Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Native Elements List
Local Elements List Local components are compound components that happen in nature in an uncombined or unadulterated structure. Albeit most components are discovered uniquely in intensifies, an uncommon not many are local. Generally, local components likewise structure synthetic bonds and happen in mixes. Here is a rundown of these components: Local Elements That Are Metals Old man knew about a few unadulterated components, essentially metals. A few of the honorable metals, for example, gold and platinum, exist free in nature. The gold gathering and platinum gathering, for instance, are on the whole components that exist in the local state. The uncommon earth metals are among components that don't exist in local structure. Aluminum - AlBismuth - Â BiCadmium - CdChromium - CrCopper - CuGold - AuIndium - InIron - FeIridium - IrLead - PbMercury - HgNickel - NiOsmium - OsPalladium - PdPlatinum - PtRhenium - ReRhodium - RhSilver - AgTantalum - TaTin - SnTitanium - TiVanadium - VZinc - Zn Local Elements That Are Metalloids or Semimetals Antimony - SbArsenic - AsSilicon - SiTellurium - Te Local Elements That Are Nonmetals Note gases are not recorded here, despite the fact that they may exist in unadulterated structure. This is on the grounds that gases are not viewed as minerals and furthermore in light of the fact that they unreservedly blend in with different gases, so you are probably not going to experience an unadulterated example. In any case, the honorable gases don't promptly join with different components, so you should think about them local in that regard. The honorable gases incorporate helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. So also, diatomic gases, for example, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are not viewed as local components. Carbon - CSelenium - SeSulfur - S Local Alloys Notwithstanding components that happen in the local state, there are a couple composites additionally discovered free in nature: BrassBronzeElectrumGerman SilverGold-Mercury AmalgamPewterSilver-Mercury AmalgamWhite Gold The local combinations and other local metals were mankinds just access to metals before the improvement of refining, which is accepted to have started around 6500 BC. Despite the fact that metals were known before this, they regularly happened in little amounts, so they were not accessible to a great many people.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Indian Triumph of Dionysus Essay -- Art Analysis
While visiting the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, I went over The Indian Triumph of Dionysus. Beginning in Rome, it was made by a rich devotee of Dionysus’s puzzle faction in the late second century A.D. This admirer obviously needed to develop a stone coffin in tribute of Dionysus’s achievements. Moreover, Dionysus is encircled by characters that are inside the puzzle clique in light of the fact that the maker needs the watchers to know with whom he is related. With these two things joined, the benefactor would have liked to reveal insight into a bit of history that they accepted to be noticeable during his life. The format of the historical center makes it extremely simple to discover gems from various timespans. Since I have consistently been intrigued with old Greece and Rome, I knew precisely where to begin my inquiry. The Indian Triumph of Dionysus is in plain view legitimately at the highest point of the flight of stairs paving the way to the subsequent floor. It is encircled by numerous different antiquities from antiquated Greece and Rome. As your eyes move over the room, getting a gleam of gold here and silvery white marble there, it’s exceptionally simple to become overpowered for a second. As I arrived at the highest point of the steps, it was clear that the organizing of this sublime piece was deliberately arranged. The staff of the exhibition hall without a doubt needs this piece seen by every single guest. The show itself is all around done. In the event that you stand straightforwardly before The Indian Triumph of Dionysus, everything around you appears to blur away and exclusive focus sets in. As I remained before The Indian Triumph of Dionysus, tenaciously taking notes since photographs are not permitted, I encountered an outrageous profound association with the past. I attempted to place myself into the shoes of the creator. What was his motivation? What d... ...t is likewise imperative to see that each character appears to have wide eyes and dark circles drawn under their eyes. This is maybe one of the most significant perspectives in light of the fact that the eyes show the hidden subject of complete intoxication. This thus, demonstrates the effect that Dionysus had on his devotees just as the individuals who he won. Wine carried extraordinary capacity to its maker, and had an enduring effect on history. With these gadgets of correspondence, we can see that the adherent needed to catch Dionysus’s heritage by making a stone coffin of recognition in his respect. Works Cited â€Å"MFAH Top 100 Highlights #35 - The Indian Triumph of Dionysus†Historical center of Fine Arts Houston Online. 06 Apr. 2012. Obscure. The Indian Triumph of Dionysus. second Century A.D. The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas.
Cicero, Aristotle, Plato †Just Warrior Free Essays
string(50) An honorable man follows up on character, not calculations. Tory Macdonald 9. 25. 12 Ethics of War and Peace Essay #1 My inquiry: Plato, Aristotle and Cicero all discussed Just War Theory, and accentuation on the Just Warrior. We will compose a custom exposition test on Cicero, Aristotle, Plato †Just Warrior or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now Acquiescence and devotion ( can prompt obliteration. Plato, Aristotle and Cicero, the dads of the Just War custom, create and upgrade the idea of metro prudence and the need to maintain such ethical quality during very disorderly, fierce and severe occasions †war. They each guard the need of war; yet underline the right set of accepted rules in war and what makes a fair and just warrior. Today, war is significantly less engrained in our way of life; our children are not brought into the world with the eventual fate of a warrior. Be that as it may, when there is war, we know about numerous out of line and shocking acts, for example, mass assault, slaughter, or explicitly the My Lai Massacre. Plato, Aristotle and Cicero survived a culture of war, protecting it as important to keeping the harmony. Since it was so engrained in their way of life, a commonality, they were not as worried about the heartless thought that characterizes war-slaughtering another person. Today, we don't live in a culture of steady war, thusly we are increasingly powerless to turning out to be overpowered by the injury of brutality. Plato, Aristotle and Cicero, give rules of an equitable warrior nonetheless, had not yet found what it is that can transform a decent man into an awful one, and what unpleasant parts of war he may succumb to. Today, genuine mental fortitude methods battling against shame, in light of the fact that lamentably, war transforms the most fair men into offensive ones. Plato is a savant who lived from 469-399 through the Peloponnesian Wars and focused on the conviction that for man, there is something more terrible than death-an unreflective life. Plato contemplated that all individuals ought to endeavor to be devout, or acceptable. He noticed that devotion is the thing that the God’s hold dear, what all the Gods concur upon in this manner, it is these ethics that the individuals ought to maintain. In war, a trooper ought not fear demise but instead dread a despicable or irreverent life. He ought to preferably kick the bucket from torment over he ought to from disgrace. A similar thought ought to be utilized when choosing to do battle or not. There must consistently be a simply reason. In a discussion among Alcibiades and Socrates, Plato portrays the significance of taking up arms for an admirable motivation. ‘Soc: Don’t you realize that when we make war we start to take up arms subsequent to blaming each other for some attack and what term we use when we start? Alc: I do †we state we have been misled, or done brutality to, or denied of something. ’[1] He at that point expounds to whom a war can be asserted against: ‘Soc: Now, who cares about this? Whom will you encourage the Athenians to take up arms against, those carrying on unfairly or those rehearsing the fair things? Alc: What you are asking is an awful thing; for regardless of whether somebody had it in his psyche that war should be pursued against those rehearsing the fair things, he would not admit to it, in any event. ’[2] Plato looks for the impartial truth, a basic reflection on why and what to do in a circumstance, particularly in regards to war. Every one of his answers returns to being devout and intelligent. He accepts that war is important to keep up a decent state, anyway trusts it particularly essential to maintain devout and upright gauges as an only warrior, in a worthy motivation, utilizing just methods, to achieve just closures. Aristotle is the originator of prudence morals or â€Å"Jus in bello†, just activities in war. Aristotle asserted that ethics are portrayed as a mean of greatness, an inside between two boundaries: overabundance and inadequacy. For instance, fortitude is a harmony among weakness and wildness. Judiciousness is down to earth shrewdness that decides the mean of all ethics basically what decides the mean between two boundaries. This is particularly significant in characterizing the temperances of a warrior. Aristotle accepts that a â€Å"just warrior†is a man who shows boldness and submits activities that are just respectable. He states there ought to be a reason to his battling, something he is eager to pass on for. A â€Å"just warrior†decides to suffer things since it is respectable. â€Å"He will fear them as he should and as reason coordinates, and he will confront them for what is honorable, for this is the finish of greatness. [3] He takes note of that a gutsy man is certainly not a valiant one, however one who faces those feelings of trepidation since it is correct. Aristotle additionally takes note of that, â€Å"Courage is respectable. Subsequently the end is likewise honorable; for every thing is characterized by its end. In this manner it is for a respectable end that the bold man suffers and goes about as boldness coordinates. †[4] Aristotle underscores that a fair warrior battles just for a worthwhile motivation. Aristotle likewise outlines five unique sorts of boldness and their respectable employments. The first is political boldness. One who shows political mental fortitude feelings of trepidation disgrace instead of agony or discipline. The second is that mental fortitude