Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Production of Quality Goods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Production of Quality Goods - Essay Example There is a greater awareness of preferences, choices, and customization among customers. This has posed a great challenge to the industries at large. Trans National Corporations' (TNC's) producing at large scale find it very hard to break their production run and set their machines for new orders as it is rarely economically feasible for them. However, the cutthroat competition among competitors have forced production engineers and supervisors to come up with new and innovative technologies to produce customized products on a mass scale. Computer and IT Technology, artificial intelligence, and flexible production lines driven by innovation have led to the possibility of mass customization. The idea is that industry should produce what is demanded and not what it expects to be demanded. For that to happen practically, times required to change jobs have to be reduced. In printing industry machine operators are averse to short run jobs, as setting time for a new job is significant. A new job setting requires mainly cleaning, changing blankets, making printing plates, setting color, and supplying logistics- right sizes and colors of paper/board and ink respectively. One critical step is taking the old ink out, cleaning the fountain roller on top of color units, and again filling them up with new inks. Sometimes this may take more than 15 minutes, provided each crewmember is available at each color unit.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Diversity and Background Experience Essay Example for Free
Diversity and Background Experience Essay Teaching is a profession that indeed gives me fulfillment and self-satisfaction. I have always wanted to teach to share my knowledge, learning, ideas and most of all, my imagination. I yearn to give the best in my students that is why I have always prepared my lessons and teach them from the very bottom of my heart. One of the most challenging experiences that I encounter in my teaching profession is to be involved and to be immersed in students of diverse populations. During the process, I encounter dilemmas that test my patience but I have done my best to retain in composure. I have a very long patience and that is a great help; however, due to the number of students who belong in diverse races, my patience has been almost brought on its limit. On the other hand, I have learned to manage my students which in turn allow me to handle them easily. The problems that have arisen on the process disintegrate in the long run. I need not to take those dilemmas seriously because it will only affect me when teaching. However, it is not only me that suffers from problems with diverse populations. Some of my students approach me due to the fact that they are being bullied because of their race, tradition and skin color. As their teacher, I know that I have to do something. I have given them advices during the consultation and promise them that I am going to make a move that will help eradicate the discrimination in class. Dealing with students of diverse population offers a myriad of challenges to a teacher. It is important for the teacher to cope and to struggle with those challenges. How did I cope and struggle on those challenges? Basically, the answer lies on the assets that I possess and the assets that I bring in the four-corner room. The subsequent assets are divided into two. First are the assets that I have. I am confident that as an individual and as a teacher, I have unique skills and abilities; some are innate, others are learned and acquired. Second are the assets that I bring in the classroomthe teaching strategies and techniques that I have presented and the vision to change what has been acquainted by my students regarding the treatment of their fellow students. As an individual, I possess a very long patience that help me deal with my deviant, lazy and naughty students. Being their teacher, I have to do something that will help them perform well in class. During my session, I use to share jokes and anecdotes in relation to our lessons so that I can capture their interest; and in order to avoid boredom. Of course, I know how it feels to listen to professors who teach their undying litany, while oozing with boredom. In my part, I do not want my students to experience that to me. I desire everyone to be awake while I am teaching. On the other hand, the teaching strategies that I have done and presented are anchored on my creativity and imagination. I want each meeting to be unique; in order to do that, I devise different kinds of teaching techniques that will enable my students to participate actively in class. I believe that education is not just confined in the four-corner roomâ€â€formal setting. I believe that education can also be acquired in an informal setting thus my students and I go for fieldtrips and conduct lessons outside the classroom. I yearn for them to maintain and sustain their interest in my subject. I yearn for them to look forward every meeting and I know that I have achieved it. Furthermore, to satisfy my vision with regards to the treatment of their fellow students, I have taught them the concept of racism and discrimination. I have conducted an activity that will allow them to participate and to talk with their fellow students of different race and tradition. In the long run, the move is a triumph. Everyone in class has already respect each other; bullying a person has disintegrated. Being a teacher, my ultimate goal is to share my knowledge and learning and to transfer and to give to my students my excitement and passion. Teaching profession is indeed self-satisfying. It aids me nourish not just my physical self but also†¦ my soul.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Psychology Essay examples -- science
Psychology Males and females have many different opinions in term of choosing their mates and long-term partners. But I strongly agree with Buss on the idea that women give more importance to kindness and generosity in term of choosing their long-term partner. Because I noticed that a man who is kind and generous will spend more time on her and then show love and take good care of the family. But one thing that I do not really agree with Buss is the idea of resource, I do believe that women give importance to resources but to me it is not just for their children but also most for themselves. Because I have the example of a two kids mom who divorce with her husband after he won three million dollar last summer. By divorcing, she did not care about the kids but the money. Also we have more and women who do not want to have kids and still choose their mates base on financial views. One more thing is that I noticed that women like to show off. For example they like to wear expensive clothes with brand name such as Kenneth Cole, they like diamonds and gold. Also women like to enjoy life especially by going to vacation in the Caribbean (Trinidad and Tobago). So women are more likely to refer on financial view in term of choosing their mates beca use they want to acquire that stuff. Men in the other hand do give too much importance to money because they think that they are the ones who have to provide for the family. The primary difference between Hetherington and Wallerstei...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Charlie Chaplin Essay -- Biography Biographies Chaplin Essays
Charlie Chaplin â€Å"It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that for the greatest part of this century Charlie Chaplin was the most recognizable human being on the planet,†(Burr, 20). Chaplin did everything in show business; he was an actor, director, screenwriter, producer and composer, (Reader‘s Companion 157). He was the ideal rags to riches role model that every American dreamed of becoming. Charlie Chaplin revolutionized American show business and inspired Americans to follow their dreams because he was proof that even underdogs could make it to the top. Charles Spencer Chaplin had a very eventful life. He was born in London on the 16th of April, 1889, (Douglas np) to two music hall performers; Charles and Hannah Chaplin. (Reader’s Companion 157). His father was a singer who had run out on the family early in Chaplin’s life; he later died of alcoholism, (Douglas np). Hannah was a smalltime singer but spent most of her life in and out of mental hospitals, (Byers 438). He had a half brother named Sydney, ( Chaplin was married four times and had a total of eleven children, ( His first marriage was to Mildred Harris on the 23rd of October 1918, he was 28 and she was 16 years old. They had a son together but unfortunately the baby only lived for three days, (Turk 49). Chaplin was too much of a workaholic to commit to marriage so he moved out in August 1920, while Mildred filed for divorce, (Turk 50). He later fell in love with sixteen year old Lita Grey during the making of â€Å"The Gold Rush.†Lita’s mother disapproved of the relationship but once she found out that Lita was pregnant with Chaplin’s baby she let them wed. On November 24, 1924 Lita and Chaplin tied the knot. They had two children: Charles Jr.... ...superstar.†Entertainment Weekly. Fall 1996. Byers, Paula. â€Å"Chaplin, Charles.†Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2nd Ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1998. 438-440. â€Å"Chaplin’s Admirers Tip Their Hats for his 100th.†Time. 1 May 1989. â€Å"Chaplin, Charles.†Charlie Chaplin. Roy Export Comp. 10 February 2004. â€Å"Chaplin, Charles.†Dictionary of World Biography the 20th Century A-Inc. Volume VII. Pasadena†Salem Press, Inc. 1999. 653-656. â€Å"Chaplin, Charles.†Internet Movie Database. 1990. Internet Movie Database Inc. 9 February 2004. â€Å"Chaplin, Charles.†The Reader’s Companion to American History. 1991. 157 Douglas, Ann. â€Å"Charlie Chaplin: the comedian.†Time. 8 June 1998. Turk, Ruth. A Lerner Biography Charlie Chaplin Genius of the Silent Screen. Minneapolis: Lerner Publication Comp., 2000.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Physical Activity and Obesity Essay
Childhood and adolescent obesity are prevalent in the United States (Nowicka 23; Clemmens and Hayman 801). This prevalence has caused widespread alarm and concern, particularly with respect to adolescent girls. The article of Clemmens and Hayman systematically reviews research on the interventions aimed at increasing physical activity among adolescent girls, with the aim in mind of avoiding obesity. The article rests on the premise that adolescence is an opportune time for interventions since it is the period where future health behaviors of people start (Clemmens and Hayman 801).            In order to make a comprehensive review of studies on interventions involving physical activities, the authors chose published journal articles from between 1989 and 2003, which featured experiments and trials involving adolescent girls and boys. Since physical activity is generally accepted as an effective means of addressing childhood obesity, many studies were conducted to determine how it could be effectively promoted among adolescents. Clemmens and Hayman found that interventions based in schools were effective in decreasing sedentary behavior among adolescent girls (Clemmens and Hayman 806).            Nowicka suggests that genetic factors aside, environmental factors such as physical activity and nutrition could be effectively addressed by a multidisciplinary team composed of an exercise expert, a dietitian, behavioral therapist, nurse, and physician. This ensures that different experts would be working harmoniously and simultaneously to solve a complex problem (Nowicka 28).            Some studies aimed to establish the relationship and association between weight gain and physical activity. One such study was conducted by Fogelholm and Kukkonen-Harjula. Unfortunately, this study resulted in inconsistent results, and it was concluded that that the effect of physical activity in weight reduction or gain is modest. It is further concluded that it is important to study means of promoting adherence to exercise programs in order to effectively manage weight (Fogelholm and Kukkonen-Harjula 109).            There is another study that sought to make clear the association between obesity and its history in the family and poor physical activity. This study, which was performed on high school students in public schools, led the authors to conclude that family history of obesity is associated with little physical exercise or activity or sedentary lifestyles and reluctance to exercise (Baba, Iwao, , Koketsu, Nagashima and Inasaka 272).            Jackson, Mannix, Faga and McDonald, on the other hand, discuss a study where mothers sought to have a plan in helping their children maintain healthy weight. This study, which discusses the role of increased physical activity in helping children achieve healthy weight, emphasizes weight management within the context of family life (Jackson, Mannix, Faga and McDonald 12).                                                                   Works Cited Baba, Reizo, Iwao, Nobuko, Koketsu, Masaaki, Nagashima, Masami and Hiroshi          Inasaka. â€Å"Risk of obesity enhanced by poor physical activity in high school students.†Pediatrics International 48 (2006): 268–273. Clemmens, Donna and Laura L. Hayman. â€Å"Increasing Activity to Reduce Obesity in    Adolescent Girls: A Research Review.†JOGNN 33.6 (2004): 801-808. Fogelholm, M. and K. Kukkonen-Harjula. â€Å"Does physical activity prevent weight gain – a systematic review.†The International Association for the Study of Obesity 1    (2000): 95-111. Jackson, Debra, Mannix, Judy, Faga, Pat and Glenda McDonald. â€Å"Overweight and      obese children: mother’s strategies.†Journal of Advanced Nursing 52.1 (2005): 6-13. Nowicka, Paulina. (2005). â€Å"Dietitians and exercise professionals in a childhood obesity            treatment Team.†Acta Pà ¦diatrica 94(Suppl 448): 23–29  Â
