolio A professional portfolio is one of the best ways for a professional to showcase their knowledge, skills and experience in their field. Educators will learn the value of a portfolio for job acquisition and career development as they work through the content and format of their own personal and professional portfolio. Developing a Professional Portfolio What is a Professional Portfolio? Organized collections of work compiled for a specific purpose related to the demonstration of ones learning, skills, and accomplishments. They contain purposefully organized documentation that clearly demonstrates specific knowledge, skills, dispositions and accomplishments achieved over time. The Process Involves 4 Steps Select personal or professional goal. Collect actual items and documents that could demonstrate what you are doing to reach your goal. Decide which items best illustrate your achievement of or progress toward the goal. Determine how to present the selected items. Purpose/Benefit of the Professional Portfolio First, the portfolio process helps students to reframe how they see themselves as learners. It encourages them to think about their learning, and the learning environment, in critical and meaningful ways to become mindful, intentional, self-directed learners. For many learners, the portfolio process reignites their intellectual curiosity, the same quality we admire and seek to foster in children. Second, the portfolio process provokes adult learners to look at education differently as integrative and ongoing reaching far beyond the confines of the classroom and continuing throughout life. We have heard so often from students over the years that they have felt that their college classes were irrelevant and had no connection to â€Å"real life.†Many have experienced higher education as a series of hoops one jumps through to get the â€Å"piece of paper.†On the contrary, students who have experienced the portfolio process report a high degree of connectedness between what they do in the college classroom and what they experience beyond the classroom door. The real-world nature of portfolio work bridges the theory-to-practice gap in ways that result in meaningful learning and change. Course content ceases to be the stuff one crams for a test and soon forgets. It comes to be owned by the learner, and therefore it becomes part of the fabric of ones professional life and development. Difference Between Personal Professional Portfolio> Retrieved on 17-May-2011 Contents of a Professional Portfolio Design and Develop a Format and Building Your Portfolio Step 1: Title Page Course Name Assignment Name Student Name/Community Step 2: Table of Contents Outlines the order of your Portfolio Introduction Personal Philosophy Current Resume References Reference Letter Collection of Work Professional Development Closing Remarks Step 3: Introduction of Self- characteristics, qualities, personal traits, values, beliefs Introduce your self. name, community and a little bit about yourself. Include characteristics, qualities, personal traits, values and beliefs you have that will support your position as an EA or ECE. Personal Qualities Skills Checklist Review this list of personal qualities and skills and check those that you believe you exhibit adaptable good natured artistic honest calm industrious confident patient considerate pleasant dependable practical discreet punctual energetic reasonable fair-minded reliable flexible responsible helpful self-confident attentive stable loyal accurate meticulous ambitious open-minded clear-thinking organized competitive persevering cooperative realistic curious resourceful eager thorough enthusiastic versatile intelligent active logical alert methodical assertive outgoing broad-minded precise competent purposeful conscientious productive creative steady determined tenacious efficient trustworthy enterprising understanding Transferable Skills Checklist Review this list of transferable skills and check all the skills that you think you have. adapt to situation advise people analyze data arrange function assemble product audit records budget money build buy products/service calculate numbers check for accuracy collect money communicate compare data construct buildings coordinate activities cope with deadline create delegate design detail do precision work draft drive edit establish estimate evaluate examine expedite explain file records find information fix/repair follow direction follow through gather information gather materials generate handle equipment help people illustrate implement improve inspect products install instruct invent investigate learn quickly listen locate information log information make decisions make policy manage a business meet the public move material obtain operate equipment order goods/supplies organize data own/operate business paint plan prepare material print process material produce promote record data reduce costs replace report information research restore retrieve information review schedule sell review service equipment set goals set-up equipment set-up system solve problems supervise support survey tend equipment test track train transfer translate troubleshoot type update information upgrade verify work quickly write procedures write proposals write reports Characteristics of a Good Educator Review this list of characteristics of a good educator and check those that you believe you exhibit Characteristics Behaviors, attitudes, abilities, skills Articulate Communicates so children and families understand Available Interacts responsively with children and families Caring Demonstrates compassion and empathy Committed Devoted to caring for children Creative Uses a variety of teaching strategies Fair Responds to each child equitable Flexible Demonstrates ability to adapt to situations Fun Has a sense of humor Individualizes Adapts program to individual childs needs and interests Knowledgeable Knows current teaching strategies and materials and matches them to childrens interests, needs and developmental levels Motivating Promotes active involvement; makes learning fun Open Sees things from others perspectives Organized Arranges environment, materials, time and curriculum plans Patient and pleasant Even tempered, uses effective voice tone and gestures Professional Conscientious about carrying out responsibilities; uses strategies to keep personal pressures from interfering Reflective Reflects upon performance and accepts constructive feedback Identify Who are the Team Members in Child Care and Education This is a Story about Four People A Fun Little Story About Four People Retrieved on 17-May-2011 What Is A Team? A team consists of a collection of people who interact with each other, usually face to face, over time in order to reach goals. A Child Care/Classroom Team Consists Of children staff parents administrators support services (The list varies depending on the needs of children, program, and members involved) Characteristics and Skills of Team Members Building Cohesiveness Cohesiveness is what takes place that causes members to feel apart of a team and make them want to remain on that team. Highly cohesive team members spend more time interacting, and there are more expressions of positive feelings for one another as well as report more satisfaction with the team and its work. Cohesive teams have greater control over the behavior of other members. Highly cohesive teams have the potential to be productive. The goal of the team is to boost cohesiveness in a way that also helps get the job done. There are eight factors that can enhance cohesion in a professional team. Shared or Compatible Goals: People draw closer when they share a similar aim or when their goals can be mutually satisfied. Progress Toward These Goals: While a team is making progress, members feel highly cohesive: when progress stops, cohesiveness decreases. Shared Norms and Values: Although successful teams will tolerate and even thrive on some differences in members attitudes and behavior, wide variation in the teams definition of what actions or beliefs are proper will reduce cohesiveness. ack of Perceived Threat Between Members: Cohesive team members see no threat to their status, dignity, and material or emotional well-being. Often competition arises with teams, and as a result members feel threatened. Interdependence of Members: Teams become cohesive when their needs can be satisfied only with the help of other members. Threats from Outside the Team: When members perceive a threat to the teams existence or image (teams have self-concepts, just as individuals do), they grow closer together. Mutual Perceived Attractiveness and Friendship: Teams often become close simply because members like each other. Shared Team Experiences: When members have been through some unusual or trying experiences, they draw together. Nature of Conflict Conflict -Conflict is an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from other party in achieving their goals. -Conflict can only