is information. He notes, â€Å"While the previous from the earliest starting point confronted the peril on the presumption they were more grounded, and when they know the realities they fly, dreading demise more than disfavor; however the fearless man isn't that kind of person†. [5] He clarifies that when one is aware of the peril, and still furrows ahead, he is brave. The third is that enthusiasm should help ethics, anyway sentiments are not dauntlessness and feelings ought not talk stronger than reason. As Homer noted, â€Å"put quality into his passion†[6] as the individuals who are enthusiastic are regularly anxious to hurry into peril. The fourth expresses that cheerful individuals are not daring, â€Å"for they are certain about peril simply because they have vanquished frequently against numerous foes†¦when their experiences don't succeed notwithstanding, they flee; however it was the characteristic of a bold man to confront things that are. †[7] An honorable man follows up on character, not counts. You read Cicero, Aristotle, Plato †Just Warrior in class Exposition models The fifth point is that boldness doesn't mean individuals who are oblivious. The individuals who don't have the foggiest idea and succeed are not bold, simply fortunate. Cicero who lived from 106 to 43 BC, made the Peace Movement that moved away from â€Å"best barrier is a decent offense†to the possibility of steady metro temperance. He unequivocally expressed that war must be attempted with the point of harmony. He accepted that war must be a final retreat and an assertion between two gatherings. â€Å"For this we can get a handle on that no war is simply except if it is pursued after a conventional interest for reclamation, or except if it has been officially reported and pronounced in advance. †[8] Justice was to be kept up among all members. He was the first to announce that war was not a world separated, and that abominations submitted at a global level were not diverse as though they were submitted in ones own state. Cicero expressed that the â€Å"moral cooperation of humankind should know no boundaries†. [9] This relates with his concept of common law; a characteristic cooperation that exists among all people, which nature has accommodated all men to treat each other ethically. There are shared traits among all men, regardless of on the off chance that he is an ocean away, and Cicero accepted that every warrior to act legitimately was to maintain that idea. Cicero additionally focused on that the battling during war should consistently be towards a decent end. He takes note of that a fair warrior doesn't consider personal responsibility saying, â€Å"However, if the loftiness of soul that uncovers itself in the midst of peril and drudge is unfilled of equity, in the event that it battles not for the normal wellbeing yet for its own points of interest, it is a bad habit. †[10] He likewise values reasons that settle on choices over mental fortitude that instigates fight. An equitable warrior â€Å"fights for the benefit of fairness†[11]. An equitable warrior should likewise have the option to offset reason with his motivation. Cicero notes, â€Å"However, we should practice the body, preparing it with the goal that when it needs to take care of business or bear difficult work it can obey direction and reason. [12] Just on the grounds that a warrior is battling for a respectable motivation, doesn't mean he can dismiss the simply thinking behind it and we should prepare our troopers with the goal that this doesn’t occur. The My Lai slaughter on March sixteenth, 1968 was the mass homicide of somewhere close to 347 to 500 honest, unarmed town individuals of Southern Vietnam. [13] The United States military men of the Company C â€Å"Charlie†of the first Battalion submitted the demonstrations that included mass homicide, mutilation, scouring and assault. Lead into the territory under a bogus sign of thick adversary action, they were met with ladies, youngsters, and the old. Despite the fact that the men had not yet endured any immediate assault in the primary months of their sending, they had endured mines and booby traps, losing numerous men. [14] The organization was provided arranges by Captain Ernest Medina, who unmistakably expressed that every one of the individuals who were foes or appeared as though adversaries were to be brought down. [15] The organization lead by Second Lieutenant William Calley then went in to the town, and started terminating at what should be hazardous adversaries. [16] The savagery raised and the severity didn't stop. A few men took an interest, a few men remained back and viewed. Just one man, Warrant Officer Scout Hugh Thompson who had detected the slaughter from a helicopter, yielded his life and the lives of his men to stop the outrages. [17] right up 'til the present time, just one man has been sentenced for atrocities and just served three years of house capture. The others were disregarded. Today, the My Lai Massacre is taken a gander at as the exemplification of the Vietnam War-a misstep, a horrible time of disarray, a case of the mental injuries of war. In particular, it is a case of how effectively disrespect can cloud moral thinking. These men were irate to have lost their kindred b
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Roots of Religious and Social Opposition between Catholicism and Pentecostalism
The topic of resistance between religions is fairly questionable in light of the fact that religions depend on the arrangement of convictions which are related with the human otherworldliness, yet not with any methods of reasoning and endeavors to accomplish the unequivocal objective. Truly, religions in their relationship with so much foundations as chapels have a larger number of likenesses with the market brands than with the parts of the people’s spirituality.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on The Roots of Religious and Social Opposition among Catholicism and Pentecostalism explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More From this point, current houses of worship contend inside the market of the people’s convictions, and this announcement isn't an analogy on the grounds that the triumph in the opposition ensures the advancement of the congregation in the strict circle as well as in the social and financial fields. Today, places of worship are firmly associated with the social parts of the people’s life inside networks. Subsequently, it is conceivable to talk about ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ of the strict rivalry. This thought is talked about in detail in the book The Churching of America, 1776-2005: Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy composed by Finke and Stark. As per the creators, conventional religions or mainline divisions lost their positions when upstart factions created in the field as ‘winners’ (Finke Stark, 2005). Despite the fact that Catholicism is one of the biggest and most mainstream religions in the USA, it is losing its position on account of traditionalist beliefs and standards which can't be loose promptly with the assistance of clear changes; in actuality, Pentecostalism creates and pulls in more supporters in light of the direction to the people’s interests. Despite the notoriety with the general population and an extraordinary number of devote es, Catholicism in the USA can be alluded as the ‘loser’ in the competition of religions and houses of worship which become â€Å"competitive associations arranged to look for souls†(Finke Stark, 2005, p. 75). Catholicism can be examined to be powerful as the conventional religion arranged to assist individuals with sparing their spirits. Therefore, the standards and techniques of Catholicism are insufficient to contend inside the congregation advertise. In their work, Finke and Stark clarify the reasons for the decay of those religions which were well known during an extensive stretch of time as, for example, Catholicism which was the primary religion spread by the Europeans at the American domains. The creators express that the mainline divisions â€Å"were neglecting to offer valid religion †¦ they had gotten so obliged to the common culture that individuals could no longer fulfill their requirement for the consecrated by going to services†(Finke Stark, 2005, p. 245). From one perspective, Catholicism stays to be probably the biggest religion in the nation, and it is a disputable point to talk about its decline.Advertising Looking for article on religion religious philosophy? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the other hand, the Catholic Church in the USA experiences a great deal of changes and changes related with the necessities to react to the social changes or people’s vision comparable to the religion’s work. Today, Catholicism isn't steady, and numerous new flows show up alongside the huge digestion of the congregation inside the general public. It is conceivable to talk about these elements as adding to the religion’s progress, however Catholicism in its unadulterated structure is declining. Catholicism depends on the exacting created tenet, and much consideration is paid to the church’s association. The primary spotlight is on soun dness and custom. Finke and Stark express that these highlights are trademark for the mainline divisions, and the focus on these perspectives is the initial move toward the decay since present-day fiery orders have more opportunities to get well known with people in general. The issue is in the way that numerous factions are in danger of declining when they become the mainline places of worship (Finke Stark, 2005). The Catholic Church works the convictions and standards which are shared by the noteworthy piece of the American populace since it centers around the human respect and good standards which are esteemed inside society. By and by, Catholicism is portrayed by the distinct highlights which are examined by the general population as excessively moderate. During a significant stretch of time, the administrations in the Catholic Church were carefully sorted out and managed, and priests’ talks were acted in Latin. These angles were changed later so as to meet the interests of the strict networks. Be that as it may, there are a ton of perspectives related with the strict and good standards which are somewhat hard to follow in the cutting edge society. For example, Catholics are against fetus removal, willful extermination, and capital punishment which are upheld in the cutting edge American culture by many individuals (Ahlstrom, 2004). Concentrating on the goals of the human poise, moral decency, and family life, Catholics might be tested by the real factors of the American culture. Today, numerous individuals join the distinct religion so as to get the help. Starting here, Catholicism gives a greater number of restrictions than help (Corbett Hemeyer, 1997). Thus, individuals are slanted to pick the cutting edge factions as indicated by their inclinations and standards. The Catholic Church doesn't give the powerful ‘promotion’ to the association and religion all in all. In this manner, individuals decide to follow the strict developments w hich hierarchical standards are related with the guidelines average for the market or which are all the more near the parts of the social life.