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
English Literature Anglo-Saxon Review Essay Example
English Literature Anglo English Literature Anglo-Saxon Review Paper English Literature Anglo-Saxon Review Paper Essay Topic: Poetry The Exeter Book Included Anglo-Saxon poetry The Seafarer and The Wanderer and The Wifes Lament, survived because it was in Exeter Cathedral one of the benefits of Christianity is that with it the people got churches, libraries, and schools, bound together during King Alfreds reign Scops Shop; storyteller like a minstrel, indication of the oral history of Anglo-Saxon poetry Beowulf First English poem, epic poem-long, has a hero, quest, extraordinary powers, divine intervention, valorous deeds/ culturally Beowulf is important because he is a strong warrior, who is selfless, is an important part of Anglo-Saxon culture; Christianity and paganism; Christianity wins out. Beowulf is a Christian. Warning when Hrothgars people turn to the old gods and make sacrifices. Artistically, all the literary devices- kennings, caesura, apposition; hard to translate. Basic human questions answered or addressed in it. Hero has a flaw. Apposition Extra information about a subject; not essential, gives a bigger picture of the subject; makes Beowulf hard to translate. Kennings Another thing that makes Beowulf hard to translate; 2-3 word poetic construction that provides extra information and gives an image of the subject Cassivelanus Celtic chieftain, really progressive, peaceful, first chieftain to submit to paying tribute to Rome Boudica Queen of a Celtic tribe who rebelled against the Romans and led an attack on them as they would not accept her as queen. They whipped her and raped her daughters and then she kills herself instead of being captured. Julius Caesar Invaded Britain in 54 BC, went for two reasons-knowledge and revenge Tolkien First person to treat and study Beowulf as a from of art, changed forever the way we study literature- was highly influenced by Anglo-Saxon writings in Lord of the Rings- carries on the theme of Ubi Sunt Ubi Sunt A theme in Anglo-Saxon poetry meaning where are those who have gone before? Carpe Diem Seize the day, a theme in poetry Memento mori Remember you will die, another theme in AS poetry Timor mortis conturbat me The fear of death disturbs me, another theme in AS poetry Caesura A break in a line of poetry; made it hard to translate Beowulf Anglo-Saxon Language German, Bede called it the vulgar language, Latin, Celtic, it is Old English The Wifes Lament The wife is killed by her husband and then she wishes he would suffer, she is a victim to the code of love- country, friends, spouse The Seafarer Ubi Sunt- a lament of those who have gone away as the speaker has lost everything but in the end the speaker turns to God for solace, a loving God The Wanderer A lot like the seafarer, but it ends with a punishing God Folk Epic A poem passed down orally before it is written down Literary Epic An epic originally written down Pagans Believe in earthly wealth. The religion of the celts and the AS, believed in fate instead of free will Christians Believed in free will
Monday, October 21, 2019
Discuss the Marketing Environment Essay Example
Discuss the Marketing Environment Essay Example Discuss the Marketing Environment Paper Discuss the Marketing Environment Paper The Marketing Environment consists of a complex set of interacting forces and influences outside the marketing department of an organization. The Marketing Environment affects the organizations ability to build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with its target customers. Through continuous monitoring its Marketing Environment a company must be able to anticipate change and act in a pro active way rather than leaving it to a reactive reaction. It must also keep up to date by realizing any effective changing forces. It does this by monitoring SOOT I. . Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Obviously wanting to maximize on Strengths and Opportunities and eliminate Weaknesses and Threats. Marketers must use marketing intelligence and market research when monitoring the Marketing Environment. The Marketing Environment can be divided into two main categories; the Micro and the Macro Environment. The Micro Environment This can also be divided. Internal Environment a nd Forces close to the organization. The Internal Environment. This consists of Top Management and Other departments. The Top management is responsible for setting the organizations overall session, objectives, strategies and policies to guide all the organizations departments and employees. The success of the company is dependent on the competence of the Top managers. Other departments must co-ordinate their efforts as to maximize potential and avoid conflicts. The smoother the departments work together the better the overall outcome is going to be. All employees should realize the importance of being market-orientated and of delivering customer satisfaction. Forces close to the organization. This consists of Competitors, Marketing Intermediaries, Suppliers of resources, Customers and Publics. Competitors: must offer superior value satisfaction than their competitors and make it widely known throughout the target market. Companies must make an effort to attract their target customers and retain them by delivering customer satisfaction. These companies must watch their competitors closely as to retain their market share and maybe win some of the competitors market share. Marketing Intermediaries: These are firms that assist the company hiring them to promoter sell and distribute its products to target customers. Resellers will help find target customers or sell to them. Transportation firms help companies stock and transport goods. Agencies providing marketing services are marketing research agencies, advertising agencies, and marketing consulting firms. Financial intermediaries are organizations that will sell financial services to companies. Suppliers of resources: A company must be very careful as to watch for any changes (shortages, delays, labor strikes etc) as they are damaging to the companies sales and reputation. The organization is as efficient as its suppliers. Customers: Firstly a company must identify its target market. Then develop he right ups to build long term customer relationships. An organizations target customers may be part of different markets. Consumer markets which are people who buy for personal use, these are called final consumers. Business Markets are companies that buy goods or services in order to use them for production in order to resell at a profit, these are called business customers. Government markets rent goods or services to carry out the main functions of the government. Institutional markets are schools hospitals that provide goods or services to those in the organization. International markets are any of the customer markets but are situated overseas. Each market has its own particular features. Organizations must study the market/ s to which they are selling to so as to understand its/their characteristics; including the way buying decisions are made. Publics: are groups that have an actual or potential interest in or on the companies ability to achieve its objectives. These publics include Media, Financial, Local, Internal, General, Citizen Action, or Government. The Macro Environment The Macro Environment can be considered as forces. These forces can be plait into four categories: Demographic forces, Natural forces, Political forces and Social forces. Demographic Forces This is the study of the population. Demographic trends include Growing world population, Ageing population, Increasing Diversity, Changes in family structure, and a more Educated population. Growing world population: The number of needs increases as the population increases. These increased needs backed by purchasing power create market opportunities. These opportunities must be exploited. Ageing population: If the older segment of the population increases opportunities for companies that target this segment of the market. Likewise it creates threats companies that target a young market. These companies can react by offering a product suitable for an older market on top of their original product. Increasing diversity: The nationality and racial make up of the country/sees where they are selling their products should be considered. Peoples wants are generally due to their nationality or race. Due to advancements in technology and transportation this has and is likely to continue increasing. Changes in family structure: Nowadays families have gotten smaller. This means that the usual budget for food etc is obviously going to get smaller I. E. With a higher standard of living an increase in purchases of various products is probable. Women working have also increased so with money in their pocket a new segment of potential customers has been created. There is also a shift in husband and wife roles so now household products should also be aimed at husbands as well as wives. A more educated population: As a result of this the demand for quality products, book, formal clothing etc has increased. Natural Forces These are forces to do with natural resources. These forces can be split into four categories: Raw material shortage, Increased pollution, Increased government intervention and Environmentalism. Raw Material Shortage: Non renewable resources pose a serious threat. Companies face problems such as increasing costs and protests. Some day theyll have to find substitute materials to use in production. Renewable resources also pose a problem if depletion rate supersedes its renewal rate. Companies using these resources face the same problems. Seemingly infinite resources are being destroyed due to pollution. Companies causing such arm face bad word Of mouth and a bad reputation. Increased pollution: This poses a health as well as other threats to the general society. These industries must face bad word of mouth. Increased government intervention: This intervention in resource management varies across countries. Government laws and regulations must be monitored by companies as to not break laws and face consequences. Environmentalism: These cause pressure; sometimes so much that they actually damage a companys reputation and influence government intervention. Now companies go beyond and develop a plan that is known as n environmentally sustainable strategy and develop ecologically safer products. Political Forces These are forces such as laws, government agencies and pressure groups. These forces vary with country and possibly time. There job is to protect organizations from each Other, consumers from Organizations and their deceptive practices etc, and society as a whole. Businesses are not only limited by laws and regulations but ethical and social codes are also considered. Most Businesses adopt the Societal Marketing Concept. Economic Forces These are forces that affect consumers spending ability and spending tatters. These are split into Changes in Average Income, Changes in Income Distribution, and Changing Consumer Spending Patterns. Changes in Average Income: means that a high average income level by means of a raise can lead to an increase in demand for quality products and a fall for cheaper, more inferior products. Obviously a fall in average income can lead to the opposite. Companies must therefore be very aware of the changing in incomes and adjust to the accordingly. Changes in Income Distribution: The segments are rich, middle income, and low income and people living on welfare. These segments sizes are likely to change over time. Once again the company must be monitoring this to spot changes to identify the trends in its target markets. Companies can choose to offer two or more variations of their product in order to satisfy all parts of the Income Distribution chain ex. Books. Changing Consumer Spending Patterns: Patterns are changing every day. As income increases products such as food etc are spent on less than housing, transportation etc. This is what help businesses decide on whether to expand in the same line of products or find an alternative line. Cultural Forces Beliefs and values are divided into: core beliefs and values and beliefs which are difficult to change, and secondary beliefs and values which are easier to change. A company must either find a way of adjusting its product to fit the core beliefs and values or try and change the secondary beliefs through marketing activities etc. These beliefs are mainly attributes of ones society. A person holds views on: 1 . Her/himself people buy products that match their personalities. 2. Other people people want to interact with society, therefore there is a demand for rodents that improve their relationships with others ex. Clubs etc. 3. Various institutions a positive attitude towards an institution means that people will trust this institution. Companies do this buy adopting the Societal Marketing Concept. 4. His/her society people prefer buying products made in their own company. 5. The natural environment if people feel close to nature a demand in products such as health food will increase. I. E. If the company harms the environment this will reflect badly. 6. The universe and spirituality if religious convictions and practice falls, tribalism takes over. If it doesnt fall companies promote their products with a spiritual theme. Any organization needs to research such views and adjust each of the ups accordingly. Technological Forces A new technology implies new market opportunities for some organizations and threats for others.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Natural vs. Social Sciences essays