exist if both parties are aware of the disagreement. -Conflict is natural. So are the associated feelings. -Hurt, Anger, Frustration, etc. can make conflict intense -Every relationship of any depth has conflict -No matter how close, how understanding, how compatible you are with each other your ideas, actions, and needs wont always match. Example of Conflict Conflict: Neighbors Music Keeps You Awake All Night Incompatible Goals: Neighbor wants to enjoy to loud music at night and you want get a good night sleep. Scarce Resources: Your neighbor or you will loose out. Interference From Other Party In Achieving Their Goals: Does the neighbor achieve their goal of enjoying loud music at night and you loose sleep? Or will you achieve your goal of a good night sleep and the neighbor does not get to achieve their goal of listening to loud music at night? Impossible to Avoid Conflict Since it is impossible to avoid conflicts, the challenge is to develop effective communication and constructive conflict resolution skills. listening carefully empathy relating to the other persons side effective communication Remember. ..conflict can actually keep good relationships strong and may help to clear the air. Personal Conflict Styles Nonassertive Behavior inability or unwillingness to express thoughts or feelings of conflict Direct Aggression communicator expresses a criticism or demand face to face that threatens the person at whom it is directed Passive Aggression the communicator expresses hostility in an obscure way Indirect Communication conveys a message in a roundabout manner Assertion a message expresses the speakers needs, thoughts, and feelings clearly and directly without judging or dictating to others Conflict Style Approach to Others Decision Making Self-Sufficiency Behavior in Problem Situations Response of Others Success Pattern Non Assertive Im not OK; youre OK Let others choose Low Flees; gives in Disrespect, guilt, anger, frustration Succeeds by luck or charity of others Directly Aggressive Im OK, youre not OK Choose for others. They know it. High or Low Outright attack Hurt, defensiveness, humiliation Feels compelled to beat out others Passive Aggressive Im OK, youre not OK. (But Ill let you think you are.) Chooses for others. They dont know it. Looks high, but usually low Concealed Attack Confusion, frustration, feelings of manipulation Wins by manipulation Indirect Im OK, your not OK or Im not OK, your re Ok. Chooses for others. They dont know it. High or low Strategic Unknowing compliance or resistance Unwitting compliance of others Assertive Im Ok youre OK Chooses for self. Usually high Direct Confrontation Mutual Respect Attempts win-win solutions Which Style is Best? You may say assertive communication is superior because it allows you to express yourself honestly, and seems to have the greatest chance of success but it is an oversimplification to say that any one style is best. Factors it Depends on: The Situation The Receiver Your Goals Assertion in Conflict Resolution (Also know as the clear message format..I statements) A complete assertive message has five parts: Behavioral Description describing an event without interpreting it. Interpretation attaching meaning to the behavior. Feeing clarifying the impact. How do you feel about this angry frustrated confused? Consequence explaining the result Intention communicating where you stand; or, request of others; or, description of how you plan to act in the future. Methods of Conflict Resolution Strategies Method of Conflict Resolution Description Win-Lose Problem Solving one party gets what he/she wants typical of an either-or situation power is the distinguishing characteristic Lose-Lose Problem Solving neither side is satisfied Compromise Problem Solving gives both parties some of what they wanted, and both make sacrifices success depends on the satisfaction of the parties Win-Win Problem Solving goal is to find a solution that satisfies everyone involved Although a win-win approach sounds ideal, it is not always possible, or even appropriate. Choosing the Most Appropriate Method of Conflict Resolution Consider deferring to the other person When you discover you are wrong When the issue is more important to the other person that it is to you To let others learn by making their own mistakes When the long-term cost of winning may not be worth the short-term gains Consider Compromise When there is not enough time to seek a win-win outcome When the issue is not important enough to negotiate at length When the other person is not willing to seek a win-win outcome Consider Competing When the issue is important and the other person will take advantage of your noncompetitive approach Consider Cooperating When the issue is too important for a compromise When a long-term relationship between you and the other person is important When the other person is willing to cooperate Win-Win Communication Skills and Steps Win-Win process is difficult!! people feel the need to compete emotional reflexes prevent constructive solutions require both partys cooperation Step 1 Identify your Problem and Unmet Needs realize that the problem is yours you are the one dissatisfied! what are your unmet needs? clearly describe each without judgment or evaluation (to yourself) Step 2 Make a Date recognize that immediately may not be the best time find a mutually convenient time Step 3 Describe your Pr
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Localized Value Proposition Analysis for Toyota
Localized Value Proposition Analysis for Toyota Introduction Toyota motor company, who started a comprehensive partnership with FAW (First Auto Works) in 2002, has achieved great success in China, the market share expanding from 2.4% in 2003 to 7.3% in 2004 (data from JACCPCM, Joint Advisory Committee of China Passenger Car Market). The key concept of Toyotas successful strategy in China is localization to generate localized value proposition for consumers, which is different from Toyotas global policy. Localization is the key concept of a multi-national corporations strategy to enter a new country, which is an important method to establish it. Therefore, how to generate a localized strategy is a priority for these corporations. This essay will define localization which may lead the corporations to success in a new country, then identify the three elements of localization strategy: product strategy, marketing strategy and management strategy, furthermore assess the risks that localized strategy bring out. The core concept of localization is l ocal manufacturing and local sales. When a multi-national corporation enters a country, the primary question is what kind of products they can offer to the local consumers, and whether they will be accepted. Since different countries have different needs, the products can be adjusted according to the local consumers taste. The following question is how to sell products to local consumers. As the business environment and issues vary from one country to another, the firms marketing mix may have to undergo significant adaptation and adjustment. Effective marketing in this environment will boost the companys volume sale because of reflecting of local culture in positive way. Product strategy is for developing and supplying locally customized products, which is the foundation of the localization strategy, including three following aspects. First of all, products must be manufactured locally, because manufacturing operations in local can take advantage of resources, such as raw materials and human resource; and make the price of product competitive avoiding import taxes or trade barriers. In addition, the company can obtain the support of local government for the contribution to local economies and industrial development, which is also beneficial for local selling. Secondly, more localized exterior and interior design should be adapted to fit consumers taste. One product is popular in one country, which cannot guarantee that it will be also successful in other countries. Consequently, the company must be aware of the local consumers preference and taste, and wide coverage of product for diversified consumers needs. For example, Coca-Cola sells new flavours specifically for Europe: its Turkish division marketed a pear-flavoured drink, while the German division sold a berry-flavoured Fanta (Onkvisit Shaw, 2004), which are varied according to different customers tastes. Furthermore, the product should fit for the local culture and traditional. The example of the marke ting of fire insurance in different countries can illustrate this reason. For American consumers, it is sensible and practical to purchase fire insurance. However, in Brazil, where people belief that fire insurance may encourage fire accidents, it is difficult to encourage Brazilian consumers to purchase insurance (Onkvisit Shaw, 2004). Last but not least, purchasing from local suppliers is also a crucial issue for product strategy, which influences the product quality