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on The Roots of Religious and Social Opposition among Catholicism and Pentecostalism explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The following significant factor is the ‘market value’ of the congregation. As indicated by Finke and Stark, â€Å"the high enrollment expenses and clear gathering limits produce these aggregate products by model and exclusion†(Finke Stark, 2005, p. 250). Individuals need to feel the avoidance of their congregation and network. Following the market designs, the efficiency of the administrations, including the strict administrations, can incite inquiries regarding their dependability. Pentecostalism in the USA is the strict development which created from the faction, and it very well may be examined today as one of the ‘winners ’ in the strict market. Pentecostalism varies from Catholicism not just in the parts of the strict vision in light of the fact that the adherents of Pentecostalism stress the job of the Holy Spirit yet additionally in the methodologies of sorting out the public’s gatherings. As per Hemeyer, â€Å"the experience of profoundly passionate love and strict delight is the establishment of Pentecostalism†(Hemeyer, 2010, p. 198). The devotees of Pentecostalism are not reluctant to show their feelings on the grounds that their religion is the best approach to comprehend their job in this life and society. Pentecostals accept that their activities are guided by the God with references to the Holy Spirit. Starting here, it is critical to hear oneself out and follow the inward expectations. The strict vision is concentrated through understanding, however not through much thought. Concentrating on these couple of subtleties, it is conceivable to express that Pentecostalism can be more compelling in the advanced society than Catholicism in light of the association with the people’s contemporary ways to deal with sorting out their life. In this manner, it is conceivable to decide two principle factors which can clarify the decrease of the mainline divisions and notoriety of the new temples not during a long notable period, yet today. Current individuals are utilized to think as indicated by the market and business classes, and their life is more powerful than it was before. From this point of view, today isn't sufficient to announce strict standards and decipher the Bible so as to treat the spirit. Today is progressively compelling to express the estimation of the religion with references to the enrollment costs. In addition, the Bible ought to be deciphered corresponding to the public’s interests since joining the unequivocal church, individuals look for accomplishing the specific reason. In present day houses of worship, God just as cler ics is nearer to adherents (Hemeyer, 2010). The primary conviction shared by Pentecostals is that the Holy Spirit can get in touch with them even genuinely and give the clear information. God is near adherents and can be felt with references to encounter gave. That is the reason, activity is essential during the love. Hemeyer states that â€Å"Pentecostal adore is passionate and enthusiastic†and it depends on the vigorous activity which is related with understanding (Hemeyer, 2010, p. 204).Advertising Searching for paper on religion religious philosophy? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Pentecostals feel that they have a place with the network which is straightforwardly managed by God. The decision of Pentecostalism as the religion to follow depends on the choice of an adherent to follow God’s will and share the information gave by the Holy Spirit. Grown-up sanctification underpins the possibility of the cognizant decision. The upstart factions turned into the main strict developments in the USA since they associate the possibility of advancement with otherworldliness. Despite the reality Finke and Stark’s contention is fairly questionable and provocative, it is connected with the advanced social propensities. The quantity of individuals who join the congregation in the USA builds every year. Is this the motivation to talk about the development of the public’s otherworldliness? It is conceivable
Positive Psychology Example
Positive Psychology Example Positive Psychology †Coursework Example Positive Psychology Positive Psychology Positive brain research is the investigation of satisfaction. It is the logical perception and set of helpful instruments that can be utilized to construct flourishing people, families, networks, and nations. It is the field of brain research that reviews the variables that empower or can permit people, families or networks to flourish. It investigates how people can live more joyful and progressively satisfied lives. In the work environment, positive brain research can be showed in differentâ ways since various people have diverse life helpers. Exercises that fulfill one vary starting with one individual then onto the next. Notwithstanding, there are some basic shows of positive brain research in the working environment. As indicated by Mills, Christina, Fleck and Kozikowski, (2013), satisfaction in the working environment can be because of strengthening, appreciation, representative commitment, saw director and authoritative help, positive c ooperation and work connections, and positive initiative. Actually, any or the entirety of the above components can make me discover satisfaction in my lif. Positive brain science applies to both execution evaluation procedure, and preparing and improvement forms in equivalent measure. Execution assessment forms bring about individual satisfaction in that the individual is inspired by being enabled, acknowledged, and locked in. Preparing and advancement forms likewise lead to individual fulfillment through commitment, gratefulness, new difficulties and expertise improvement. People can, along these lines, discover fulfillment and satisfaction from both or both of the procedures. Be that as it may, contingent upon the individual or circumstance both of the procedures could yield more fulfillment. Associations should, along these lines, use situational examination to figure out which strategy to utilize while applying positive psychology. References Mills, J., Christina, R., Fleck and Kozikowski, A. (2013). Positive brain science at work: A reasonable audit, condition of-practice evaluation, and a look-ahead. The Journal of Positive Psychology: Dedicated to encouraging examination and advancing great practice, 8(2), 153-164. Recovered from
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Financial Ratios Finance Paper - 550 Words
Financial Ratios Finance Paper (Other (Not Listed) Sample) Content: Financial RatiosName:SubjectDate of Submission According to Gibson (2009), the return on equity measures how organizations generate income from new investments. Higher ratios imply that the organization is performing effectively while poor ratios imply that the organization is performing poorly. The return on equity ratio for plume is 0.13 while the return on equity ratio for the Arrow is 2.15. It follows that Arrow is generating income from new investment better than plume.The return on assets measures the number of cents acquired for every dollar asset (Leach, 2010). Thus, higher return on assets indicates profitability. The return on assets ratio for plume is 0.19 while the return on assets ratio for the Arrow is 1.22. It follows that Arrow generates more income per a dollar of asset than Plume.The gross margin ratio measures the amount of income generated for every dollar of revenue spent. It is notable that higher gross margin ratios indicate good performance whi le lower profitability ratios indicate poor performance (Moyer et al., 2009). The gross margin ratio for plume is 0.45 while the gross margin ratio for the Arrow is 0.41. It follows that Plume generates more income per a dollar of revenue than Arrow.Inventory turnover ratio identifies the days taken by an organization to dispose the average balance of inventory (Gibson, 2009). Lower inventory turnover ratios are effective. However, companies must ensure that their inventory is not exhausted implying too low inventory turnover ratios are problematic. The gross margin ratio for plume is 4.71 while the gross margin ratio for the Arrow is 5.86. Thus, that Plume generates more income per a dollar of revenue than Arrow.The collection period identifies the time taken to collect created receivables. Simply put, it is a measure of sales collection efficiency. Therefore, lower collections periods imply an organization converts sales into cash quickly (Moyer et al., 2009). The collection perio d for plume is 45.42 while the collection period for the Arrow is 33.22. It follows that Arrow converts its sales to cash faster than Plume.Fixed assets turnover ratio applies in identifying cash that is tied in fixed assets. A higher ratio indicates that a little cash is tied up in fixed assets per dollar unit of sales (Gibson, 2009). The fixed assets turnover for plume is 1.87 while the fixed assets turnover for the Arrow is 2.46. It follows that Arrow has little money tied up in assets than Plume.Debt-to-Assets ratio explains the financial advantage of an organization. Simply put, it explains the percentage of assets that are financed by debt (Leach, 2010). A higher percentage indicates more risk, which implies lower debt-to-assets ratios are preferred. The debt-to-Assets ratio for plume is 0.39 while the debt-to-Assets ratio for the Arrow is 0.42. Therefore, Plume is at risk of failing to pay debts than Arrow.The debt-to-equity ratio measures the amount of assets that are financ ed by shareholders equity and debt (Moyer et al., 2009). Therefore, lower debt-to-equity ratio translates to lower risks. The debt-to-equity ratio for plume is 0.67 while the debt-to-equity ratio for the Arrow is 0.73. Consequently, Arrow is at risk of failing to pay debts than Plume.The current ratio measures a business ability to pay its short-term debts (Leach, 2010). Therefore, higher ratios are better than lower current ratios because they indicate the organization is capable of meeting short-term obligations. The current ratio for plume is 1.41while the current ratio for the Arrow is 2.49. As a result, Arrow is likely to pay its short-term debts than Plume.Lastly, the acid test ratio measures the ability of a company to pay it current liabilities using current assets, implying hig...