Natural vs. Social Sciences essays Science is the systematic identification, observation, description, classification, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. In other words, science is the orderly study of things. The purpose of science is to acquire information and obtain knowledge about the subject being studied. Knowledge can be defined as a set of verified statements about phenomena. These statements have been proven to be accurate and true. Everything that can be studied can be divided into two sections, natural and social phenomena. Natural phenomena is the something that exists without the intervention of people whereas social phenomena is something that exists only as a result of human interaction. Science can be divided into four categories, basic science, bridge science, applied science and metascience. Basic science is made up of two sections, natural sciences and social sciences. Bridge science is the sciences that bridge both natural and social science. Applied science and metascience is the study of a science in order to use it for some purpose. Natural sciences are the studies of things that exist without the intervention of people. An example of a natural science is biology. Biology is a study of life processes and this exists independently from human intervention. A human does not have to do anything for a flower to grow in the wild and neither does he have to do anything in order for a caterpillar to turn into a butterfly. Another example of a natural science is geology, which is the study of the earth. Humans did not create the earth, nor can they control it when the earth decides to act up, as in the cases of natural disasters such as volcano eruptions and earthquakes. Social sciences are the studies of things that only exist as a result of human interaction. An example of this is anthropology, which is the study of cultures. A culture is the practices of a group ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Business communication Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business communication - Outline Example They vary mainly in the decision making process, that is, in the Centralized Structure, the topmost management controls all the decision making and exercises strict control over the lower layers of the structure. In a Decentralized Structure however, everyone is involved in the decision making process A well designed Organization structure gives out the authority and responsibility to the respective individuals. If each person in the organization knows what his role is, a lot of chaos can be avoided in the organization. ( With the help of the organizational chart, individuals can understand their roles and how to relate to one another in the organization. An organization chart gives the pattern of communication and coordination in the organization. This would also hinder the exchange of information and efficient problem solving. ( Hopgood Sports Limited: Problems In spite of good business acumen of the management, there seem to be certai n problems with the running of Hopgood Sports Limited, in terms of organization, or technically, the lack thereof. Some of the problems are: 1. Staffing problems: Hopgood Sports Limited seems to be understaffed, in spite of the fact that they can afford it quite easily. 2. Inaccessibility of decision maker: The management, i.e. Mr. Hopgood, is not always easily accessible because he is always on the move from one store to another. This causes a lot of decision making to be put on hold and also may cost various opportunities for Hopgood Sports Limited. 3. Technological backwardness, with physical distances between the various stores acting as a major impediment for efficient management 4. The Organizational Structure of Hopgood Sports Limited also is not up to the mark. This has been discussed further below. Current Organization Structure of Hopgood Sports Limited: From the above illustrated current organizational structure of Hopgood Sports Limited, we can see that there is no unifo rmity in the structure, that is, in the different branches of the store. The structure of each store is different from the other in terms of number of employees and accountability. This might be fine for now but will lead to a lot of chaos and confusion in the future, when Hopgood Sports Limited is on the pathway to further expansion. A lack of uniformity in the structure also will leave the employees confused when it comes to inter store communication as they may not know with whom they must communicate what information. Also, it does not clearly explain the accountability of the employees. Recommendations for Hopgood sports limited Hopgood Sports is a good, stable business with few glitches that a well designed Organizational Structure can rectify. Here are some of the recommendations for Hopgood Sports Limited. 1. Mr. Hopgood seems to have bitten off more than he can chew. He is seriously overworked and the main reason for this is that Hopgood Sports Limited is not well staffed. He should hire more people for employment in his various stores. Since, he can afford to do that, after recruitment and apportionment, he can take a backseat and concentrate on supervising the running of the place instead of running all around the city that might make Hopgood Sports Limited more susceptible to expansion. 2. Mr. Hopgood’s inaccessibility can easily be solved with the above point. If he were to be at a particular store as head office, he could be
Friday, October 18, 2019
Public communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Public communication - Essay Example However, the nature of the role of public communication is changing in uncertain ways that lead to speculations regarding their role in the effect on the transformation of the democratic process in the contemporary societies. Here we are more concern about the way governments practice public communication and put constraints in it as well as control of the governments of public communication. Constraints and control: The objective of public communication is to transmit messages targeting the public and enabling it to have an overall view, while at the same time is able to retain its distance from the general strategy and the central messages being transmitted by government so that to achieve its goals and policies. It is very much evident that democratic governments are crucially dependent on a sufficient degree of two-way communication and horizontal communication at the grass root level, otherwise, there cannot be consensus building and responsiveness. In the present era of mass media communication such as newspapers, Radio, televisions do have the potential of including practically everybody. The term public means open and available to the public; visible and observable from the public and effectuated in front of it. Thus, the public has to do with publicity and diaphaneity/transparency. In almost every country, public media works under lots of constraints. The most important constraint, the public communication is facing the interference and involvement of governments at most of the level itself. Even in the post totalitarian world effective legal framework protection to media still far from reality and peoples perception about independent public communication as stage-managed. Public communication faces the constraints such as decision-making power over the public communication, which directly connects with the ownership. Ownership may be public ownership combined with public control i.e. not of government but of civil society or public ownership combined with government control or private ownership with decision making at owners discretion or private ownership with decision making in legal framework and a strong cultural tradition concerning professional rights, quality standards etc. In the above types of ownerships governments put constraint on the all except the last one. So framing legal framework with strong traditions, professional ethics can regulate the constraint. Secondly institutional freedom of public
Project Management Report And Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Project Management Report And Plan - Essay Example The researcher states that Bloomsbury Hotels are regarded by its peers as an industry innovator and the standards that they set often become the industry-wide benchmark. The high level of brand loyalty has been based upon consistently high standards of facilities and service. For this reason, all Bloomsbury properties, adhere to a strict policy that is laid down in a Standard Operations Procedures Manual. This essay mentiones that the hotel was opened in 1985 on a site in West London with easy access to the Underground network and Heathrow airport. The hotel is fully air-conditioned and has 15 floors. Since opening the Palgrave Hotel in 1985, the first five floors of the hotel have remained unaltered. Even though quality materials were used at the time, these 80 rooms are no longer to a Bloomsbury Hotels standard. The ‘eighties’ style decoration of bright colours and worn furnishings are a dramatic contrast to the upper ten renovated floors. The initial proposal is that a budget of 1,950,000 pounds will be required to complete this project. Detailed budgets for the whole project will be forwarded for approval to proceed, as laid down in the company’s S.O.P. The overall theme is based around the theme of ‘nature’ that will be expressed through the range of materials, colours and images. The five floors will therefore be imbued with a new coherence with regard to each other and the outside environment. The installation of the design and control of the project will be completed by the management of the Palgrave Hotel, London.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Writer's choice Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Writer's choice - Article Example Simplicity is maintained in the disciplinary plans at different stages of the corrective course.Every decision that the top management council, behaviour committee, as well as panels come to, are made public unless the act is considered to be not in the interest of the public. More details are put out in the publication plan of the disciplinary plans of financing reporting council. Safeguarding the public interest by protecting the public, maintaining public confidence in the accountancy and actuarial professions and declaring and upholding proper standards of conduct by accountants and actuaries; The FRC can start a disciplinary investigation in one of two ways: (i) the professional bodies can refer cases to the FRC; and (ii) the FRC may decide of its own accord to investigate a matter. The Conduct Committee will consider each case identified or referred to it and decide whether or not the criteria for an investigation are met. Investigations are conducted by Executive Counsel and the professional discipline team within the Conduct Division. The decision about whether to bring disciplinary proceedings rests with Executive Counsel. If disciplinary proceedings are to be commenced, Executive Counsel will file a complaint with the Conduct Committee. The Conduct Committee will instruct the Convener to appoint a Disciplinary Tribunal. Transparency is provided for in the disciplinary Schemes at various stages of the disciplinary process. All decisions made by the Conduct Committee, Executive Counsel and Tribunals are publicised unless the Conduct Committee considers publication would not be in the public interest. Further detail is set out in the FRC’s Publication Policy for the Disciplinary