and long term profitability. Suppliers as business partners should be strict selected and sometimes long term patience should be had for improvement of local suppliers to meet corporations requirements. Strategy A successful localized strategy emphasizes not only on product but also on adapted brands and packages to meet the particular preferences and needs of customers. That is, in order to increase selling locally, an efficient marketing strategy is needed, which include advertising, personal selling, and sales promotion. As a new brand enters a market, more intensive marketing is necessary to increase brand recognition and perception which will attract consumers. More specifically, advertising on mass media is an efficient method to increase the brand recognition. Another important factor of marketing strategy is personal selling in which a company can invest. Since satisfaction during the buying process and quality of after services are becoming crucial for companys reputation, the capability of sales rep, professionalism and honest quotation for instance, will influence the branding and sales. Finally, sales promotion contains those promotional activities other than personal selling and advertising, such as coupons, discounting, demonstration and samples, which can push the local consumers to accept new products rapidly. Furthermore, the design of promotional activities should be based on local consumers consuming behaviour which is determined by local culture. For instance, Suspicion and privacy in some countries can limit the effectiveness of promotional activities, such as door-to-door selling and other direct selling methods. The awareness to local culture can make a firm more customer oriented, and the marketing strategy will be developed more likely flexible and efficient. A company can use localized management to conquer keen competition across regions with local OEM (original equipment manufacturer), especially in risk management, decision making structure and human recourse. Firstly, to avoid risk of uncertainty, a company should conduct flexible manufacturing facilities and management. For example, Toyota in China limited the level of mechanism and hired more workforces to keep flexibility, by which Toyota can avoid the investment risk at the early stage. Secondly, decision making structure in local companies is a significant issue of management, which may be delegated to enable quick decision making for local company. Since the keen competitive environment of local regions, the market changes rapidly, the headquarters may not respond timely. As a result, the company may lose its competitive edge or opportunities. Another aspect is human resource management, which is a critical part of management strategy. The company may invest in local human resource education and retaining workforce, which will enhance the capabilities of local workers. Meanwhile, although the managerial level of local staff could be intended to improve, company should still have a certain number of domestic staff, who will keep their core strategy in place. System A systemically localization strategy may help an international corporation enter a new country successfully. However, localized strategy may also bring some risks. A firm should be respect and accept local culture; nevertheless, a firm follow the local tradition blindly may lose some market opportunities, while a firm can also create a new business different from local culture. For example, Kelloggs, who sold dry cereal in South America and Asia, successes in establishing the new eating habits which is different from local tradition, and Kelloggs expanded its business network abroad(Onkvisit Shaw, 2004). On the other hand, in some special industries, especially luxury goods, localized strategy should be cautioned. When a firms brand concept clash with localization concept, it is necessary for the firm to make a choice or balance between them. Louis Vuitton for instance, would not be marketed as a local product in China. But at most situation, that choice is difficult to decide becau se of the following risk. At first, localization strategy can make the local consumer accept the product quickly at the price of damaging the brand image. Moreover, localization strategy implementation need long term preparation and vast investment, which furthermore increase the financial risk. Another risk a firm may face to in the localizations procedure is culture conflict in management. When a firm enter a new country, two different cultures may clash, which may engender low efficiency and internal contradiction, even bankrupt. For example, in a Japanese firm in Europe, the local employees have to face to a totally distinct management model. It is necessary for the firm to decade whether keep its core strategy in place or finding local methods to execute it. Conclusion In conclusion, localized value proposition generated by local optimization, which should integrate the product, marketing and management strategy in the local culture background. Product strategy is the foundation of localization for supplying customized products. The marketing strategy is the key of localization for selling and profiting. The management strategy is the way to conduct localization. Furthermore, to increase its efficiency and competitiveness while adding value to its products, a firm should respect and adapt to local culture. However, the opportunities always associate with the risk. Localization brings certain risks to companies. It is necessary for a firm to consider carefully about the factors of localization strategy.
Monday, August 19, 2019
black orpheus Essay -- essays research papers
          Love and Death in Black Orpheus      In fiction or reality being overly ambitious can cause one to yield to the evils of temptations. In Black Orpheus the myth fits into the story because it demonstrates the extremes an individual will endure to regain lost love, and relive the past. In the movie Orpheus and Eurydice both experience a case of â€Å"love at first at first sight†. They barely know each other but feel that because of Greek Mythology they were destined to love each other. When Orpheus asked Eurydice her name, and she responded he said that he knew he loved her. Another factor of love is displayed when Orpheus leaves Mira his fiancà © for Eurydice, someone who he barely knew.      In the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, Orpheus and Eurydice become married; however these two gain unconditional love for each other like in the movie. Orpheus loves Eurydice with all his heart, and would do anything to savage their relationship. Orpheus feels as if nothing could harm them, not even death. In Black Orpheus the two of them also conquer jealousy from the town’s people. Many people didn’t encourage the love these two had built and basically wanted the love affair between them two to end.      In the movie Orpheus tried to protect Eurydice from anything he felt would harm her, including his fiancà © Mira, who evidentially hated her. Mira tried on numerous occasions to harm Eurydice, but Orpheus would always be their as a form of protection. Orpheus also tries to protect Eurydice from the skeleton man who symbolized â€Å"death†. Orpheus goes beyond the call of duty to comfort Eurydice because she was very frightened by his appearance. Orpheus followed Eurydice around when she became startled.      When the skeleton man finally succeeds at harming Eurydice Orpheus tries to save her by running to her rescue. However the only thing that was saved was his feelings for Eurydice and his memory. Death is represented when Orpheus electrocutes Eurydice on the cables. In the myth Orpheus tries to come to her aid several times because of the unconditional love he had for her. Once again, like in the movie â€Å"death†comes for Eurydice again. Unlike the movie, she was killed by snake bites which lead to the end of her. .. ...ause him to walk off the cliff with Eurydice in his arms, and he dies. In the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice Orpheus encounters death when the women tried to kill him by throwing a javelin and some stones. These weapons did not prevail against him because of the love he obtained for music. Death also became prominent in the myth when the women began to scream which drowned out his music and caused his death. Mainly because of Orpheus’s crave for love and his ambitious nature, he leads himself to death. When Orpheus dies, he and his long lost love are reunited once more. In the myth it is said now that they roam happy in the fields together now, sometimes he leading, sometimes she; Orpheus gazes as much as he will upon her, no longer incurring a penalty for a thoughtless glance. This Myth stresses the importance of love and moreover trusts. If Orpheus only trusted Eurydice from the start he would not have been put in that situation. This story and myth also demonstrates the extremes an individual will endure to regain lost love, and relive the past. In this World, happiness is the most important element through success. Happiness can be created through love and hard dedication.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay -- Social Responsibility Essays