Friday, June 5, 2020
Gun Controling Our Minds - Free Essay Example
Dupesh Persaud Professor McCaffrey English 1102 5 November 2018 Gun Controlling our Minds With so many mass shootings and violent acts being reported on the news so often its easy to say that guns are the problem, however theres a whole other side to this other than just whats being reported. From ever the start of early America after seceding from Great Britain the America people have always been debating the importins of gun control. With so many school shootings and acts of violence in America today, its easy to say that gun control would be the best option to save lives.. However, current proposed gun control laws will have no affect at reducing mass shootings in the United States whiles simultaneously restricting citizens of rights. Dating back to the birth of this nation after brave men fought off an empire to clamed independence they created rights that everyone under our flag is born with, the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is the most sacred and important document in American history. When talking about gun control its important to understand why people feel so strongly about this not so simple right. The reason we have the right to bear arms is for safety from a tyrannical government. The people of this great nation deserve a way to fight back against a corrupt government; our founding fathers declared that along with other basic right that every America is born with. The First ten amendments make America free and is what brought this great nation together. Your ability to get a gun is something that is taken seriously and has many complications to help prevent people who should not possess them from doing so. Since the start of this great country we as a country have had many debates about the use of gun and regulating them. Most minor gun related incidents such as a child getting a hold of guns and the use of educating children on gun have already been discussed and debated for years, one great example of this would be the Education, Licensing, and National Rifle Association methods on capitol hill 1989 (Wilson 388). Also, we as a nation have passed laws to prevent and stop other miss use of guns. Things like mailing guns as a way to get around background checks and make it easier for people who have committed crimes have been passed. Along with this we have also passed laws to restrict the purchasing of bump stocks to and any form of altering a firearm to make it an automatic weapon. These debates help America grow as a country and help with heathy alternatives that can stop the small incidence that affect our population rather than removing guns as a whole. As a United States citizen, its important to understand that were here to better one another and create a better future for not just ourselves, but our children. Our children are the most important things to us as human and we take that very seriously. As a nation we decided that the best way to keep our children safe when not under our own protection is to enact laws that keep danger away from them; such as gun free zones. Gun free zones are located all around this great nation and not just in public schools; concerts, sports events, most government buildings, airports, also private companies can be labeled gun free zones. These are in place to keep Americans safe by making it so citizens have to leave there registered and concealed carry firearms in their car or home. This will totally and undeniably work under two assumptions, that everyone is following the laws and that everyone is thinking about the greater good over their own personal agendas. Along with idea that guns can just be left in cars is irresponsible; if a criminal were to break into a car and find a gun that criminal would take that gun and use it in other crimes that make cause more problems for other citizens. Gun free zones are a great idea and should workout to save lives and protect our youth by removing the problem all together. However, this all changes once you start looking at the down sides of this. If an attacker trying to commit mass murder for one reason or another and wants to do the most amount of damage possible his best place to do so would be an area that he or she knows will not have as much protection. What Gun free zones do it more of a signal telling people who are looking to do hard that this area is less protected. By restricting law abiding citizens right to self-preservation they are just left hopeless and defenseless when a person breaking that one rule of gun free zones attacks. (gun free zone) When looking at gun related mass shootings we must come up with some sort of answer for this major problem in America. However, the ban on Rifles alone doesnt justify whats happening in this country. As an individual I am far more likely to get into a car accident than to ever be in a gun related incident. Along with that is the fact that most gun related mass shootings happen with handing making up eighty-four incidences of shootings and rifles only being forty-one incidences since 1982(Weapons). With the graph you can see the weapons used in mass shootings in the United States and its relationship to the number of incidents for each weapon. It highlights the fact that handguns are being used in crimes much more often than rifles and also shotguns by a significant margin. With this its hard to say for sure that rifles are the problem in America, because the amount of handgun incidences drastically out way the number if incidences associated with rifles. An incredible majority of gun related deaths are the result of a criminal using stolen and unregistered guns in ways that somehow is having a bigger impact on responsible gun owners than the criminals themselves. Just about everyone can say that there is a problem but to just outright blame an inanimate object for the acts of one person seems rash and irresponsible. Its important to look at what exactly were losing when we talk about giving up guns and adopting major forms of gun control. One major problem we see is removing any guns from gun owns just doesnt seems logical. When you have the majority of gun owners following all gun laws from background check to classes for concealed carry. It might seem like something unnecessary, but this is something people fought for and is something that any responsible gun owner takes seriously. The real problem comes when you have criminals using gun for illegal things like drugs and gang violence; problems like these are the reason gun deaths are so high in America, that being seventy-five perfect of all gun crimes in the united states. Most of these numbers are also coming from the same states, that being New York, California, and Illinoi; Its interesting because these states have very strict gun laws and regulations to stop incidents like these from happening so much (Gun). However, this falls short from what these laws were put in place for and might just be restricting innocent bystanders from protecting themselves and loved ones. Another big problem that is being made is the comparison of the United States to other countries who have lost this right. Great Britain has had multiple mass murders in its country over the last decade and also has some of highest gun control laws in the world, so much that officers of the law dont even carry gun for safety or civilian protection. Another example would be India having almost the same amount of gun in circulation as the United States and not being anywhere close to the amount of mass murders comparatively (qtd. Lewis). Vox published a very interesting article comparing different countries to the United States and its been talked about a lot(Lopez). They compare the United States to Countries like Switzerland, Canada, and Australia. When looking at this most of these other countries are very different cultures, the exception being Australia. Australia did ban gun and that resulted in no mass shootings from that point in; it still has an increased number in violence since people dont have a way to protect themselves. It just isnt as simple as people thing when comparing countries to one another. Cultures and ideals are different when looking at countries and the idea that there laws would work in a melting pot like the United States is radical. A big debate Ive seen make its rounds in American media is how ridiculous it would be to arm school officials with weapon. This debated is taken place right after a mass shooting no matter if the shooter was using one or not. Its sad that we must go through something so tough like the loss of our children when they should be protected. This idea was created to make gun free zones safer for young unprotected students. Its not something that every teacher should do, however if you do have the experience and knowledge of firearms this should be allowed. The right to self-preservation and self-preservation of our children should be taken seriously. Most gun wielding citizens are responsible and arent careless about their firearms and are willing to protect. Our first responders, officers of the law, are here to protect and here to help when we need them. Except when they arent around for the first few minutes of mass shooting; so many lives can be taken in those few short minutes and if we had another form of protection it could only help save live. If you are a responsible gun owner and have your permits to own a gun, it is statistically safer to have you around for safety. In this great nation we live in today gun control is one of the most highly talked about issue and is something that has been debated since to start of our great nation. However, as it stands proposed gun control laws truly have no effect at stopping mass shooting and only put more lives in danger by limiting the people who are using guns for defensive use. Gun control laws only work if everyone is following the laws, however, this is never the case especially when most crimes being committed by guns arent registered and criminals arent following laws in the first place. America is a nation founded by men and women who gave their lives for the betterment of the people, and the second amendment is something that to this day is one of the most helpful things that makes this country so great.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Janie s Harassment Claim Of The Least ! It Is A Crazy Story
The situation leading up to Janie’s harassment claim is unique to say the least! It is a crazy story, but the all the facts must be presented in order to determine if Janie in fact has a legitimate claim of harassment that she can file with the company and the EEOC. Janie works for a company of 30,000 employees as does Susie, although they work in different geographical regions. Janie has been employed at XYZ Corporation for twelve years, has had attendance issues over several years, and is currently under verbal warning for excessive absences on Mondays. Working at XYZ for seven years, Susie has no policy violations, is in good standing with the employer, and is well liked in her office. Janie and Susie’s connection is that Susie was once married to Janie’s Uncle Pete. After being divorced for several years from Susie, Uncle Pete passes away. Susie asks Janie if she can have Pete’s ashes after his cremation, and Janie refuses. Several phone arguments take place over the course of several months, at work during and business hours, with several coworkers overhearing. In reviewing Janie’s claim of harassment, we need to look at the different types of harassment and see if her situation falls in to one of these categories. Quid pro quo and hostile work environment are both forms of harassment, while retaliation is an adverse treatment of an employee by an employer or supervisor. Courts and employers generally use the same definition of â€Å"quid pro quo†, a form of sexual