Journalism of the Founders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Journalism of the Founders - Essay Example According to the paper truthful reporting leaves no scope for adding opinions, lest it be called yellow journalism. But, the journalists and editors too are part of the society. They have a responsibility to highlight the wrongs, illegal activities and excesses being committed against the society, by some powerful people. Going through the articles it is more than apparent that American Revolution was indeed influenced by the writings at that time. In fact, it won’t be an exaggeration to say that the writings developed the urge in revolutionaries for freeing themselves from unjustified occupation. Thomas Jefferson aptly acknowledged the contribution of Tom Paine for his critical role in ‘propelling the American colonists towards independence from Great Britain’. Journalists too are human beings and they too have political leanings.This study highlights that history testifies that, there have been numerous attempts to make use of the newspapers and media on p ure political considerations, but the impact have never been so high as to bring about a monumental change. This shows that the journalistic writings alone are not considered the final statement of truth. In fact, carrying through such imaginary and untenable arguments has become much more difficult in today’s times. Publications like the ‘Journal of Occurrences’ and Thomas Paine’s ‘Common Sense’ and ‘Crisis’ provided a window of hope to the people oppressed by the colonial powers. Such publications were used as discussion forums by the people.... Such publications were used as discussion forums by the people. Comparing such publications with the present times led by the IT era, blogging seems to be the forum for people to come out with their opinions/ anger a particular set of people and circumstances. The major difference being the speed for information exchange and the number of people whose views can be accommodated on the pages. Earlier, the information used to take days/ weeks and months to travel from one place to another, but the internet has made possible the information exchange at a speed of light. Though the media landscape has undergone a sea-change since the times of the American Revolution, yet the basic concept remains similar. In today's media rich environment, journalism, the profession, has acquired newer dimensions. Be it the coverage of war on Iraq and Afghanistan or the hidden camera sting operations, more value addition has taken place in the traditional form of journalism. Adverse circumstances appear to be the basic breeding ground for journalistic excellence. Duri ng the occupation of American land, the French and British soldiers exhibited outrageous behavior and resorted to brutalities against women, which led to simmering discontent, further fueled by the writings from the likes of Tom Paine, Sam Adams etc. This had definite contribution towards shaping the revolution. Journalistic writings have the ability to read pulse of the people, and after gathering the realistic feedback, the writings help in generating a debate amongst larger section of masses. Not only the printed publications, but any media with a mass appeal like poets, writers, journalists, singers, drama
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Writer's choice Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Writer's choice - Article Example Simplicity is maintained in the disciplinary plans at different stages of the corrective course.Every decision that the top management council, behaviour committee, as well as panels come to, are made public unless the act is considered to be not in the interest of the public. More details are put out in the publication plan of the disciplinary plans of financing reporting council. Safeguarding the public interest by protecting the public, maintaining public confidence in the accountancy and actuarial professions and declaring and upholding proper standards of conduct by accountants and actuaries; The FRC can start a disciplinary investigation in one of two ways: (i) the professional bodies can refer cases to the FRC; and (ii) the FRC may decide of its own accord to investigate a matter. The Conduct Committee will consider each case identified or referred to it and decide whether or not the criteria for an investigation are met. Investigations are conducted by Executive Counsel and the professional discipline team within the Conduct Division. The decision about whether to bring disciplinary proceedings rests with Executive Counsel. If disciplinary proceedings are to be commenced, Executive Counsel will file a complaint with the Conduct Committee. The Conduct Committee will instruct the Convener to appoint a Disciplinary Tribunal. Transparency is provided for in the disciplinary Schemes at various stages of the disciplinary process. All decisions made by the Conduct Committee, Executive Counsel and Tribunals are publicised unless the Conduct Committee considers publication would not be in the public interest. Further detail is set out in the FRC’s Publication Policy for the Disciplinary
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
J Two Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
J Two - Essay Example I think that factors such as fixed and variable cost also attributed to the decline in the revenue. 1. Use the Percentage Sales Method and a 25% increase in sales to forecast Micro Chips Consolidated Statement of Operations for the period of September 26, 2008 through September 25, 2009. Assume a 15% tax rate and restructuring costs of 5% of the new sales figure. Sales method percentage will be given by the formula 125/100 * amount for every particular in the Consolidated Statements of Operations (Duchac, et, al 2007). For instance in sales 125/100 * 8,334= $10,417.5. Net income for the year 2008 was given to be $1,570.9 and when this figure is compared to the financial year 2009 which is 1,969.9, it shows a 25% increase in sales to forecast and yet we had a 5% restructuring cost on the new sales. Assumptions made here include all costs remained as a fixed percentage of sales. This assumption is unreasonable since in the normal running of a business, the organization can incur more or less cost than stipulated cost as a fixed percentage of sales (Duchac et al,
Understanding organizations and the role of HR Essay Example for Free
Understanding organizations and the role of HR Essay YTL Cement’s purpose in beginning this business is to supply quality cement to local construction companies for a competitive price especially in the eastern corridor of peninsular Malaysia. There were no cement plants in the eastern side of peninsular Malaysia. So, cost of purchasing cement was high due to logistics. Our plant in Pahang solved all issues as we could now provide cement with a much cheaper price. YTL Cement is currently the second largest cement producer in Malaysia. Our goal is to be the largest cement producer in Malaysia and also southeast Asia. From one cement plant, we have rapidly expanded to four plant now. The goal to be the largest cement producer in Malaysia might come to past earlier than expected. PRODUCTS SERVICES We have 5 brands of bagged product and 4 types of bulk product. The 5 brands in the bagged products are Castle, Orang Kuat, Wallcem, Marinecem and Dragon. Each bag weighs 50 kilogrammes. Each brand is different in terms of uses, strength and suitability. Cement has many uses during the construction process such as brick making, brick laying, concreting, plastering and tiling. So, each brand has its own suitability. For instance, when it comes to tiling, the brands Castle and Dragon are the most suitable. We have 4 kinds of bulk products. They are MASCEM, SLAGCEM, OPC and CLAGCEM GGBS. Bulk products are usually dispatched in tankers. The weight of each tanker varies from 28 tonnes to 40 tonnes. We supply bulk cement to all parts of Malaysia via tankers and rail. CUSTOMERS CLIENTS YTL Cement has customers and clients both locally and internationally. The bagged products targets small contractors, hardware stores and individual purchasers. These target use cement for small scale renovations and other personal use. Bulk cement is usually bought by large contractors who are employed by the government or the private sector to build housing estates, buildings, bridges and more. The cement quantity needed in these projects is huge so purchases are made in bulks. 4 EXTERNAL FACTORS Economy The cement industry depends on the economy situation. If the economy is stable, then development and construction is on-going. The government and private organizations will initiate projects which include housing and other infrastructure project which requires cement. Hence, the demand for cement will increase. But if there is an economy downturn, it will have a bad impact on the construction industry. And when the construction industry is down, then the demand for cement will decrease which will directly affect the cement industry. Technology Technology plays a very important role in the process of making cement. Technology has grown and new machinery is constantly being introduced to maximize output and minimize the usage of power. The advances in technology, has also allowed cement plants to increase production on a daily basis. This directly contributes to the profit of the organization. One of the biggest issues in cement plants are the breakdowns. Metal fatigue and corrosion cause machinery to break down which effects production. Technology today allows machinery to run longer with minimal maintenance procedures. Legal Legal implications always surround heavy industries that effect the environment. New acts and new policies enforced by governments will affect the cement industry. A growing population with growing concerns about the environment will push the government to impose new laws which will directly or indirectly affect the cement industry. Environment The most important raw material to used to make cement is limestone. Limestone is a sedimentary rock. Limestone can be mined in two ways which are from hills which contain limestone and two, from limestone deposits deep underground. Aggressive mining can deplete the limestone and when that happens, we will not be able to produce cement. As most natural resources, limestone is not renewable hence making it a limited resource. Coal is used in cement plants to heat up the kiln. A kiln is something like an oven where raw materials are transformed at high temperatures. The temperature in a cement kiln can reach up to 1400 degree Celsius. So, huge amounts of coal are used everyday to heat up the kilns. Like limestone, coal is also a limited resource. The depletion of coal will impact the cement industry. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE YTL Cement has a top down organizational structure. It is a family owned business. As such, all decisions are made by the Executive Director which is Dato’ Sri Michael Yeoh who is a member of the Yeoh family. Authority is vested at the top and flows down through directors, managers and executives before finally reaching those who make the product. The four functions in this organization which are vital are operations, human resources, finance and purchasing. Operations The operations team are in charge of the day to day operations of the cement plant and all its machinery. Achieving daily production output is the end result of this team. Human Resources The human resources team are in charge of daily employee related activities such as recruitment, training and development, attendance, disciplinary and much more. Finance The finance team are in charge of financial aspects of the plant in the daily matters such receiving payments, making payments, processing invoices and much more. Purchasing The purchasing team handles all purchases made by all the other departments in the plant. OPTIMIZING PERFORMANCE All the functions in the organization work hand in hand to optimize performance. Operations Operations is the money maker in the organization. The wages, profit of the organization depends on the capability of operation in achieving its targets. The more money the organization makes, the better it is for the stakeholder and the employees. The extra funds can be used in various ways such as upgrading infrastructure and machinery, giving more incentives and benefits to employees, increased increments, better bonuses and much more. Upgrading infrastructure and machinery will directly increase performance. Increased performance leads to increased production which leads to increased profits. Providing better benefits, increments and bonuses, increases the employees’ morale and motivation. A motivated workforce raises productivity. This will directly lead to optimizing the performance of the department which will then optimize the performance of the organization. Human Resources Human resources work together with the rest of the departments in the organization in many ways. Recruitment of employees based on the forecast, manpower planning and attrition is an ongoing process. Selecting the right candidate at the right time is vital to insure that performance is not affected. A pool of suitable candidates for key positions must always be available incase of unforeseen emergency. Retention of employees is also important. Each employee carries knowledge, skill and experience of the designated role he or she works in. Losing an employee can affect performance of a department. Resources such as time, energy and money need to be used to re-train a new employee. As such, human resources must always be aware of the current market salary, current compensation and benefits packages, training and development requirements as to keep turnover as low as possible. Finance The finance department’s activities range from bookkeeping to providing information to managers and directors in making strategic decisions.  Finance department is responsible for all the day to day transactional accounting for the organization. This includes tracking of all financial transactions that happens in the organization. The finance department is also responsible for the organization’s cash flow to ensure that funds are available to meet the day to day payments. This is important as to make sure that operations run smoothly without any problems. The finance department also contributes to the management and improvement of the operations by reporting regularly on key numbers important to the success of the organization. They also work with managers and head of departments to prepare budgets and forecasts. This information can be used to plan machinery purchases and expansions and cash needs before they become necessary. All this contribute to optimising the p erformance of the organization. Purchasing The role of the purchasing department is to procure all necessary materials needed for production or daily operation of the organization. For YTL Cement, a heavy industry company, this will include raw materials such as iron, silica, gypsum, coal or sand which will be used in producing cement. Other items procured, which are as equally important such as machinery parts, electrical parts are vital in sustaining operations of the plant. The purchasing department also needs to evaluate the prices of materials procured to maximize profitability. A purchasing department in a small business needs to locate the best vendors’ at the most reasonable prices. Purchasing department staff needs to communicate with many vendors to negotiate a better price for any material which will be ordered. CULTURE AND ITS IMPACTS The culture in YTL Cement is more of a Power Culture. All decisions are made by the Executive Director and the Director of Operations. Due to this culture, all decisions are pushed upwards from below. The impact of this culture is employees are not empowered to make decisions about their job. They will always look for higher authority to make even a simple decision. And when employees do not take decision, they do not take responsibility. And when employees do not take responsibility, they do not feel proud of their organization. This also affects the loyalty of the employee which leads to a high turnover. 