Corporate social responsibility is becoming a key initiative and an essential tool in the growth of multinational corporations and the development of third world countries throughout the globe. The two concepts can work hand in hand to provide benefits for all; however difficulties in regulating and implementing corporate social responsibility need to be overcome before effective changes can be made. Definitions of corporate social responsibility can be somewhat varied depending on the perception and perspective an individual or group has towards the situation; the definition has also varied through time. In general terms, Manakkalathll & Rudolf (1995) define corporate social responsibility (CSR) as â€Å"the duty of organisations to conduct their business in a manner that respects the rights of individuals and promotes human welfare.†In contrast to this, Christian Aid (2004, as cited in Pendleton 2004) defines CSR as â€Å"an entirely voluntary, corporate driven initiative to promote self regulation as a substitute for regulation at either a national or international level.†Blowfield, 1995 indicates that through time, the definitions and explanations of CSR have become more positive, with increasing understanding of the benefits that can be obtained through successful implementation by organisations. Pendleton (2004) suggests that the first CSR initiatives were a response to public pressure and media exposes of poor company behaviour. The aim of CSR was to show these people that companies were capable of cleaning up their act. Pendleton (2004) suggests that â€Å"contemporary CSR was christened by Shell in it’s response to it’s annus horribilis of 1995.†Monshipouri, Welch & Kennedy (2003) also outline this issue as a key turni... ...e real face of corporate social responsibility, Consumer Policy Review, vol.14, no.3, pp.77-82 Rodriguez, P., Siegel, D.S., Hillman, A. & Eden, L. (2006). Three lenses on multi-national enterprise: politics, corruption & corporate social responsibility. Journal of International Business Studies, vol.37, pp.733-746 Sachs, S., Maurer, M., Ruhli, E. & Hoffman, R (2006), Corporate social responsibility from a â€Å"stakeholder view†perspective: CSR implementation by a Swiss mobile telecommunication provider. Corporate Governence, vol. 6, no.4, pp.506-515 Waldman, D.A., Siegel, D.S. & Javidan, M. (2006). Components of CEO transformational leadership and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Management Studies, vol.43, no.8, pp.1703-1725 The Body Shop Values Report 2007. Viewed 10/09/07
Internet Business Essay -- Business Analysis E-commerce
Internet Business Executive Summary: Over the thousands of years that people have engaged in commerce with other, it has adopted the tools and technologies that became available. The combined influence of continuing sales growth and rising operating costs has caused the company to consider whether it could move the entire sales operation onto the Internet. In comprehending the potential impact of the Internet on the world economy, one should recognize that the technology has the ability to cut costs, increase competition and improve the functioning of price mechanisms in many markets. Electronic commerce is one of the way can complete all the said as above.  ¡Ã‚ §Electronic commerce mentions the use of electronic data transmission to implement or enhance business processes. ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Biggs,1998) Electronic Business connects small to medium-sized businesses to the Internet, electronic commerce, and global trade. No matter for any sized business, there also needs to provide all data files corrupt out of company. Advertising & Promotion  ¡Ã‚ §Promotion is a process whereby information about the organization ¡Ã‚ ¦s product or service is encoded into a promotional message for ... ...cashier or has any mistake during the transaction. Also, Logistics division has to handles customer service problems when the products are not delivered and it needs to keep track with. Even though the automatic tacking system is popular for electronic business, however sometimes provide a hotline for customers and have real person answer the question can let the customers feel much more comfortable then using a system. Reference Ray,M.L. ;,Advertising and communications management; Prentice Hall; Salle River, NJ; 1982 Radall,L; Average E-Commerce Web site costs US$1 Million;Computing Canada,2(24),1999 Harbrecht, Douglas;  ¡Ã‚ §Jeff Bezos: Amazon is something Genuinely new ¡Ã‚ ¨,2002 Biggs,M.; E Commerce Is Hot Today,but E Business is the gift that keeps on giving all year long; Info World, 1998 Internet Business Essay -- Business Analysis E-commerce Internet Business Executive Summary: Over the thousands of years that people have engaged in commerce with other, it has adopted the tools and technologies that became available. The combined influence of continuing sales growth and rising operating costs has caused the company to consider whether it could move the entire sales operation onto the Internet. In comprehending the potential impact of the Internet on the world economy, one should recognize that the technology has the ability to cut costs, increase competition and improve the functioning of price mechanisms in many markets. Electronic commerce is one of the way can complete all the said as above.  ¡Ã‚ §Electronic commerce mentions the use of electronic data transmission to implement or enhance business processes. ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Biggs,1998) Electronic Business connects small to medium-sized businesses to the Internet, electronic commerce, and global trade. No matter for any sized business, there also needs to provide all data files corrupt out of company. Advertising & Promotion  ¡Ã‚ §Promotion is a process whereby information about the organization ¡Ã‚ ¦s product or service is encoded into a promotional message for ... ...cashier or has any mistake during the transaction. Also, Logistics division has to handles customer service problems when the products are not delivered and it needs to keep track with. Even though the automatic tacking system is popular for electronic business, however sometimes provide a hotline for customers and have real person answer the question can let the customers feel much more comfortable then using a system. Reference Ray,M.L. ;,Advertising and communications management; Prentice Hall; Salle River, NJ; 1982 Radall,L; Average E-Commerce Web site costs US$1 Million;Computing Canada,2(24),1999 Harbrecht, Douglas;  ¡Ã‚ §Jeff Bezos: Amazon is something Genuinely new ¡Ã‚ ¨,2002 Biggs,M.; E Commerce Is Hot Today,but E Business is the gift that keeps on giving all year long; Info World, 1998
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Nature-Nurture Debate Essay
Introduction In this report I will examine and explain effective communication by looking at the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care context, theories of communication, methods of communication (verbal, non-verbal and written communication), communication cycle, what is effective communication, formal and informal communication, differences between language and culture. Communication between people enables us to exchange ideas and information, but it involves much more than simply passing on information to others. Communication helps people to feel safe, to form relationships and develop self-esteem. Poor communication can make an individual feel vulnerable, inferior and emotionally threatened. Effective communication helps us understand a person or situation, enables us to resolve differences, build trust and respect and create an warm environment. The effective communication helps us improving communication skills in everyday live, business, relationships, but also in health and social care context. Learning and understanding the effective communication skills the people can better connect with the family members, friends, co-workers (by improving teamwork), people looked after in care homes. What is effective communication Effective communication combines a set of skills including verbal and non-verbal communication, attentive listening, the ability to manage stress, the capacity to recognize and understand your own emotions and those of the person you are communicating with . Effective communication is about more than exchanging information. It requires also understanding the emotion behind the information. It enables us to communicate even negative or difficult messages without creating conflict or destroying trust. Effective communication-Methods of communication Verbal communication The basis of communication is the interaction between people. Verbal communication is the main way for people to communicate face to