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Key Stakeholders And Their Involvement - 1159 Words
Key Stakeholders and their Involvement In this accident, many groups of people were affected in various ways. Three main stakeholders involved were the company’s shareholders, the government and the fishermen. Shareholders following the explosion, BP’s shares dropped by 54%, resulting in a loss of $105 billion in share value (Jarvis, 2010). This greatly impacted BP’s financial status, as shareholders are vital to the financing of businesses. Share prices have been falling since the explosion, and have not returned to the original value before the incident (Read, 2010). Dividends were also not given out that year (ibid). As such, BP had to take measures to regain shareholder confidence. This incident also led to the resignation of BP’s†¦show more content†¦In the fishing industry, the incident led to an approximate $2.5 billion loss, while tourist industries experienced a loss of a predicted $23 billion (Jarvis, 2010). In addition, the moratorium placed on deep water drilling left 58,000 workers unemployed (ibid). In its Annual General Meeting in 2011, BP faced protests against BP’s executive’s remunerations and voiced their injustice (Webb McVeigh, 2011). Facebook pages such as â€Å"Boycott BP†and RIP Spongebob, who died in an oil spill cause of BP†have been set up by activists, and have garnered 847,730 and 468,157 likes respectively (Jarvis, 2010). Hence, the impacts on these stakeholders have varying degrees, but are nonetheless affected one way or another by BP’s mistake. Ethics and Values According to BP’s Code of Conduct, BP †commits to â€Å"excellence and to the disciplined management of our operations†(BP, 2013a). In this case, this is broken, as the oil wells were not properly checked. Site managers Robert Kaluza and Donald Vidrine were accused of acting irresponsibly when handling the checks on the rig (CBS News, 2012). Furthermore, BP’s former vice president David Rainey was charged for the deliberate understatement of the amount of oil that was being discharged into the Gulf (ibid). In addition, BP was accused of overpaying their CEOs. Bonuses of $100,000 to top managers were deemed improper in the light of the disaster. Claims made by shareholders and victims whose livelihoods
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Homelessness The Problem Of Homelessness - 1479 Words
Homelessness Do you think the government is really doing enough to fix the issue of homelessness?According to Lee, Dozens of homeless were left with nothing after a local Seattle organization (SHARE) closed its shelters (Lee, â€Å"Dozens of homeless camp out at county building after SHARE closes its shelters†). How could the government just let these people live without shelter? It even got to the point where the homeless were camping outside a county building because they had no other options. This is just one of the many examples found in the world around us. There are many, many reasons why the local government needs to do more to try to solve the issue of homelessness. First, the current cost of living isn’t affordable; the government should make it cheaper to live in Seattle by providing more affordable housing. Also, the government should make more effort to prevent homelessness in the first place. Lastly, the homeless population has a humongous impact on the loc al area. If you live in the Pacific Northwest, it’s very likely that you know the cost of living in Seattle isn’t affordable, but what can the government do about this? The government should make the cost of living less expensive by providing more affordable housing. The number of homeless people living in Seattle is much greater than the number of available permanent government-assisted homes. Seattle, Washington is one of the top 10 homeless populated cities in America (â€Å"The Top 10 U.S. Cities WithShow MoreRelatedHomelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness1350 Words  | 6 PagesHomelessness There are many parts to the subject of homelessness, of course people talk about the solutions to it like The Ten Year Plan, then there is the history of it starting from the 1640’s. Also there is discussions about Homeless Shelters and more recently Anti-homeless Legislation. Then there are always the staggering statistics. The homeless is a very one minded topic for most. Most people think that the homeless should be helped, cared for, and educated for success. This is true (at leastRead MoreHomelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness1379 Words  | 6 PagesAlthough the numbers of homelessness in the States have decreased in the past 10 years, more than 3.5 million people each year experience homelessness, with 578,424 individuals experience homelessness each night ( Many poverty-stricken people are consistently at the risk of homelessness; there is a lack of affordable housing, many jobs provide low income, and destitute people cannot afford medical c are for support. However, homelessness does not only extend to the penniless -Read MoreThe Problem Of Homelessness And Homelessness Essay1286 Words  | 6 Pagesled to homelessness. These barriers may be a numerous amount of things such as substance abuse, personal trauma, unhealthy relationships, health problems, or unemployment. No matter the barrier, goals need to be set and must be realistic. If the goals seem impossible to reach they will be. Finally, there must be a commitment to following through with the set goals and a realization that this is an ongoing process that will not change overnight. There is a misinformed stigma of homelessness, whichRead MoreHomelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness Essay1182 Words  | 5 PagesThe Problem: Homelessness in Auckland Homelessness is a major issue in Auckland that is increasing rapidly over time. Generally defined by Statistics New Zealand â€Å"as living situations where people with no other options to acquire safe and secure housing: are without shelter, in temporary accommodation, sharing accommodation with a household or living in uninhabitable housing†, research has also found that there are four categories of homelessness including; without shelter e.g. living on the streets;Read MoreHomelessness Is A Problem Of Homelessness1658 Words  | 7 PagesHomelessness in Society Imagine you are homeless and have no shelter, or nowhere to go. You walk through storms in the same clothes you had on a week ago. You look around for help, but there is none. What would you do? Or imagine you are one of the forgotten ones, whom people call dirty, and disgusting. Suddenly you hear footsteps, with hope filled inside you, and then a sudden sadness strikes you as the 1378th careless person walks by you and doesn t notice you. 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We can’t imagine ourselves being lost or not knowing where to go or what to do. Spending every day and night either depending on someone else or finding a shelter where you can have a nap. Waking up with the noises of the cars and otherRead MoreHomelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness1584 Words  | 7 PagesHomelessness Awareness At some point in their life, a person has seen or heard of an individual who lives on the streets. The individual who lives on the streets and holds a sign that says they need money for food is consider homeless. Sadly, these individuals are everywhere and the amount of people under this title is slowly increasing. However, in this nation we have the ability to begin decreasing that number. By providing the necessary amount of assistance required to place these individualsRead MoreHomelessness Is A Problem Of Homelessness1610 Words  | 7 PagesHomelessness is a monster. Each day, there are people on the streets suffering from homelessness. These unsheltered people litter the streets, and plead for help. There are different types of homelessness, but the most monstrous is chronic. The chronically homeless are left to endure the hardships of homelessness without hope of an effective solution. Americans disregard all homeless populations, but the most heart wrenching group that is d isregarded is the veterans. The veteran homelessness problemRead MoreHomelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness2773 Words  | 12 PagesJosh Elliott November 5, 2014 Professor Clark English 1102 Final Draft Homelessness in families has become a much more prominent problem in communities and many struggle from it as they are people who are lacking in funds causing them to be without a home. Today, homelessness among families is becoming more common and is unfortunately spreading all over the world. Most home owning people are unaware of the actuality of the conditions that the homeless people reside in and many cannot comprehend
WK 2 Research Article Analysis Paper - 1085 Words
Research Article Analysis Angie Downs COMM/600 December 1, 2014 Linda Research Article Analysis This research article analysis is over the article Undergraduate student researchers, preferred learning styles, and basic science research: A winning combination which is published in the Clearing House Journal and written by Lori Woeste and Beverly Barham. This article can also be found in Week One Electronic Reserve Readings. In this analysis a summary of the article will be provided, the type of information discussed in the article will be given, as well as if the information in this article should be considered reliable and valid. Summary This article is based on basic science research and the role that a team†¦show more content†¦64). Both research students were then asked to demonstrate various techniques needed in basic science research and both did so accordingly, displaying a throrough understanding and competence in the techniques required (Woeste Barham, 2012). The next section chronicles the beginning of the project. After receiving a detailed plan from the grant application, the student researchers were asked to investigate and report the timing of adherence for bacteria to different substances (Woeste Barham, 2012). Right away it was noticed that SR1 was experiencing difficulty starting anything new and although SR1 was able to take over once receiving help, there was a significant reoccurrence of the same issue (Woeste Barham, 2012). However, after moving SR1 from the office space to the laboratory where he or she could have a hands-on approach to using instruments and protocols, SR1 displayed c ompetence in the ability to begin and he or she began a great source of contribution by manipulating items to help in the creative part of the process (Woeste Barham, 2012). By moving SR1 from the office to the laboratory, the student researcher was able to contribute as well as learn in a learning style that was best suited for his or her needs. 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Data Communications and Networking Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of star, bus, and mesh Physical topologies. Provide real examples of each type. 2.Explain encapsulation and decapsulation in a five layer TCP/IP protocol suite. How does multiplexing and de-multiplexing differ from encapsulation and decapsulation? 3.Calculate the approximate bit rate and signal level(s) for a 6.8 MHz bandwidth system with a signal to noise ratio of 132. 4.Explain why the OSI model is better than the TCP/IP model. Why hasn't it taken over from the TCP/IP model? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both models. Answers: 1.A network consists of nodes and communication channels connecting the nodes. The physical topology of a network is determined by the structure of the physical communication channels connecting the nodes together. Physical communication channels can be wired or wireless. The advantages and disadvantages of star, bus, and mesh physical topologies have been summarized in the following table (Forouzan, 2012). Advantages Disadvantages Example Star There is a central control over the network. Simple and easy to maintain. If any node malfunctions, it is easy to disconnect the node and troubleshoot without affecting the rest of the network. Performance depends on the number of nodes connected to the central hub. The nodes may have to wait for some time before communicating with another node. The network may go down if the central hub crashes. The switches/ hubs connected in a LAN network. Bus Simple and easy to implement. Low-cost solution. If any node malfunctions, it is easy to disconnect the node and troubleshoot without affecting the rest of the network. Performance depends on the number of nodes connected to the backbone channel. At a time, only two nodes can exchange data. The network may do down if the backbone channel goes down. The average waiting time for the nodes to communicate with one another is high. The computers or end user devices connected to the LAN network. Mesh Robust and offer high performance. Each two node has their own dedicated communication channel. The waiting time for nodes to communicate is very low. Complex and hard to maintain. Costly solution. There is no central control, the structure is highly distributed. A personal area network using Bluetooth or wireless channel having more than two devices. 2.There are five layers in the TCP/IP protocol suite as shown below. When an end user sends a message, then it starts from the application layer on the site A. the message goes down below the protocol stack. At each layer, control information is added to the message coming from the last layer. Then the message and the control information are encapsulated and forwarded to the next layer. When the final encapsulated message is received at the site B, it starts from the physical layer and goes upward in the TCP/IP protocol stack. At each layer, it is de-capsulated, the message and control information are separated and only the message is forwarded to the next layer. In this way, the original message reaches to the end user at the site B. Source: (TechnologyUK, 2017) Encapsulation and decapsulation are different than multiplexing and de-multiplexing. Encapsulation and decapsulation are applicable to the structure of a message passing through the TCP/IP protocol stack. On the other hand, multiplexing and de-multiplexing are applicable for the physical channel that carries data from sender to receiver. When there are multiple senders trying to send their data to multiple users through the same channel, then the bandwidth of the channel is distributed among all sender and data is multiplexed to fit into the packet size allowable for the channel. At the receiving end, the packet is de-multiplexed and the chunks of data go to the intended receivers. There are different types of multiplexing schemes depending on the attributes of the communication channel, for example, TDM or Time Division Multiplexing, FDM or Frequency Division Multiplexing and so on (Forouzan, 2012). 3.Following information have been provided in the question. The SNR or S/N = 132. The bandwidth = B = 6.8 MHz. The assumptions are, C = channel capacity M = Maximum number of signal levels. By combining the Shannon-Hartley and Nyquist formulas, Now, putting the value of M, 4.OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection model. It is a standard for a network connecting nodes and allowing data transmission. On the other hand, TCP/IP is not any standard, it is a protocol suite. So, OSI and TCP/IP models are fundamentally different. OSI is better than TCP/IP model as its applicable for any network. It gives a modular abstraction for the developers so they can implement the functionalities of each layer separately and connect those together. Each layer is loosely coupled with the adjacent layer (Forouzan, 2012). So, the changes on one layer do not affect the rest of the part. Compared to that, the TCP/IP model shows how different protocols can be used for different purposed for an IP-based network like the Internet. It is not applicable for all types of networks. Hence, the scope of TCP/IP model is limited compared to OSI. On the contrary, OSI model cannot replace the TCP/IP model as OSI does not focus on the protocols of a communication network. It focused o n the functions of a network. Basically, OSI and TCP/IP models are complimentary to one another. The advantages and disadvantages of the models Advantages Disadvantages OSI It is an international standard for any communication network. It gives an abstraction and breaks down the complexities of the implementation part of a network. It does not give any information about the actual implementation part. It does not give any information about the protocols and technologies to be used at each layer. TCP/IP It gives information about the protocols for each layer of an IP-based network. It has simplified the implementation part. It has limited scope for IP-based networks only. 5.Following information have been given in the question, There are 10 routers. The propagation delay of each router is 3.5 microseconds. The queuing delay of each router is 1.8 microseconds. The bandwidth is 8Mbps. The length of the communication link is 1900km The speed of light is, meters/second The frame size is 5 million bits or . The calculation is, Total delay = Propagation delay + Transmission delay + Queuing Delay + Processing Delay. = + + + = + + + = () + + (+ seconds = 0.633693 Seconds Hence, the dominant components are propagation delay and transmission delay. The processing delay and queuing delay are negligible 6.POP3 or the Post Office Protocol version 3 is used as a mailbox and works on the client-server model. It allows a client to access mailbox hosted on a server. The client can retrieve emails from a server. The can be implemented by following the RFC 1939. The commands and responses between a client and server for POP3, are defined in the RFC 1939 documentation. However, a POP3 session can be in any of the states, closed, authorization, transition or update. A state of a POP3 session helps to understand the current context of the session. When a request from a client is submitted, the session goes into the authorization state. Once authorized, it goes to transaction or update state. When the transaction is completed, it goes to the closed state (Microsoft MSDN, 2017). During the authorization, a client can force it to close by using the QUIT command. References Forouzan, B. A. (2012). Data Communications and Networking: McGraw-Hill Education. Microsoft MSDN. (2017). How POP3 Service Works. Retrieved from TechnologyUK. (2017). The TCP/IP Protocol Stack. Retrieved from
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Gambling Casinos Essay Example For Students
Gambling Casinos Essay Gambling Casinos: A Plague on SocietyGamblers no longer need to trek to Las Vegas or Atlantic City to find the action they so badly crave. It is available today in their own hometowns. Legalized gambling is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States. Gamblings tremendous popularity is evident in the recent increase in the number of off-track betting parlors (OTBs) and riverboat casinos that dot the midwest and the Mississippi Delta. Billboards on major highways depict the action and excitement available at such facilities. For most of the industrys patrons, gambling is fun and a form of harmless entertainment. For the four to six percent of gamblers who become problem or pathological (compulsive) gamblers, however, it can be a devastating illness that negatively affects every aspect of their lives. Im worried that the more legalized gambling ?havens? that open up, the more problems we can expect as a result of them. The greatest social cost of legalized gambling is the probable increase in problem and pathological gambling. In Connecticut for example, the Foxwoods Resort Casino opened up in 1995 and the number of pathological gamblers sky-rocketed. In 1994, there were 235 calls to the Gambling Anonymous hotline and in 1995 (after the casino opened), there were 588. In 1997, the state of Connecticut also launched a massive media campaign for community awareness of the social problem and encourage to get help for people with gambling addictions because at least 70,000 adults in Connecticut have gambling problems. Pathological gambling is a progressive disease that devastates not only the gambler, but everyone with whom he or she has a significant relationship. In 1980, the American Psychiatric Association accepted pathological gambling as a ?disorder of impulse control ?. It is an illness that is chronic and progressive, but it can be diagnosed and treated. Some of the costs are: physical and psychological stress, significant increase of substance and alcohol abuse, major depressive disorders and attempted suicide. The gambling addict is basically a ?slave? to the habit. He needs the stimulation that winning money creates and this possibility keeps him going. The underlining problem is a self-image of himself as a failure and this destroys his self esteem. Many of them have been laid off work or ousted from a relationship and gambling tends to distract one from thinking about ones failures. Besides the negative effects that gambling can have directly on an individual, there are overwhelming economic and social costs of widespread casino gaming that many states (particularly the ones which allow legalized gambling) have to deal with. In 1996, Professors William N. Thompson and Ricardo C. Gazel of the University of Nevada Las Vegas conducted a BGA (Better Government Association) study on the effects of riverboat gambling on the state of Illinois. Thompson and Gazel found that the social costs of one pathological gambler is $10,000 a year, this includes the economic cost of debt, insurance, crime, incarceration, and clinical treatment. In Wisconsin, Thompson and Gazel did a study of Indian gaming, and they concluded that there was no net economic impact- none whatsoever. Thompson said: ?All that was happening was poor people- the players, were losing their money, the poorer players- the Indians?. Theyre paying your taxes?. ?With local players instead of new tourists, Thompson says, there is very little, if any, job creation; gambling simply initiates a massive transfer of money from the owners of local business to the owners of casinos. Because they havent been around long enough, no one knows yet what the impacts of Indian gaming will be. ?The only thing that I would say in respect to the people living where Indian gaming is legal, is that youre rolling the dice with the quality of life,? Thompson said. Ten years from now, he predicts, somebody will do a study and realize the real economic and social impacts of gaming. Another big concern for the future is video gaming, which many local businesses want to compete with casinos. Thompson calls video gaming the ?crack cocaine? of gambling. ?Be careful of wide-open video poker all over the place,? he warns. ?You could really screw this place up.? Gambling is a big business in America. Gambling is a three hundred billion dollar business to be exact, netting the gaming industry thirty billion dollars in net revenue annually. .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 , .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .postImageUrl , .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 , .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:hover , .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:visited , .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:active { border:0!important; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:active , .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: nervous conditions paper EssaySeventy years ago it was illegal to gamble anywhere in the United States. Our parents grew up thinking that gambling was morally wrong, but our children are growing up thinking that gambling is as easy as going to McDonalds. Today, thirty-six states have lotteries, ten states allow casinos, and twenty-five states permit Indian gaming. Its getting bigger all the time. For the first time in history, gambling is available close to home. People can walk to and from work and gamble. State governments actually encourage their citizens to gamble because it seems like an easy way to collect tax free money. Authorities and experts who have studied these issues have clearly documented the problems presented by gambling casinos. It seems that no one really benefits from gambling establishments, while many, many people are hurt or negatively affected. With all of the bad outweighing the good, I think its time that gambling casinos become a thing of the past