3 HR ACTIVITIES THAT SUPPORT THE ORGANIZATION’S STRATEGY Strategic HR Planning Strategic HR planning is links HR management directly to the strategic plan of the organization. Organizations nowadays have a strategic plan that guides them in successfully achieving their vision and mission. Based on this strategic plan, the organization can develop a strategic HR plan that will allow HR to make decisions now to support the future direction of the organization. Strategic HR planning also helps to: Ensure sufficient workforce to meet the strategic goals and operational plans of your organization Keep abreast with economic changes, technological changes, social changes and legal changes that impact HR and the cement industry Talent Management A talented workforce is essential to achieve our vision and mission. Aligning individual goals with the organizations strategy is a proven recipe for success. Goal alignment is a powerful management tool. When the organization engages employees in their work through goal alignment, a greater employee ownership in your companys ultimate success is created. Thus, the employees become more committed to your company and achieve higher levels of job performance. Compensation Benefits A good compensation and benefits package will always attract competent employees. Employing competent workers leads to better results and leads to higher productivity. A compensation and benefits plan that rewards employees for company loyalty is also vital in retaining talented employees. When this appreciation is shown to senior employees, new employees realize that the organization values employees who choose to work with the organization for the long-term. This encourages new employees to decide build a career with the organization hence retaining competent employees. 3 WAYS HR SUPPORT THE LINE MANAGERS AND STAFF Training and Development Based on the Training Needs Analysis (TNA), HR can then select the relevant training courses and trainers to train the employees. Whether its technical training or management training, choosing the right kind of training with the right modules and trainer is vital. This to make sure that the training is relevant and effective. Training improves employee job performance. This helps reduce job performance disputes and contributes to the department achieving its KPI. Coaching Coaching can improve employee performance, increase employee engagement and reduce turnover. During coaching, the key issue will be on the employee’s performance in the workplace which includes assessment, appraisals and discussing the employee’s strength and weaknesses. Employees feel more engaged when they can discuss their achievement and plan for the future. Engaged employee will work harder, contribute more and are less likely to leave the organization. Recruitment Selection Recruitment includes screening potential candidates using tests and interviews and then selecting the right candidate. This procedure is important the candidate has to be balanced in terms of technical knowledge and also has good character and management skills. This will help department when the right person is selected and the candidate is able to fulfil their new roles effectively. Choosing the wrong candidate can lead to de-motivating and de-moralising current employees, workplace disputes, poor performance by the department and much more.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Disadvantages Of A System Of Subsidies Economics Essay
Disadvantages Of A System Of Subsidies Economics Essay Subsidy can be said has advantages and disadvantages to farmer and consumer. Subsidies granted to energy producers to develop more efficient for agriculture field. Government encourages an industry by reducing taxes. The government provides housing subsidy for the poor families. However, they may encourage inefficiency by relying more in the subsidy money that offered by the government. Raising the income while prices are rising will cause the final products to lose their competitiveness in the international market. Subsidy sometimes is difficult to decide on who may receive a subsidy and the government has poor information about the service and how much to subsidies. Table of Content: Contents Pages 1 Definition of subsidy 2 Advantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Farmer 3 Disadvantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Farmer 4 Advantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Consumer 5 Disadvantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Consumer 6 References Definition of Subsidy Economic benefits (such as allowances or tax rebate), or the benefits given by the government, groups or individuals are usually paid in cash or the form of tax cuts. Subsidies usually remove some type of burden to reduces cost of production and expansion to increase supply, maintain the income of the producers of certain products and maintain employment levels. One industry that commonly receives government subsidies is the agriculture industry. Agricultural subsidies are given to farmers in order to support its business because need to be ensure that countrys self-sufficiency in food supply. Government subsidies to farmers can take the form of capital (to ensure that they have enough money to invest in their own farm) or to purchase the excessive crop the warehouse after are filled. In addition, the government also indirectly subsidize the purchase of personal or family that we can common see such as allowing the a cheaper house built housing subsidies. By reducing the cost for low -income families, the government ensures that more families are in homes. It makes individuals in their attempt to find a stable job, and also provides more disposable income of poor families. Advantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Farmer Subsidy is an economic benefit that brings lot of advantages to farmer. In order to help the old and the new energy development and exploration, the federal government has the pursuit of these initiatives on corporate subsidies. Subsidies granted to energy producers to develop more efficient, more economical production and distribution process. For example, the government provides the agriculture subsidies to the farmer to improve their method of production. Most of the farmers do not have enough money to buy a new and modern machine to increase the speed of production. With the subsidies, they are able to use the money to buy a high technology machine to improve their production during their working times. It helps them a lot to save the cost of production and time. Improvement in technology will make supply increases. This is because the farmer has more efficiency to produce more agriculture products based on the demand of consumer. It can be seen in the graph below. Government subsidies of agricultural industrialization, can also take a less direct way. Government encourages industry, an industry or a certain product or new labor and employment taxes related to the reduction in the case of many wage and subsidy funds by reducing taxes. These types of subsidies usually are in the form of tax credits for specific industries. Therefore, although it may not have the same look directly provide funds and purchase the product, wage subsidies and capital still has the same purpose to provide additional funds to promote a particular industry such as farm subsidies make agricultural production more profitable by increasing and stabilize farm prices and incomes. Disadvantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Farmer Subsidy can be said will bring certain disadvantages to farmer and consumer. Farmer subsidies can be intended to be consumer-friendly and taxpayer-friendly. However, they may encourage inefficiency by relying more in the subsidy money that offered by the government.The farmer still can receive the subsidy that offered by the government even though their agriculture has no gain any profits. Farm subsidies also control the normal market cycle. Raising the income while prices are rising will eventually raise commercial and industrial costs, causing the final products to lose their competitiveness in the international market. For example, if the cost of production of tomatoes increases, the supply of tomatoes will decrease. In the graph above, we can see that the higher price of factors of production, higher cost of production, the supply of tomatoes decreases. This is because the producer cannot afford the higher cost due to the demand of tomatoes. The cash from farm subsidies prevent the normal fluctuation in price due to supply and demand. According to the Environmental Working Group Farm Subsidy Primer, this makes the price totally dependent on government intervention in addition to the payment of the disaster. Agricultural subsidies are to correct low crop prices, and increasing farmers incomes. With negative subsidies, farmers are encouraged not to produce a particular crop or product. Farm subsidies are benefits to help poor and trouble family farmers. Instead, they harm them by excluding them from most subsidies, financing the consolidation of family farms, and increasing land values to levels that prevent young people from entering farming. Subsidy sometimes is difficult to decide on who may re ceive a subsidy and the government has poor information about the service and how much to subsidies. Advantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Consumer The government provides funds for research and loans at favorable rates and repayment terms for the poor families. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak adds 1Malaysia book voucher (Figure 1) for students from research institutions, universities previously from RM200 to RM250. Student who has been registered as higher education students need to write their name on the voucher to avoid the issue of abuse in voucher dealings. Its main purpose is to allow the higher education students better access to books and stationery that would help ease their burden throughout their studies.(New Straits Times Online) Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak also announced a half-month bonus, the civil service and the income tax is reduced by one percentage point to RM50, 000 of taxable income.( Budget 2013: Tax breaks, affordable housing and cash for the needy, The Star Online) Disadvantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Consumer It had been stated that the rich and the biggest beneficiaries of the enterprise, rather than the poor. The sugar factory has informed retailers to raise sugar prices by 20 cents. This price reduction is always slow, but when it comes to raising prices, which is lighting fast. According to New Straits Times, it had mentioned that sugar subsidy reduction should be no excuse for businessman to increase prices of goods. When price of sugar rises, the quantity demanded of sugar will falls and it will make a movement down along the demand curve. It has been shown in the graph above. The price of sugar in Malaysia is amongst the lowest if compared to Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia. Therefore, the cost of ingredients of coffee is cheaper if compare with other. Coffee and sugar are considered as complementary goods. If the price of sugar falls, the quantity demanded of sugar will increase, and therefore the demand for coffee will increase too. It can be shown in the graph below. Subsidizing diesel and petrol have been smuggled and abused. In The Star New Online which stories by M. Struart, fisherman had been caught are selling subsidized diesel and petrol to others or using it for their personal use. Some of them just sell the fuel at higher price in order to earn more profits. In the news, a fisherman Mohd Rokbi Daud was unsatisfied with the current system in Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM). He said that he go to sea everyday but does not get any fish because of the bad weather. Some of the people just can claim for the subsidized fuel but they do not go to the sea to catch fish and just sit down to get the subsidy that offered by the government. Those fisherman who really hardly to survive because of poor catch; they really need the subsidy in order to survive their family. Therefore, government needs to know who the real fisherman and give the subsidy to the rights one. Rich people with big cars can enjoy more subsidies for fuel compare d to the poor small car. Many off-road vehicles and four-wheel drive vehicles also consume diesel. The rich and the poor have to pay the same tax rate. The poor cannot afford the luxuries products, but the rich people may have bought a lot of luxuries things. Eventually the subsidies are given to the rich rather than the poor. From 2010 to July 2011, the government had allocated for various subsidies and assistance, including the establishment of the KRIM, the Menu Rakyat 1 Malaysia and the 1 Malaysia clinics that the rich one can also be enjoyed these benefits. (Alex Wong CPA Australia Melbourne University, 2012) Appendix: Figure 1 : 1Malaysia book voucher ASSESSMENT CRITERIA (30%) :- No. Evaluation of Written Work Raw Marks Weightage Final marks 1 Demonstration of Knowledge Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the topic assignment 0-2.5 poor, out of topic, no understanding of topic; 3.0-5.0 average, general discussion of topic; 5.5-8.0 good, clear understanding, 8.5-10.0 excellent, deep understanding of topic, /25 2 Good reasoning and critical analysis Clear line of reasoning. Argument is sound and substantial, with significant elements of originality. Ability to identify and use concepts and theories studied to rationalize his/her opinions. Evidence of critical appreciation and evaluation of relevant theory and research and a systematic and creative attempt to relate it to the topic. 0-2.5 poor,; 3.0-5.0 average, 5.5-8.0 good,; 8.5-10.0 excellent, /25 3 Clarity : The whole thread of the argument is clear. The structure is very clear. Shows coherence. Able to and integrate material from other sources in a clear manner. 0-2.5 poor,; 3.0-5.0 average, 5.5-8.0 good,; 8.5-10.0 excellent, /20 4 Evidence of Wide Range of Readings Shows evidence of having read widely by using arguments and facts from various and relevant sources 0-2.5 poor,; 3.0-5.0 average, 5.5-8.0 good,; 8.5-10.0 excellent, /20 5 Overall Presentation : Grammar, style of writing, structure, spelling, referencing and appendices. 0-2.5 poor,; 3.0-5.0 average, 5.5-8.0 good,; 8.5-10.0 excellent, /10 Total 100% /100 Total marks for this component is 30% /30