face. The components of the verbal communication are: sounds, words, speaking and language. Only people can put meaning into words; words alone have no meaning. As meaning is an assigned to words, language develops, which leads to the development of speaking. Over 3000 languages and major dialects are spoken in the world. The huge variety of languages creates difficulties between different languages, but even in one language there can be many problems in understanding. Speaking can be looked in two major areas: interpersonal and public speaking. To communicate effectively we must not simply clean up our language, but learn to relate to people. To be an effective communicator, one must speak in a manner that is not offending to the receiver. Listening Successful listening means not just understanding the words or the information being communicated, but also understanding how the speaker feels about what they are communicating. Effective listening can: -create an environment where everyone feels safe; -save time; -relieve negative emotions; -focus fully on the speaker, make the speaker feel heard and understood; -avoid interrupting; -show you interest. The communication cycle According to Michael Argyle(1972) skilled interpersonal interaction (social skills) involves a cycle in which you have to translate or â€Å"decode†what other people are communicating and constantly adapt you own behaviour in order to communicate effectively. Good communication involves the process of checking understanding, using reflective or active listening. The communication cycle supposes: -an idea occurs: you have an idea that you want to communicate; -message coded: you think through how you are going to say what you are thinking and you put your thoughts in to language or sign language; -message sent: you speak, or sign, or write, or send your message in some other way; -message received: the other person has to sense your message; -message decoded: the other person has to interpret or â€Å"decode†your message; -message understood: your ideas will be understood if all goes well. Non-verbal communication Non-verbal means â€Å"without words†, so non-verbal communication refers to the messages that we send without using words. We send these messages using our eyes, the tone of our voice, our facial expression, our hands and arms, the way we sit or stand. We can enhance effective communication by using open body language (arms uncrossed, standing with an open stance, maintaining eye contact with the person you are talking to). When we speak about non-verbal communication we actually mean: -posture; -the way we move; -facing other people; -gestures; -facial expression; -touch; -silence; -voice tone; -proximity; -reflective listening. As well as remembering what a person says, good listeners will make sure that their non-verbal behaviour shows interest. Skilled listening involves: -looking interested and communicating that you are ready to listen; -hearing what it is said to you; -remembering what was said to you, together with non-verbal messages; -checking your understanding with the person who was speaking to you. Written communication When people remember conversations they have had, they will probably miss out or change some details. Written statements are much more permanent and if they are accurate when they are written, they may be useful later on. Written records are essential for communicating formal information that needs to be reviewed at a future date. For the people who cannot see written scripts or who have limited vision there is a communication system known as Braille which uses raised marks that can be felt with the fingers and it’s based on the sense of touch. This system is now widely used for reading and writing by the people who cannot see written script. Theories of communication The verbal and non-verbal communication is not always straightforward. Effective communication involves a two-way process in which each person tries to understand the view point of the other person. According to Michael Argyle (1972) interpersonal communication is a skill that could be learned and developed. Skilled interpersonal communication, interaction(social skills) involve a cycle in which you have to translate or â€Å"decode†what people are communicating and constantly adapt your own behaviour in order to communicate effectively. The communication cycle involves a kind of code that has to be translated. The stages of communication cycle might be: 1. An idea occurs. 2. Message coded. 3. Message sent. 4. Message received. 5. Message decoded. 6. Message understood. Tuckman ‘s stages of group interaction Bruce Wayne Tuckman(1965) argued that communication in groups can be influenced by the degree to which people feel they belong together. Tuckman suggested that most groups go through a process involving four stages: 1. Forming refers to people meeting for the first time and sharing information. 2. Storming involves tension, struggle and arguments about the way the group may function. 3. Norming sees the group coming together and agreeing on their group values. 4. Performing means that the group will be an effectively performing group, once they have established common expectations and values. Formal and informal communication in health and social care Health and social care work often involves formal communication, which is understood by a wide range of people and shows respect for others. Usually care workers will adjust the way they speak, in order to communicate respect for different communities they address to, as the service users, visitors, colleagues. Formal communication is used in local authority social services and supposes proper English. It also shows respect for others (e.g.: if one went to a local authority social services reception desk, that person will expect to be greeted in a formal way like â€Å"Hello! How can I help you?†, and not informally, like â€Å"Hi! How’s it going?†In many situations such informal language could make people feel not being respected; so it is often risky to use informal language unless you are sure that people expect you to do so. The formal communication is also used in social care services with the manager and even between colleagues if they don’t know very well each other. Otherwise, when they know each other better, they will use informal language. Communication with people at work (between colleagues) is different, because care workers must communicate respect for each other. Colleagues, who do not show respect for each other, may fail to show respect for people who use care services. Colleagues have to develop trust in each other. It is important to demonstrate respect for confidentiality of conversation with colleagues. Care settings may have their own social expectations about the correct way to communicate thoughts and feelings. Communication between professional people and people using services involves the professionals being well aware of the need to translate technical language in to everyday language, when they work with people from other professions or people who use services. Professional people such as doctors or nurses often use their own specialised language, called jargon. It is important that people check that they are being understood correctly. Differences between language and culture Language There are many minority languages in the world. Some people grow up in multilingual communities, where they learn several languages from birth. Many people have grown up using only one language to think and communicate. People who learn a second language later in life find more difficult to express their thoughts and feelings in that language, and prefer to use their first language. Working with later languages can be difficult, as mental translation may be required. Different localities, ethnic groups, professions and work cultures have their own special words or phrases known as speech communities. Some people might feel threatened or excluded by that kind of language they encounter in these speech communities. The technical terminology used by care workers (called jargon) can also create barriers for people who are not a part of that speech community. When people who use services communicate with professionals there is always a risk of misunderstanding between people from different language communities, therefore the health and social care staff needs to check their understanding with the people communicating with them. Culture means the history, customs and ways of behaving that people learn as they grow up. People from different regions use different expressions. Also non-verbal signs may vary from culture to culture. In Europe and North America people often expect other people to look them in the eyes when talking. If a person looks down or away they think it is a sign of dishonesty, sadness or depression. On the other hand, in some other cultures (some black communities or Muslim communities) looking down or away when talking is a sign of respect. (E.g.: in social care settings a Hindu or Muslim person will not accept to be looked after by a person of the opposite sex). People from different geographical areas who use different words and pronounce words differently, they are often using a different dialect. Some social groups use slang (non standard words that are understood by other members of a social group or community, but which cannot be usually found in a dictionary). BTEC Level 3-Health and Social Care-Book 1-Beryl Stretch/Mary Whitehouse