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Worn Path By Welty Essays - Phoenixes In Popular Culture
Worn Path By Welty Eudora Welty's ?A Worn Path? is a story that emphasizes the natural symbolism of the surroundings. The main character in the story, Phoenix Jackson, is an old black woman who seeks out to find medicine for her sick nephew. This story contains a motif, which is the continuous walking of Phoenix Jackson throughout her journey. She lives in the pinewoods and faces the challenging experience of walking through the snowy, frozen earth to get to the hospital in the city of Natchez. Phoenix Jackson is a very caring person, and is in love with life. Although she is very old, it seems that she has many years ahead of her. Eudora Welty brings realism into the story describing the realities of being old. It is Christmas, and Phoenix Jackson has to head out to the city to obtain the medicine for her nephew. A long time ago, her nephew swallowed lye that burned his throat, and the medicine is the only thing that relieves his pain. The woods are filled with pine trees that cast dark shadows throughout the terrain. The darkness that surrounds Phoenix is the total opposite of her. She is a poor woman, but is very neat and tidy. She appreciates the small things in life and respects what she has. Although she is old, she has extremely dark hair, wears a red bandana, and has much ?life? within her: ?Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles and as though a whole little tree stood in the middle of her forehead, but a golden color ran underneath, and the two knobs of her cheeks were illumined by a yellow burning under the bark?. (106) It is almost as if she is a part of nature herself, when Eudora Welty describes her as having a tree within her forehead. She is a very lively person, and is willing to go through this obstacle course of vicissitudes of the cold earth: ?Under the red rag her hair came down on her neck in the frailest of ringlets, still black, and with an odor like copper? (106). The copper smell of her hair brings more realism of old age. When she stops to sit down under a tree, she dazes off and thinks that a little boy is giving her a piece of marble cake. She then snaps out of her trance and sees only her hand waiving in the air. This shows that very old people hallucinate sometimes, which is completely natural. The name ?Phoenix? is the name of an ancient Egyptian bird that regenerates itself after 500 years and lives on for another 500 years. This old woman represents the phoenix, which lives on in her old age. Phoenix Jackson demonstrates her love of life as she talks to all of the animals within the forest: ?Out of my way, all you foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons and wild animal! Keep out from under these feet, little bobwhites. Keep the big wild hogs out of my path. Don't let none of those come running my direction. I got a long way? (106). She realizes she has a long journey ahead of her, but will do whatever it takes to help her nephew. Phoenix Jackson seems to be one with nature and brings peace and harmony to everything living in the forest. However, the forest has the aura of death. For instance, Phoenix spots a buzzard sitting upon an old, dead tree that resembled a black man. The buzzard represents death, but the old women made her way through the furrow and left ?death?. She then comes upon a field of dead corn, which stood a scarecrow. The job of the scarecrow is to scare away the black crows, which also symbolize death. Phoenix Jackson dances with the scarecrow, as if they are celebrating the departure of death. She then came upon a spring, and starts to drink from the well. The water in the spring represents longevity, and Phoenix drank it as a sign of her long life. Suddenly, a black dog crept out of a ditch and approached Phoenix with its drooling tongue. Phoenix hit the dog lightly with a stick and it fled. She walked into the ditch where her senses drifted away: ?A dream visited her, and she reached her hand up, but nothing reached down and gave her a pull? (108). The dream could have been God looking down at her, but she is not ready to enter
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
The Dumbing of America Inspired a Student Essay
The Dumbing of America Inspired a Student EssayHave you ever heard of the sample Student Essay Contest Elie Wiesel? If you haven't, you should.I've written a book on the same topic, which was also inspired by Elie Wiesel's story, The Night of the Gauntlet. In that story, Wiesel sets up the sort of contest we have here on the Internet. There are lots of great resources for this sort of thing, and you can read about how I did it in my book, The Dumbing of America.Anyway, Wiesel wrote about going into a Nazi concentration camp to collect human remains. He found a dead child, whom he took back to his camp. In the story, he picked up a pencil and, since he was afraid he might be killed, he wrote on the ground with the pencil and then wrote another sentence.After that story, Wiesel became famous, and many students decided to write about the atrocities of their own countries. One student, Nancy Barr (then an undergraduate at the University of Chicago), decided to write a short essay about h er own country, and she found a pencil that she had used on the battlefield and wrote a short piece about it. She went on to win a Nobel Prize for Literature, and she has said many times that she was inspired by the pencil story. Then she wrote another short story about her country.So, in The Night of the Gauntlet, Wiesel inspired one student, and he wrote a short essay about his country and won a Nobel Prize. The story also inspired another student to write about her country, and she was inspired to write a short essay about her country, too.It is possible that Wiesel really did write the pencilstory, although I doubt it. But if he did, the effects of his story have been incredibly powerful.And it is also possible that he did not write the pencil story. But again, I doubt it.Either way, Wiesel's story is very powerful. And if you have ever wanted to read a powerful story that you could find in a college textbook, you could do worse than to check out The Dumbing of America. It's an amazing book, and if you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend that you go read it!
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Used Transitively, Avail Is a Reflexive Verb
Used Transitively, Avail Is a Reflexive Verb Used Transitively, Avail Is a Reflexive Verb Used Transitively, Avail Is a Reflexive Verb By Maeve Maddox I noticed the following sentence in a travel blog. It refers to the availability of rental lockers in French railway stations: [Travelers] can therefore once again avail of these services particularly in main train stations in France. In this sentence, avail requires an object: avail themselves of these services. Avail can be used intransitively (without an object). Here are some examples of the intransitive use of avail from Websters Unabridged: Heroism could not avail against the enemy fire. The wall could not avail to protect the town against cannon. No comparison would avail; he was one of a kind. When used transitively, the object of avail is usually the reflexive form of the subject: I availed myself of the library facilities. He availed himself of the free lunch. They availed themselves of the coupon. We availed ourselves of the use of the neighbors lawnmower. Here are some quotations from newspapers: (It seems George over-cheered at their gathering two years ago when the New York Giants won the big game, then availed himself of the toilet in their master bedroom.)Newman shows up near the end, toting a box ( the ability to live and work throughout the EU in exchange for a cash investment. We know that among those who have availed themselves of this right are billionaire Russian oligarchs and Ukrainians accused of corruption. For the financial ( Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Cost-Effective vs. Cost-Efficient16 Misquoted QuotationsNominalized Verbs
Thursday, February 27, 2020
"This I Believe" Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
"This I Believe" - Essay Example hen I was in elementary class fifth division I made a decision that I was going to start leading in my class although many people did not believe in me including my class teacher. Going as per my performance in previous exams nobody could believe that I could even manage to appear among the top ten. I had to put my faith into practice and demonstrate to everyone that nobody could limit me. When the results for the mid-term exams were released I was not the first but I was among the top five and I could see everyone could then believe that it was possible, from bottom ten to top ten. When we sat for the end of year exams I did it passionately with a lot of conviction in my heart that I could make it. When results were finally released it was not a surprise for me that I was named as the best student except for the few Doubting Thomases’s who had refused to believe in my hard work, commitment and dedication. I continued to lead in class right from the fifth division until when I completed the elementary education. When I joined high school competition became extremely high but I could still appear among the best because I continued to believe in myself. Some of my friends and relatives call me a go-getter while others say I am too aggressive but what I know is that nothing is impossible in world. I am a true believer of self-motivation and inner drive. Many a times people said negative things trying to discourage me from getting whatever I want in life but I have never listened to their discouragements instead I have continued to believe in what I know about myself. Holding on to my belief has not been easy. At times I may desire to achieve something that is beyond my ability. It then becomes a problem because it means I have to strain. However, I learnt a lesson that sometimes life may not go as we wish but we should always demonstrate resilience even though we fail at some point. I learnt that even greatest men and women who have made a huge impact in this
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
An analysis of two women and their stories Essay