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Paul the apostle :: essays research papers
INTRODUCTION      John Wycliff was a theologian and early proponent of reform in the Roman Catholic Church during the 14th century. He initiated the first translation of the Bible into the English language and is considered the main precursor of the Protestant Reformation. Wycliff was born at Ipreswell, Yorkshire, England, between 1320 and 1330. He died at Lutterworth December 31, 1384.      John Wycliff’s family was of early Saxon origin, long settled in Yorkshire. In his day the family was a large one, covering a considerable territory. 1324 is the year usually given for Wycliff's birth. Wycliff probably received his early education close to home. It is not known when he first went to Oxford, with which he was so closely connected till the end of his life.      He was at Oxford in about 1345, when a series of illustrious names was adding glory to the fame of the university, such as those of Roger Bacon, Robert Grosseteste, Thomas Bradwardine, William of Occam, and Richard Fitzralph. Wycliff owed much to Occam. He showed an interest in natural science and mathematics, but applied himself to the study of theology, ecclesiastical law, and philosophy. Even Wycliff’s opponents acknowledged the keenness of his dialectic. Wycliff’s writings prove that he was well grounded in Roman and English law, as well as in native history. A family whose seat was in the neighborhood of Wycliff's home, Bernard Castle, founded Balliol College, Oxford to which Wycliffe belonged, first as scholar, then as master. He attained the headship no later than 1360. When he was presented by the college (1361) with the parish of Fylingham in Lincolnshire, he had to give up the leadership of Balliol, though he could continue to live at Oxfor d. His university career followed the usual course. While as baccalaureate he busied himself with natural science and mathematics, as master he had the right to read in philosophy. More significant was his interest in Bible study, which he pursued after becoming bachelor in theology. His performance led Simon Islip, Archbishop of Canterbury, to place him at the head of Canterbury Hall in 1365. Between 1366 and 1372 he became a doctor of theology. In 1368 he gave up his living at Fylingham and took over the rectory of Ludgershall in Buckinghamshire, not far from Oxford, which enabled him to retain his connection with the university.      It was not as a teacher or preacher that Wycliffe gained his position in history; this came from his activities in ecclesiastical politics, in which he engaged about the mid-1370s, when his reformatory work also began.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Education and Egalitarianism in America :: American Education School Educators Essays
Education and Egalitarianism in America The American educator Horace Mann once said: "As an apple is not in any proper sense an apple until it is ripe, so a human being is not in any proper sense a human being until he is educated." Education is the process through which people endeavor to pass along to their children their hard-won wisdom and their aspirations for a better world. This process begins shortly after birth, as parents seek to train the infant to behave as their culture demands. They soon, for instance, teach the child how to turn babbling sounds into language and, through example and precept, they try to instill in the child the attitudes, values, skills, and knowledge that will govern their offspring's behavior throughout later life. Schooling, or formal education, consists of experiences that are deliberately planned and utilized to help young people learn what adults consider important for them to know and to help teach them how they should respond to choices. This education has been influenced by thr ee important parts of modern American society: wisdom of the heart, egalitarianism, and practicality... the greatest of these, practicality. In the absence of written records, no one can be sure what education man first provided for his children. Most anthropologists believe, though, that the educational practices of prehistoric times were probably like those of primitive tribes in the 20th century, such as the Australian aborigines and the Aleuts. Formal instruction was probably given just before the child's initiation into adulthood -- the puberty rite -- and involved tribal customs and beliefs too complicated to be learned by direct experience. Children learned most of the skills, duties, customs, and beliefs of the tribe through an informal apprenticeship -- by taking part in such adult activities as hunting, fishing, farming, toolmaking, and cooking. In such simple tribal societies, school was not a special place... it was life itself. However, the educational process has chang ed over the decades, and it now vaguely represents what it was in ancient times, or even in early American society. While the schools that the colonists established in the 17th century in the New England, Southern, and Middle colonies differed from one another, each reflected a concept of schooling that had been left behind in Europe. Most poor children learned through apprenticeship and had no formal schooling at all. Those who did go to elementary school were taught reading, writing, arithmetic, and religion.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Auditors Third Party Liability Essay
On 1979 the court established the principle of third party liability as foreseen’ in Federal Supreme Court (sixth civil senate) 1 regarding the case of a German branch of a bank provided wrong information to its potential investors and because of that one of the potential investors suffered a big loss and later sued the bank. But in November 1983 in Federal Supreme Court (fourth civil senate)2, death negligence in reporting in a case where buyer of a properly sued the valuer because of the wrong valuation. Court stated that if third party is under protected effect then there are some general principles on professional third-party liability for negligent misstatements under contract towards third parties. In the first case (1979) The Federal Supreme Court stated that the bank knew that the information which was provided would have been showed to potential investors In the case court maintained that the person, to whom the bank provided the relevant information could be identified and are part of a calculable group. And in the second case (1983) court says, there is no need for the professional to know either who the third parties are. The professional’s negligent performance must have determined the plaintiff’s decision which eventually led him to suffer a loss. Court found out that because of the lack of knowledge both buyer and dealer needed the expert opinion of the valuer was needed. Court widened the scope of the liability and liability of auditor to third party moved from Foreseen to reasonable foreseeability. After that case Federal Court continued this broader scope of liability in both cases in Federal Supreme Court (third civil senate) 10 November 19943 & Federal Supreme Court (third civil senate) 2 April 19984 On 2001 in its most recent case, the Federal Court of Justice handed down a new decision regarding the liability of experts towards third parties (Reg. No. X ZR 231/99). The Court rejected the plaintiff’s claims, holding that the contract concluded between the commissioning banking authority and the expert did not extend to the plaintiff. So, the plaintiff was not, covered by the contract drawn up between the commissioning authority and the auditor. The court reject the information contract between the expert and the third party a stated that without a direct contract no liability is considered to have arisen. The court then changed the scope of liability form reasonably foreseeable to Privity or Near Privity in between.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
My School Essay
School is a temple of learning and a training ground for future citizens. The name of my school is Penang Chinese Girls High School. It was set up in 19-an by a land-lord in our area. He donated land and money for the school. The atmosphere in which our school is situated is very pleasant. It is surrounded by a big field on one side and a small garden with flowers on the other. The school has three rows of big buildings. The name of the school is written on the front building. There are many classrooms in the front building. Other rooms in the back building are used for different purposes such as the Head Master’s Office, Library, the Clerk’s Office, the Science Laboratory, the Teachers’ Common-room, the N. C. C. and etc. There are 80 teacher, a specific teacher for librarians, a clerk and several peons in our school. All the teachers are qualified and experienced. The Head Master is a learned woman,she solved problems of the pupils efficiently. The total number of students of our school is about 20thousand hundred. We go to school in uniform,our school consisits of girls only,therefore girls wear blue skirt and white blouse. The school functions from for 2 sessions. During the recess hour we go to the canteen to relax and savour some mouth-watering food. Some students also go to library and read newspaper there. In games period we play badminton, volley ball, etc. Girl students play ring ball too. The library of our school is a medium one. There are about two thousand books on different subjects; we did not have a library period in our weekly routine,so we borrow books from our library and refund them after a week in our free time. We observe the Republic Day, the Independence Day, the Teacher’s Day in our school. We also hold debate competitions and games and sports every year. The school magazine is published every year. In annual examinations the students from our school show brilliant performance. Many students from this school have occupied glorious position in our state. Our school always holds book fair for students to have a chance to explore the advantages of reading. This year a classical teacher from our school retired formally. The discipline, the study atmosphere and the brilliant academic result of our school attract many meritorious students from distant parts of our state. It is an ideal school in all respects.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Reflections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reflections - Essay Example It inculcates trust and confidence and helps patient recover faster. The concepts of ‘self’, ‘other’ and ‘holistic’ have increasingly evolved as critical paradigms of nursing. The concepts of ‘self’ and ‘other’ denote the need to understand oneself within the defined constraints of social fabric and promote a distinct identity able to contribute to the development process through designated skills and ideologies that are conferred to the identity. As a nurse, I would, therefore, be taking care of the healthcare needs of the others, namely patients. Holistic care has evolved from the fact that environmental factors widely contribute to the overall well-being of patients. I believe that nurses’ functions are not confined to medicine; nurses also have to support the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of the patients through cross cultural understanding and building fruitful relationships with them. The fears vis-à -vis professional advancement, environmental changes, problems at the home-front, conflicts at workplace etc. are major deterring factors for personal and professional growth. They generate stress and tension that adversely impacts the emotional and physical well-being of individuals. They must be overcome through understanding of these life issues. Also, positive attitude should be developed, as it encourages resolution of such