Friday, August 16, 2019
Engineering Research Paper
Package Contents 1 Hardware Connection Wireless Router Cable/DSL Modem Quick Installation Guide 54Mbps Wireless Router TL-WR ss Router 54M Wirele 340G WLAN PWR SYS WAN 1 2 3 4 TL-WR340G/TL-WR340GD Power Adapter RJ45 Internet 3 2 54Mbps Wireless Router POWER 4 3 2 1 WAN RESET LAN LINE 1 Cable Line Cable MODEL NO. TL-WR340G/TL-WR340GD Ethernet Cable Resource CD QIG Step 1. System Requirement  · Windows 7 MODEL NO. Connect the WAN port on your Router to the Modem’s LAN port with an Ethernet cable. Connect your computer to any Port labeled 1~4 on the Router with an Ethernet cable.Plug the provided Power Adapter into the Power jack on the back of the Router and the other end to a standard electrical Wall socket, and power on the Modem. Step 2. Step 3.  · Windows XP  · Windows 2000  · Windows Vista TL-WR340G/TL-WR340GD 2 Connecting by Easy Setup Assistant The Easy Setup Assistant is not supported in Linux or Mac OS. If you are runing Linux /Mac or without CD-ROM, please refe r to Appendix 1. 1 Insert the TP-LINK Resource CD into the CD-ROM drive. 3 After con rming the hardware connection and the status of LEDs, click Next to continue. 5 Select the connection type your ISP provides and click Next.Here we take connection type PPPoE for example. 7 Create a unique or easy-to-remember name for your wireless network. You can also keep the default setting. Click Next to continue. 2 Here we take TL-WR340G for example. Select TL-WR340G and click Easy Setup Assistant. 4 After the connectivity has been checked successfully, please click Next to continue. 6 Enter the User Name and Password provided by your ISP and then click Next. 8 You are recommended to select Most Security (WPA2-PSK) to secure your wireless network. Enter a key of 8~63 characters and click Next. (Turn over) 106503567 2 Connecting by Easy Setup Assistant 9 NEXT to continue. (continued) Appendix 1: Connecting by WEB Management Interface Router. 1) Set the IP address of your wired network adapter a s Automatically. For Windows 7 Go to ‘Start > Control Panel’. Click ‘View network status and tasks > Local Area Connection > Properties’ and double-click ‘Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)’. Select ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’, choose ‘Obtain DNS server address automatically’ and click ‘OK’. For Windows Vista Go to ‘Start > Settings > Control Panel’.Click ‘View network status and tasks > View status > Properties’ and double-click ‘Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP /IPv4)’. Select ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’, choose ‘Obtain DNS server address automatically’ and click ‘OK’. For Windows XP/2000 Go to ‘Start > Control Panel’. Click ‘Network and Internet Connections > Network Connections’. Right-click ‘Local Area Connection’, select ‘Properties’ and then double-c lick ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)’. Select ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’, choose ‘Obtain DNS server address automatically’ and click ‘OK’. ) Click Finish or Reboot to make your settings take e ect. 2) Open your browser and type tplinklogin. net in the address eld. Then use admin for user name and password to login. 3) Go to Quick Setup and click Next. Select your Internet connection type and click Next. 11 Click FINISH to close the wizard. You can save these settings in a text le on your desktop. If you forget the Network Security Key, you can check the Router Settings. txt. You can click WEB management interface for more advanced settings. 4) Here we take PPPoE for example. Enter the User Name and Password provided by your ISP and then click Next. 0 12 click Next. The basic settings for your Router are completed. You can go to http://www. tp-link. com to verify the Internet connection. 5) Con gure your network name (SSID) an d password. and then click Next to continue. Appendix 2: Troubleshooting How do I restore my Router’s con guration to its factory default settings? With the Router powered on, press and hold the RESET button on the rear panel for 8 to 10 seconds using a pin before releasing it. Technical Support What can I do if I cannot access the Internet? 1) Check to see if all the connectors are connected well, including the elephone line (for your modem), Ethernet cables and power adapter. Check to see if you can access the Router’s web management page. If you can, please follow the following steps to solve the problem. If you can’t, please refer to Appendix 1. Make sure that you are connected to the TP-LINK Router with the computer that was originally connected to your modem, then log on to the web-based management page and browse to ‘Network > MAC Clone‘, click ‘Clone MAC address‘ and then click ‘Save‘. Reboot the Router and try to acce ss the Internet from your computer, if the problem persists, please go to the next step.What can I do if I forgot my password? 1) Restore the Router’s con guration to its factory default settings. If you don’t konw how to do that, please refer to How do I restore my Router’s con guration to its factory default settings? Use the default user name and password: admin, admin. Try to con gure your router once again by following the instructions in the previous steps of the QIG. For more troubleshooting help, go to www. tp-link. com/support/faq. asp To download the latest Firmware, Driver, Utility and User Guide, go to www. tp-link. com/support/download. sp For all other technical support, please contact us by using the following details: Global Tel: +86 755 26504400 E-mail : [email protected] com Service time: 24hrs, 7days a week Singapore Tel: +65 62840493 E-mail: support. [email protected] com Service time: 24hrs, 7days a week UK Tel: +44 (0) 845 147 0017 E- mail: support. [email protected] com Service time: 24hrs, 7days a week USA/Canada Toll Free: +1 866 225 8139 E-mail: support. [email protected] com Service time: 24hrs,7days a week Germany / Austria Australia & New Zealand Tel: AU 1300 87 5465 NZ 0800 87 5465 E-mail: [email protected] com. u Service time: 24hrs, 7 days a week Malaysia Tel: 1300 88 875465 (1300 88TPLINK) E-mail: support. [email protected] com Service time: 24 hrs a day, 7days a week Turkey Tel: 444 19 25 Turkish Service E-mail: support. [email protected] com Service time: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, 7days a week Italy Tel: +39 02 66987799 E-mail: support. [email protected] com Service time: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, from Monday to Friday Switzerland Tel: +41 (0)848 800998 (German service) E-mail: support. [email protected] com Fee: 4-8 Rp/min, depending on Service time: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. GMT+1 or GMT+2 (DaylightSaving Time) 2) 2) 3) 3) You can refer to our User Guide on the CD to set up more functions of the Router. Tel :+49 1805 875465 (German Service) / +49 1805 TPLINK E-mail: support. [email protected] com Fee: 0. 14 EUR/min from the German 0. 42 EUR/min from mobile phone. Service Time: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. GMT+1 or GMT+2 (Daylight Saving Time in Germany) * Except bank holidays in Hesse POWER 4 POWER 3 4 2 3 1 2 1 WAN WAN RESET RESET 4) Please feel free to contact our Technical Support if the problem persists. TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO. , LTD. www. tp-link. com Engineering Research Paper Thesis Statement After exploring the field of engineering, it will be determined whether mechanical or genetic is better. Outline I. Introduction A. Intro of two careers II. Mechanical Engineering A. Description of career B. History C. The Job 1. Types of Jobs 2. Work Environment 3. Salary D. Education III. Genetic Engineering A. Description of career B. History C. Potential risks and dangers IV. Conclusion Introduction In the modern times of today, the world revolves around technology. With astonishing breakthroughs in science and technology every single day, the world is always changing, always adapting to the next big thing.To be more specific, the world revolves around engineering, genetic and mechanical. There are medicinal breakthroughs in genetic engineering all the time, cures for diseases, much needed vaccinations for new viruses, genetically improving plants for better produce, and overall improving different organisms so they will be better suited for life. On the other ha nd, in mechanical engineering, breakthroughs happen more often: better fuel efficient cars and cars that don’t run on gas at all, faster