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Recession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Recession - Essay Example Inflation is the general rise in the prices of goods and services over a certain period of time. Higher rates of inflation lead to smaller percentages of goods and services that can be purchased with same amount of money. Inflation occurs due to reasons like varied increment in cost production, national debts, and high energy costs (Knoop 69). During inflation periods, people cut out leisure spending, the overall spending and begin saving more than before. As individuals and businesses curtail expenditures, the GDP declines. Unemployment rates, on the other hand, rise as companies lay off employees to cut costs (Knoop 99). These combinations of factors cause the economy to fall into recession. In the last few years, the US have been in a recession. The issue was experienced in 2008 after the irrational exuberance in the housing market had directed most people to purchase houses they could not afford. This happened because everyone thought the prices of housing were likely to increase. Unfortunately, the bubble busted in 2006 as the housing prices started coming down (Knoop 104). The shock caught many homeowners who had taken loans with little money to purchase houses unaware. After realizing they were likely to experience losses by selling houses for less than their mortgage, they foreclosed. The shoot up foreclosure rate made most banks and hedge funds to panic. Consequently, those who had bought mortgage-backed securities on the secondary market began realizing they were facing massive losses. Banks began fearing to lend each other by 2007 due to the urge to evade the toxic loans as collateral. What followed was the $700 billion bail out and high unemployment rate in 20 08. The economic stimulus plan was launched in 2009 by the US government to spend $185 billion (Knoop 213). It led to alteration of four quarter decline in GDP by Q3 in the same year hence ending the recession. However, high unemployment rates persisted up to 2011
Monday, October 7, 2019
Online education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Online education - Assignment Example Strategies like this can directly influence learning process and enhance it for the better. Though online education with the help of modern modes of technology translates into less student-teacher interaction, but the truth is that the merits of this mode of education far outweigh its demerits. Out of all teachers and students interviewed during the course of this research, majority coincided with online education giving logical reasons to augment their approval. It is a well-established scientific fact that some students are right brain dominant, while others are left brain dominant. While verbal lectures among other conventional teaching methods are more suitable for left brain dominant students, right brain dominant students learn better through videos. The conclusion is that though online education is quite beneficial, real learning process should be a mix of both conventional and modern teaching methods because student-teacher interaction cannot be substituted by anything
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Comparing and Contrasting Sec. Hillary Clinton and Sen. John Kerry Essay
Comparing and Contrasting Sec. Hillary Clinton and Sen. John Kerry - Essay Example This paper is the compare and contrast essays example. It is interesting to note that both Sec. Clinton and Sen. Kerry received both attended Yale University at one time or another. Sen. Kerry received his Political Science degree from Yale University in 1966 ( â€Å"John Kerry†) while Sec. Clinton received her Law degree from Yale in 1973 ( â€Å"Hillary Clinton†). Therefore one can deduce that the political beliefs of these two notable U.S. political figures found itself being shaped and molded within the hallowed halls of this ivy league university. Both Sec. Clinton and Sen. Kerry are active members of the Democratic Party of the United States and have served as senators during their time in active politics. Sen. Clinton was elected to represent the people of New York in the senate halls of Washington D.C. in the year 2000 ( â€Å"Hillary Clinton†) while Sen. Kerry began serving the people of Massachusetts as their senator in 1984. He won his reelection bids in 1990, 1996, 2002, and 2008 ( â€Å"John Kerry†). Even though both had a failed run for the Democratic presidential nomination, it seems that Pres. Barack Obama has an unquestioning belief in both of them to have appointed them both to the office of Secretary of State, the little president position as some call it, where they are required to represent both the president and the country across the seas as envoys of foreign relations. While both Sec. Clinton and Sen. Kerry have some notable similarities in their political history and educational background, the two also have some marked differences that one should take note of. The first being that Sen. Kerry actively served in the Vietnam war before entering into political office. It is believed that this field experience will greatly help the incoming secretary as he navigates the treacherous waters of national security and U.S. foreign policies. Democrat Sen. Chris Coons recalls one meeting that Sen. Kerry had with the politicians in Islamabad that could quite possibly set the tone for his run in the State Department. Sen. Coons recalls (Associated Press â€Å"John Kerry Touted as Successor to Hillary Clintonâ€
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Personal Perceptions of American Revolution Essay
Personal Perceptions of American Revolution - Essay Example Going further back in history, I am now able to view the European colonization of the Western Hemisphere as inclusive of invasion, conquest, and genocide. I now look back with embarrassment about constitutional settlements that protected trade in slaves, committed government to helping slave catchers, and gave extra votes in Congress to slave owners. The moral perceptions that underpin those reappraisals oblige us to go further. In other words, it made me realize that there is good reason to question whether the American Revolution --the British colonies' fight for freedom from the Crown--was morally justifiable. At the beginning of the course I thought of the revolution in transatlantic terms, springing forth as a result of colonial domination. The initial perception was that the colonists were taxed without due representation in Parliament, their endeavor to gain autonomy promptly suppressed by the Crown, their reluctance to act subservient to unresponsive masters leading, justi fiably, to the sweeping revolution. It is not that these initial conceptions were disproved during the course, but some of them were rectified. There is some veracity to the standard version of the War of Independence, for the colonists had genuine grievances against the British Monarchy. But, as I learned during the course, this version either colors or ignores certain obvious facts. Take say the plight of oppressed groups long inhabiting the vast North American landscape. Their voice was totally unrepresented in the discourse related to the revolution. According to the doctrinaire version of the revolution, the colonists were regarded as the primary victims of injustice. This is blatantly false, because the principal victims were the colored people, including Native Americans, whose generosity and hospitality were grossly abused by the European settlers. Contrary to the belief that European Americans have been all too willing to accept, European emigres came to inhabited territory in North America. Native Americans were populous and many dwelt in stable and structured communities. They had cleared land on the eastern seaboard and cultivated vast terrains. Their nations had established territories which were vital to the hunting component of their economies. These facts were evident to European settlers---especially to those who escaped starvation by accepting as gifts the fruits of Native American agriculture. Yet, distilled history of colonization largely neglects this aspect of early settlements. I also learnt during the course that African Americans are another community that bore the brunt of injustice - as they came to the continent tied in chains and were forced to slog as slaves. In this backdrop, the European frontiersman’s basic grievance was that he was restricted in robbing the already wretched natives and black slaves. Their cry for freedom and liberty was nothing more than a clamor for more control over the disadvantaged slaves and native s. This state of institutionalized injustice was accentuated further during the years of the revolution, diminishing the aura surrounding it even more. In other words, the injuries and sufferings associated with the revolution were apportioned unequally between the colonialists and other colored groups. These darker facets of the American Revolution were not cognizant to me prior to taking the course. And taking the course has made
Friday, October 4, 2019
Socrates, Body and Soul Essay Example for Free
Socrates, Body and Soul Essay In the first part of the Phaedo, Socrates lays out his theory regarding the immortality of the soul. Near the end of this part he breaks down the body and soul and shows us that they are very different in permanence and structure. The body and soul, which are are interlinked when alive and separated at death, are fundamentally different constructs. The dichotomy here is expressed through the argument as opposites of composition, ideal forms, solidity, spirituality, and visibility. Socrates opens the overall discussion at 64c by defining death as separation of the soul from the body while the argument regarding the duality of body and soul is picked up again at the end of 78b with the major premise being whether or not the soul is something that can be scattered. Socrates continues by stating that anything that is non-composite will likely stay in one piece over time, while composite or compound items will eventually break down into individual parts. Furthermore, composite objects are subject to change and â€Å"vary from one time to another†(78c) with things that are static likely being non-composite in nature. Socrates now elects to pull in the invisible perfect forms that are the ideals of the corporeal existence. â€Å"The Equal itself, the Beautiful itself, each thing in itself, the real †¦ remain the same and never in any way tolerate any change whatever. †(78d) This is a continuation of a previous line of reasoning that starts at 65d with the introduction of the pure concepts that are partially enumerated as the Beautiful, the Just, and the Good and culminating with the realization that perfect knowledge of these can only be obtained with a total disconnect of the soul from the body. The perfect forms presented are actually assumptions that serve to further the argument along. Our direct existence allows us to experience the particulars of the beautiful such as â€Å"men, horses, clothes, or other such things †¦ and all those which bear the same name as the others. †(78e) These particulars help to form our day to day experience and are always in a constant state of flux with relation to themselves or each other. Socrates goes on to posit that those that are static in nature can be grasped only directly by the mind and are among the invisible. Furthermore, we are to assume that the classes of visible and invisible exist and are real and that the visible is in constant change and the invisible is static in nature. Socrates then establishes the visible and invisible existences and states that the visible is in constant change, while the invisible in absolutely never changes. The argument is further refined at 79c by defining the body and soul as parts that can be split into two separate entities with the body being visible and the soul invisible. Now, at the bottom of 79c, the soul is described as being â€Å"dragged by the body to the things that are never the same, and the soul itself strays and is confused and dizzy as if it were drunk, in so far as it is in contact with that kind of thing. †This is a continuation of the argument near 66a, whereby â€Å"the body confuses the soul and does not allow it to acquire truth and wisdom whenever it is associated with it. †In 79d, Socrates tells us that the soul is akin to the â€Å"pure, ever existing, immortal, and unchanging. †When investigation is done by the soul itself, it enters the spiritual realm and â€Å"will cease straying and only then will it experience wisdom. The logical conclusion of this argument is that â€Å"the soul is altogether more like that which always exists in the same state rather than like that which does not. †(79e) The argument proceeds to lay out the notions of the nature of the divine and the mortal as that of to lead and to follow. Next the body is posited to resemble most closely the mortal and the soul the divine. To summarize the argument , at 80b, Socrates said â€Å"that the soul is most like the divine, deathless, intelligible, uniform, indissoluble, always the same as itself, whereas the body is most like that which is human, mortal, mustiform. Unintelligible, soluble and never consistently the same. †Based on this Socratean argument, the body and soul are fundamentally different constructs. Their properties are diametrically opposite to each other, with the soul being immortal, unchangeable and non-composite. On the other hand, the body is mortal, changeable, and a composite structure. It has been shown that composites really has a risk of blowing away after death, while the soul does not. References Morito, Bruce (2000). Introduction to Philosophy West and East, Study Guide. Athabasca: Athabasca University. Grube, G. M. A. (1977). Plato Phaedo (translation). Indianapolis, Indiana: Hacket Publishing Company, Inc.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Reflective evaluation of the skills of counselling
Reflective evaluation of the skills of counselling This essay is a reflective evaluation of the skills of counselling applied to loss and grief in a students process of learning how to travel the journey of the therapeutic relationship with the client. The essay will contain reflections of verbatim examples from during the practice session in which Steven Felice is the client, and Caroline Roberts the counsellor. The essay will also discuss via relevant literature the process of person-centred counselling in the focus of loss through bonds of attachment and continuing bonds. The practice session took place in counselling room two, at ACAP on the 21st of April 2010, between Steven Felice and Caroline Roberts. Steven wanted to discuss the loss of a friendship. This friendship for Steven was a friendship that had begun in early childhood and carried a deep bond of attachment, for which Steven is finding the loss hard to accept. During the session I spent the majority of the time listening to Steven and reflecting as best I could the content and emotion of his experience. When dealing with loss in relation to friendships it is important to offer the client the same respect to emotional depth of expression as that of a person experiencing loss from a death. For Steven the loss of significance surrounded his childhood friend no longer wishing to be as close as usual due to her recent change of religious affiliation. For Steven this seems difficult to accept, as he was willing to try to understand and acknowledge her needs and she seems to have rejected him. He also seems to feel loss around his confidence with how he relates and interacts with people, which appears to be trust related issues. Almost a loss of innocence has been triggered by the loss of this important attachment bond. Loss is such an immense part of living and loving that it would be difficult to counsel without an understanding of the theory of attachment. Mallon (2008) suggests understanding attachment in grief and loss counselling is essential due to the basis that all human relationships are based in attachment, from the first attachment to ones mother, extending through lifes interactions to include those called friends and lovers. Neimeyer, Baldwin, Gillies (2006) discuss how with the loss of a loved one, people tend to keep the attachment alive and well within their memories, stories, dreams, images, and even music or ornaments. When a loved one is no longer in presence, then the attachment and relationship changes but it does not cease to exist, the relationship is merely rewritten or shifted to another reality or perception. As is the case with Stevens relationship, at 16:04 Steven says, he fights in his own head when asked about the whether he is still maintaining the relationship, which would seem to indicate quite clearly that he is continuing the bond and relationship even though she is unaware of this. During the session I felt I established rapport, and was present with Steven, as well as using active listening, reflection, and questions, although I could have phrased these more appropriately, I also used silence to allow Steven his thoughts. I dont know that I was able to apply a structured assessment during the session, as in trying to purposely work on coping skills, support systems, and spiritual or cultural dimensions. However I feel that we talked about these issues in the course of the session as reflection, active listening and questioning allowed these issues to come into play, especially when silence was used, allowing Steven to process and actualise his sense of spiritual connection and personal experiences and expectations. I would like to reflect on my skills as an awaking, a process of realisation about how one is appropriate in being curious, respectful, congruent, empathic, and present simultaneously, without getting in ones own way. Rogers (1942-2008) suggests that the counselling relationship provides a safe respectful environment in which the client feels comfortable and accepted enough to express their feelings knowing that the counsellor will not judge them, but will listen and support them. As a grief, loss and bereavement counsellor I feel it would be very beneficial to hone my skills around person-centred counselling, with particular focus on attachment theory and continuing bonds. Person-centred counselling is such a great grounding for doing no harm, as it is based in Rogerss core conditions. Tolan (2003) describes the core conditions as requiring the counsellor to be mentally and emotionally present and remove themselves from the clients story by simply listening without judgment or bias, with respect, congruence, and empathy, no forgetting unconditional positive regard. Bryant-Jefferies (2006) explains presence as a line of communication whereby both client and counsellor are empathically aware of eac h other. With the felt presence, the most significant element would be whether or not the client feels they are being understood, which can be demonstrated with appropriate reflection. During the session I felt that Steven and I were in a place of empathic contact, established through good rapport, and staying as present as possible. I feel I can improve my sense of presence as time allows skills to become second nature, as right now I often get in my own way by worrying about whether or not I am demonstrating all the necessary skills. For example my art of reflection still needs to develop as shown with these examples; C: 06:27; so youre missing the previous style of relationship and interaction that you had from. S: yeah, yeah I need that Some of my language could probably be improved by saying; I sense you are missing the closeness of your relationship. Also I need to be mindful of using words like so, as it can carry a feeling of judgement if the tone is not just right. Another example; C: 09:47; so you just said that, if I go back to you saying, that you are asking yourself about the relevance of keeping someone, now youre sort of talking about the boundaries and stuff, is that related. S: ah, by keeping someone and having boundaries as such, I feel like it, like when I meet a new person now.. Again I begin with so, I think I actually begin nearly every reflection with so. Note to self do not say so. The reflection would be better if I phrased it; I hear you questioning your feelings towards getting close to another affects you, which seems to be bring up the need for boundaries, could you tell me more about that. Around 08:45: I ask; so was she an intimate friend or I made Steven uncomfortable as you can see by his body language, where instead I could have asked; could you tell me more about that, or what did that childhood friendship mean for you. The art of the question is another skill I need to practice, especially with careful open questions instead of closed blunt or, the too intrusive kind of questions. Nelson-Jones (2009) suggests that even though some background information can help the counsellor understand the clients background, open questions allow the client to express their story how they wish to, instead of the counsellor meeting their agenda. Respect is the underlying need in all questions with open questions such as, what does that mean for you, being a respectfully gentle asking for the clients meaning, and also another way to monitor counsellor curiosity with respect to the client. I could really hear that Steven attaches to people very deeply and quickly or easily, and I wanted to explore that with him, but alas my skills in how to achieve that need practise. Attachment is such a deep seated need and reflex that helps one find and express love that I feel its importance cannot be overlooked. Russell-Chapin and Smith (2008) talk about the undeniable reality that love and loss are part of the whole experience of human attachment, with the point being that the more attached the relationship the more the loss may be felt and experienced. In addition they discuss how beneficial it can be to tell stories, and share our losses, as a way of continuing the life of ones loved one, for which the word anamnesis is used to describe the experience of remembering and representing our recollections and experiences of shared living with our lost loved one in the present moment. Here I relate to continuing bonds as there is sometimes no escaping the thoughts that float through ones consciousness and replay events, conversations, images, and special moments. Attig (2000) summed up the experience as the continuing of ones connection with those one loved when he stated; the richness of lasting love consoles us (p283). Such words truly express how much sense it makes to keep on loving, keep remembering, keep dreaming, and keep sharing the memories of those we love, whose bodily presence is no longer tangible. Continuing bonds wi th ones loved ones also brings up how much attachment plays in relationships, for if no attachment is felt, no meaningful relationship exists, and therefore no need to miss or remember. Around 14:10; Steven begins telling me how his friend is involved in certain religious practices. At 14:22; I reflect C: So youre worried about her. Steven continues his story and I feel it is important to listen and use silence here as I sense he might need to hear his thoughts process this. Geldard Geldard (2008) express how new counsellors often find silence difficult because they are worried about appearing to demonstrate the skills required. However once the silence has become a comfortable reflex the counsellor can allow the client the precious moments of reflection often needed to mentally sit in a thought and own the feeling. Palmer Milner (2003) suggest that silence can be a very supportive space for the client to contemplate their thoughts when used appropriately and respectfully in a comfortable measure. Silence is a skill that requires self acceptance and a certain measure of self-assured comfort to be able to sit with the client when they require a moment to contemplate. Steven, given a moment to silently think then begins to reflect on his own spirituality in connection with the reactions he is experiencing. Walsh (2004) suggests that in some cases a person may be grieving their spiritual connection to self, brought into awareness by an experience of loss. As does feeling the loss of physical, emotional, or relational, connections, this could in turn affect ones ability to find some resolution within ones life. This is not surprising considering spirituality is one of the concepts that give life meaning in death as it does in life. Walsh (2004b) goes on to explain that peoples spiritual beliefs cross generations and evolve and develop, as family cultures evolve and develop, embedding and adjusting values and beliefs that surround not only life and love but also death. When I look at the experience of loss Steven has shared with me, and consider how I could have explored this more to address his coping style, support system, spiritual or religious beliefs, as well as his cultural influences, I am not sure at my level of competency in twenty minutes how to achieve all of that whilst respectfully listening to his story and allowing the client to lead and own the session. Johns (2005) cites Rogerss who states The degree to which I can create relationships which facilitate the growth of others as separate persons is a measure of the growth I have achieved in myself (p5). This statement is a very powerful truth to which I feel as a counsellor is the aim of self development and a very necessary goal to practice and reflect constantly on the skills. Johns (2005b) explores some of the ways in which counsellor skills can be practiced, including personal counselling, doing practice sessions, keeping diary of skills development, taking risks when practicing t o develop confidence, thereby, learning to relax and own the space of self within the counselling dynamic. Personally I have volunteered at my local church to get actual practice and develop my confidence as well as my skills. I also believe that going through the process of being a volunteer within the counselling realm will also help me to understand more about myself and where I wish to focus my future as a counsellor. So here in lies how I intend to move forward to becoming a better counsellor and person. To conclude this wonderful and challenging self reflection, I would like to acknowledge that I am growing as a counsellor. I am learning how important the theories and models associated with bereavement are vital to allow a counsellor to be of actual assistance to a person suffering. I am confirmed through my research of the theories and models, that love and attachment are vital in life, death, and counselling. Being able to workshop my faults and successes is also a vital process in the development of my use and understanding of not just the skills but why they are so important, particularly in the field of counselling in loss.
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