processing computers, new smart phones, and so many other gadgets that make life so much easier.Both of these fields are very important to society. The world literally wouldn’t be anywhere close to being the same without one or both of these fields, but which one is better? They each have equal importance in the world, but which is a better field to go into? Which field is easier to get into? Which will provide better benefits for its employees and for the world as a whole? After vigorous research the answer will be known. Mechanical Engineering: Description of career Mechanical engineers plan and design tools, engines, machines, and other mechanical systems that produce, transmit, or use power.These designs range from gasoline engines to rockets to kitchen food mixers. Their work varies by industry, employers, and function. They may work in design, instrumentation, testing, robotics, which is whole different field, transportation, or bioengineering (Careers in Focus, pg. 83). Mechanical engineering is the broadest of all engineering disciplines and fields; it extends across many interdependent specialties. Mechanical engineers may work in productions operations, maintenance, or technical sales and finance. There also many engineering administrators or managers (Engineering Careers, pg. 5). There are approximately 221,000 mechanical engineers employed in the United States (buzzle. com). Mechanical Engineering: History The earliest people who might have been called mechanical engineers were the ones who built things, large or small, safely and efficiently. Mechanical engineering has existed for thousands of years. Although on a simpler scale, pyramid building in ancient Egypt, for example, required extensive knowledge of engineering principles, large blocks of two and even three ton stone were transported and pos itioned perfectly to make the pyramids the world knows today (Mech.Eng. New Book of Knowledge pg. 224). The Ancient Greeks and Romans were also great builders, and also very influential on western civilizations architectural style. Unlike the Egyptians, they developed and made use of elaborate mechanical devices, like water pumps and power generating treadmills that were used for lifting and moving heavy objects. The Greeks even invented a steam engine, but back then they viewed it as a toy and not useful (Careers in Focus pg. 84). The term engineer was coined in the 14th century. It applied only to those who designed equipment for war.Their achievements were so important that the strength of a country’s military became heavily dependent on their inventions. Engineers who worked on civilian projects became simply known as civil engineers. Later, engineers who worked on machinery and generating power were called mechanical engineers (Engineering Careers pg. 98). The modern fie ld of mechanical engineering sprouted during the Renaissance. During this time engineers focused their energies on developing more efficient ways of doing ordinary tasks like pumping water. Water wheels and windmills were common energy producers (buzzle. om). Leonardo da Vinci was a true innovative engineer. He tried and nearly succeeded in creating a helicopter, submarine, and his famous flying machine. One of the most significant inventions of the Renaissance was the clock (Encyclopedia of Careers pg. 221). Despite these developments, it wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution that modern day mechanical engineering came to life. The steam engine was introduced in 1712 by Thomas Newcomen. Over half a century later, James Watt modified the steam engine to be power large industrial machines.In 1876 Nicolaus Otto developed the internal combustion engine which became one of the most significant and important inventions of the century. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers was formed by 1880 (Careers in Focus pg. 85). Mechanical engineering expanded rapidly in the 20th century. Mass production systems allowed large quantities of standardized goods to be made at a low cost, and mechanical engineers played a large role in the design of these systems. In the second half of the 20th century computers came into play heavily.Mechanical engineers now design mechanical systems on the computer, and they are used to test, monitor, and analyze mechanical systems and factory production, a trend that is evident during modern times (Goodwin, Peter pg. 51). Mechanical Engineering: The Job On average a mechanical engineer makes anywhere from $48,426 to $100,000+, and they deserve every penny of it. The work of a mechanical engineer begins with research and development. Depending on what company you work for, you could be asked to develop a more fuel efficient car engine or many other things.Then research is done to further knowledge in whatever you’re trying t o build before you actually design it (buzzle. com). Information gained from research is then taking to be analyzed and used to make a commercially useful product. The engineer would be responsible for specifying every single detail of the machine or mechanical system. Since the late 1900’s, mechanical engineers have increasingly used computers in the design process. After the product has been designed and a prototype has been developed, the product is analyzed by engineers.Design and testing engineers continue to work together until the product meets the necessary criteria (Careers in Focus pg. 85). Once the final design is set, it is the job of the engineer to come up with most time and cost efficient way of making the product without sacrificing quality. The amount of factory floor space, the type of manufacturing equipment and machinery, and the cost of labor and materials has to be considered. Engineers select the necessary equipment and machines and oversee their arrang ement and safe operation. Other engineer specialists, like chemical, electrical, and industrial engineers may help (Mech.Engineering New Book of Knowledge pg. 226). Mechanical engineers also work in marketing, sales, and administration. In a small company an engineer may need to perform most if not all of the above tasks on their own. The working conditions of mechanical engineers vary. Most work indoors in offices, research laboratories, or production departments of factories and shops (Careers in Focus pg. 89). Depending on the job, an engineer may spend a significant amount of time on a noisy factory floor, at a construction sight, or at another field operation.Mechanical engineers originally designed systems on drafting boards and making the traditional blueprints, but since the introductions of sophisticated software programs, design is more and more done on computers (Goodwin, Peter pg. 55). For the most part, engineering is a cooperative effort. An engineer may have specific duties and require independent work; each project is usually the job of an entire engineering team, a team that can include other engineers, engineering technicians, and engineering technologist (Mech.Engineering New Book of Knowledge pg. 228). Mechanical engineers generally have a standard 40 hour workweek. However their work hours heavily depend on the deadlines for projects. They may work long hours to make a deadline, or show up for second and third shifts to check production at a factory or a construction project (Engineering Careers pg. 101). Mechanical engineering can be a very satisfying occupation. Engineers often get the pleasure of seeing their designs or modifications built and operating.On the other hand it can be very frustrating when a project is stalled, full of errors, or even just abandoned. Mechanical Engineering: Education Before anyone can become a mechanical engineer, like any other career, they need an education. Starting high school, one must take courses in geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. Communication skills are important for mechanical engineers because they interact with a variety of co-workers and vendors and are often required to make and/or/ present reports, so English and speech classes are also helpful.Also because computers are now so important to engineering, computer science courses are also recommended (educationportal. com). A bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering is usually the minimum educational requirement for entering the field. A master’s degree or even a Ph. D. may be necessary for obtaining some positions, like those in research, teaching, and administration (educationportal. com). In the United States, there are more than 200 colleges and universities where engineering programs have been approved by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.Most of these institutions offer programs in mechanical engineering. Although it varies from school to school, most require a solid backg round in mathematics and science (Career in Focus pg. 87). In a four year undergraduate program, students start with studying calculus, physics, and chemistry. At some schools, a five or six year program combines classroom study with practical experience working for an engineering firm. Students usually end up working for the firm after college. A graduate degree is a prerequisite for becoming a university professor or researcher.It may also lead to a higher level job within an engineering department or firm (Encyclopedia of Careers pg. 223). Genetic Engineering: Description of Career Genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of an organism's genome, or DNA structure, using biotechnology. Genetic engineering alters the DNA of the chosen organism, by either altering the DNA directly or inserting a different DNA strand inserted that was made outside the host. If genetic material from another species is added to the host, the resulting organism is called transgenic (Gen. Engineeri ng New Book of Knowledge pg. 2). Genetic engineers use their research and experiments to find cures for disease, breed better animals and plants, and to one day map the human genome which would then give us the knowledge of a potential disease free human race. Genetic Engineering: History Long before the principles of genetics were known people began to domesticate wild animals and plants and selected those that could be used for food or for doing work. This selective breeding was an early kind of genetic engineering, a deliberate effort to develop strains of organisms that would benefit human beings.There is even a bible story revolved around genetic engineering in which Jacob strategically mated his black sheep with his employer Labans white sheep, creating spotted and streaked sheep (Gen. Engineering New Book of Knowledge pg. 82). In time, many new strains of plants and animals were developed. Among these were new strains of cattle, horses, dogs, cats, wheat, rice, and corn. An e xample would be the different kinds of horses, a sleek fast racehorse and strong larger workhorses. Breeding animals this way became very popular and useful to the US (Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance pg. 51). During the 1900’s, genetic engineering became a much more accurate science and study. Scientist learned to breed pure strains of plants and animals. These purebred strains are genetically constant. This means that all of the offspring will be exactly like their parents for every generation. The purebred strains did not always show desirable qualities. But when different purebreds were mated with one another, some of the offspring showed more desirable qualities and unusual vigor. The offspring produced are called hybrids.They have genes from two or more different strains (Dhillon, Sukhraj pg. 34) At first, scientist depended on natural mutations to produce the kinds of genes that could be used in developing new strains, but nature took too long. Later the y learned to cause mutations by exposing organisms to radiation such as X-rays. Offspring who actually displayed useful mutations were developed into new valuable strains. Offspring that did not display useful mutations were kept for further testing, set free, or terminated depending on the mutation (McCuen, Gary pg. 30).Millions of lives have been saved by one product of genetic engineering that was developed in this way. In 1928 a Scottish scientist discovered that penicilium molds make a bacteria fighting substance know to us as penicillin. It was first used during World War II to treat infections in soldiers’ wounds. The molds however did not produce enough penicillin to meet the demand. In a lab, some strains of penicilium were X-rayed to cause mutations. In time, high-yielding strains of the mold were developed and large amounts of penicillin were produced (The Ethics of Genetic Engineering pg. 6). As scientist learned more about genetics, they learned how to remove, pu rify, and study the genes of simple organisms. Bacteria were of particular interest because of their ability to make enzymes that can cut through strands of DNA at specific places. With these enzymes, bacteria can attack viruses that invade their cells by cutting the DNA from the viruses into harmless fragments (Gen. Engineering New Book of Knowledge pg. 84). Genetic Engineering: Potential Risks and Dangers These enzymes also have made possible a dramatic new kind of genetic engineering called gene splicing.Gene splicing is actually portrayed accurately in fiction movies. The freakish monsters can actually be created. Using this method, scientist can take a gene from one organism and splice into another organism’s genetic material. Since the bases of DNA are the same for most organisms, pieces of DNA from quite different species can be spliced together to create incredible creatures. Almost any kind of plant or animal DNA can be inserted into the DNA of bacteria, and vice ver sa. Even synthetic DNA can be spliced into a cell’s genetic material. This is DNA made entirely in the laboratory (Career in Focus pg. 69).Some people believe that gene splicing could be used to create new kinds of dangerous new organisms, either accidently or on purpose. Government and private research organizations follow guidelines for gene splicing. Some kinds of experiments can be carried out only in laboratories that have special safety features. So far, gene splicing has not caused any out breaks of serious illnesses or environmental disasters, as critics feared. However, the possibility exists that gene splicing will not always work as planned. As a result, some people have called for stricter regulations of this technology (Levine, Harry pg. 52). Besides gene splicing, biological and biochemical warfare is the biggest threat of genetic engineering. Biological warfare is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi with intent to kill or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war. Diseases have been genetically engineered to kill its host and be completely immune to any vaccines. Although biological warfare was outlawed in 1972, the United States has biological defense and offense programs in case that level of war would ever be needed (McCuen, Gary pg. 119). ConclusionIn conclusion, mechanical and genetic engineering are both very important to society. Mechanical engineers are the backbone to society. Mechanical engineers design, build, and test new technology to help better the lives of humans. They not only give us new toys to play with, but advances in technology keep us safe with fast reacting systems for police, unbelievably accurate weather tracking systems to warn people of severe weather, and advancements in the United States military to keep the country the land of the free. While on the other hand genetic engineering has saved the human ace countless times. The scientific engineer s have developed vaccines and immunizations to all kinds of disease most people have never even heard of. Although they are both very important fields, mechanical engineering outweighs genetic engineering. As a career mechanical engineering provides better opportunities and is more enjoyable as a career. Although genetic engineering has important breakthroughs, those breakthroughs don’t happen very often, every couple decades or so, while breakthroughs in mechanical engineering happen by the months. Mechanical engineers make people’s lives easier.That could mean making a car that runs on less gas and someone doesn’t have to pay as much gas, making a high tech phone, or putting GPS satellite tracking in your phone so you will never lose it. Also and more importantly, mechanical engineers don’t such a high risks as genetic engineers. Genetic engineers have to understand that they can contract diseases or be exposed to an experiment that could be fatal on jo b. Mechanical engineers have no risks like. All in all mechanical engineering is the way to go. Works Cited (n. d. ). Career Information Center. (2002).Princeton, New Jersey: Macmillan Reference USA. Careers in Focus: Engineering. (1999). Chicago, Illinois: Ferguson Publishing. Dhillon, S. (1990). Genetic Engineering. dayton, Ohio: PPI Publishing. Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance. (2005). New York, NY: Facts on File Inc. Engineering Careers. (2003). Chicago, Illinois: Ferguson Publishing. Genetic Engineering The New Book of Knowledge. (2002). Danbury, Connecticut: Groiler Inc. Goodwin, P. (1994). More Engineering Projects for Young Scientists. New York, NY: Franklin Watts Publishing. LeVine, H. 2006). Genetic Engineering. Los Angeles, Califronia: ABC-CLIO. McCuen, G. (1985). Manipulating Life. Hudson, Wisconsin: McCuen Publishing. Mechanical Engineering Education Requiremnts and Career Info. (n. d. ). Retrieved 2 5, 2013, from Education Portal: www. educationportal. c om Mechanical Engineering The New Book of Knowledge. (2002). Danbury, Connecticut: Groiler Inc. The Ethics of Genetic Engineering. (2005). Detroit, Michigan: Thomas Gale Publishing. Types of Engineers and What They Do. (n. d. ). Retrieved 1 08, 13, from buzzle. com: ww. buzzle. com/articles
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