An analysis of two women and their stories - Essay Example The two women lived in a time when society was male-dominant. A woman's place was relegated to home and hearth and her entire existence revolved around the needs of her husband. Consequently Elisa Allen and the American wife are filled with a craving for some meaning in their lives and needs so powerful that it threatens to overwhelm them. They yearn for personal happiness that has been denied to them by marriage and society. Steinbeck's opening lines, "The high gray-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world. On every side it sat like a lid on the mountains and made of the great valley of a closed pot" capture Elisa's plight beautifully. She is shut off from the rest of the world and it seems to her like the fog will never lift. Elisa's husband means well but he is insensitive to her secret yearning and therefore he fails her. Her boundless energy is poured in concentrated amounts to numerous household chores and her beloved chrysanthemums but there is always a part of her which longs to rise above the low expectations society has for women. Thus she is a veritable cauldron, bubbling over with hope for something better than her life has to offer. Similarly Hemingway's protagonist is trapped in a loveless marriage with a controlling and negle
Friday, January 31, 2020
A Study of Market Segmentation for Uk Frozen Food Industry Essay Example for Free
A Study of Market Segmentation for Uk Frozen Food Industry Essay A Study Of Market Segmentation For UK Frozen Food Industry Abstract The objectives of this study are to perform market segmentation for a SME in the frozen food sector. The study could form a basis of segmentation framework for a SME like Eden Farm, the framework once developed from academic literature would help to undertake a market segmentation in the frozen food industry with relevant segmentation criteria which would form a basis of targeting strategy for the company. In this Dissertation, the literature on Market Segmentation is reviewed and relevant criteria for segmentation in an industry are understood. The typology from the literature identifying the variables for segmentation and relevant strategic tools for analysis of the sector is used to develop a framework for segmentation in the industry. The framework is applied to carry out a detailed segmentation of the markets for frozen food, an analysis is carried out to understand the target markets and strategic tools used to identify the target markets. Along with the segmentation of the markets, an analysis of the results is carried out and recommendations are provided for strategic growth of the company. Contents Abstract3 Acknowledgements3 Introduction3 Definition of the Company’s Issue3 Aims and Objectives of the Project:3 Literature Review:3 Review of Academic Literature for Segmentation:3 Market Segmentation:3 Definition of Market Segmentation:3 Segmentation Logic:3 The Segmenting-Targeting Framework:3 Segmentation Variables:3 Segmentation Criteria:3 Academic literature:3 Literature Review on segmentation in the food industry:3 Portfolio Analysis:3 Final Framework for addressing the Research Question:3 Research Methodology3 Research Objectives3 Research Approach:3 Research Strategy:3 Ethical Issues in Data collection3 Recommendations:3 Implementation Issues:3 Critical Reflection and Conclusion:3 Review of Work Process:3 Reflection and critical analysis of the process:3 Limitations of the process:3 Conclusion and discussion of results in an Academic context:3 Bibliography3 List of Tables Page Table 1 Detailed Breakdown of Frozen Food Products37 Table 2 Recommended Customers for EF49 Table 3. a Market Attractiveness for Segments49 Table 3. b Market Attractiveness for Segments50 Table 4 Business Competitiveness Scores for Various Segments50 List of Figures Page Figure 1Market Share for frozen food34 Figure 2Frozen food market share by manufacturers36 Figure3Frozen food market share by products36 Figure4Comparison of market shares of products37 Figure5Market trends for desserts38 Figure6Convenience store sales40 Figure7Convenience store market share40 Figure8Sales of Eden Farm by Market Segment41 Figure9Sales Trends in catering47 Figure10DPM Matrix49 Introduction The project report considers customer segmentation for the frozen food industry and evaluates the opportunities for targeted growth in the sector for Eden Farm, a UK based distributor of frozen food. The retail food industry is dynamic in nature and is very competitive for the distributors. However, growth opportunities exist in the sector when a thorough analysis is carried out and the targeted segments are evaluated. Hence, the study identifies growth strategies in the sector by using segmentation framewor k and relevant analysis. Definition of the Company’s Issue Eden Farm is a distributor of frozen food and ice cream across UK with a strong base in the North East and Yorkshire. The company’s prospect market is wholesale, cash and carry, symbol groups, CTN’s, forecourts, independent supermarkets. At the moment, the company is trying to increase its market presence in various sub sectors of the market. The frozen food retail is represented by many sub sectors and is composed of many market players. The business on the whole is variable across sectors and the levels of risk and opportunities for each sub sector and product is variable in nature.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Ithaca by C.P. Cavafy Essay -- Ithaca C.P. Cavafy Greek Poetry Essays
Ithaca by C.P. Cavafy Everyone is given the opportunity to take the odyssey that is "life, however it is important to make the journey as memorable as one possibly can. The poem "Ithaca" by C.P. Cavafy suggests that what is most important in life is the experience that is incorporated with the journey, not necessarily just reaching the ultimate goal. It is the quest, not the destination which matters most. This message is conveyed through the poem through the use of allusion, myth and symbolism. The poem, "Ithaca", is based loosely around the great epic the Odyssey by ancient Greek poet Homer. In the Odyssey the character Odysseus trying to make his way home to his kingdom, Ithaca. The character faces many vicious creatures and other challenges he must endure in order to make it to the final goal. This is alluded to in the poem, by making reference to one of the characters starting out on "[his] journey to Ithaca" (line 1). C.P. Cavafy also refers to mythological creatures such as "the Cyclopes and the fierce Poseidon" (line 5), as well as "the Lestrygonians" (li...
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
THE EVOLUTION OF THE PHILIPPINE STATISTICAL SYSTEM* CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction The Philippine Statistical System Through the Years The Present Statistical System Recent Initiatives of the Philippine Statistical System Lessons Learned, Challenges and Opportunities ______________________________ Philippine country paper prepared by the National Statistical Coordination Board and disseminated during the Seminar on the Evolution of National Statistical Systems organized by the United Nations Statistics Division in celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations Statistical Commission held on 23 February 2007 in New York, USA. 1 THE EVOLUTION OF THE PHILIPPINE STATISTICAL SYSTEM COUNTRY PAPER By The National Statistical Coordination Board, Philippines1 1. INTRODUCTION This country paper presents the history and existing features of the Philippine Statistical System (PSS).It also articulates the system’s recent initiatives as well as the lessons learned through t he years and the challenges and opportunities currently faced by the system. The Philippines is one of many countries with a decentralized statistical system. The PSS has evolved through several stages in response to the prevailing political, economic and social policies of the government. The emphasis on development planning in later years led to the creation of research and statistics divisions in existing departments to provide for their data and information needs.As a result, a decentralized system emerged whereby statistical services are managed and supervised by the respective agencies with overall coordination by a national body. The present PSS is the result of a comprehensive review of the system that was undertaken in 1986 by a multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral committee constituted by the Philippine government. The review was also undertaken in line with a government-wide reorganization which saw the need for necessary and proper changes in the bureaucracy in order to promote efficiency and effectiveness n the delivery of public services. The recommendations of the committee, which recognized the need to maintain a decentralized statistical system characterized by independence, objectivity, and integrity to make it more responsive to the requirements of national development, provided the basis for the reorganization of the PSS in 1987. Its mission is to provide timely, accurate and useful statistics for the government and the public, especially for planning and decision making.With the inadequate resources and other constraints, the PSS continues to seek for alternative measures and strategies toward responding to the current and emerging demands of the various clientele and stakeholders. The PSS also continues to effect improvements in its capacity to provide quality statistical products and services. Likewise, it recognizes the need to conform to international standards, comparisons and practices, and it provides support and cooperation to the statistical endeavors of the international community. Dr. Romulo A.Virola is the Secretary General of the National Statistical Coordination Board, Philippines (ra. [email protected] gov. ph). 1 2 2. THE PHILIPPINE STATISTICAL SYSTEM THROUGH THE YEARS2 Government statistical activities in the country have gone a long way from the Spanish regime to the present statistical system. From the simple attempts of the Spanish monarchy to collect information on the country and its resources, the PSS has evolved to become a decentralized system with a strong coordinating body to serve the more complex needs of policy formulation and decision making.The following were the significant developments in the country’s statistical system at various periods and stages. 2. 1 Spanish Regime (1571 – 1898) During the Spanish regime, there was no regular and systematic data collection in the country except in the later years of the colonial period. Information on the people, villages, set tlements, tributes collected, judicial cases settled and the natural resources were obtained by the governors-general upon instructions from the King of Spain to the Spanish governorgeneral in the Philippines.From about the middle of the 18th century, the priests kept records of baptisms, marriages and deaths, making possible some population estimates. The first census under the Spanish regime was conducted in 1877 with the issuance of a royal decree ordering the enumeration of the population. Succeeding censuses were conducted in 1887 and 1897. The results of the first census were published in Archipelago Filipino en la Oceania Censo de Poblacion Verificado in 1887 but those of the latter were never published.The Spanish colonial statistical system began when an Officiana Central de Estadistica was established in the Direccion General de Administration Civil in 1889. The priests were obliged to report births, marriages and deaths which occurred within their parish to this office. T he publication of the Boletin de Estadistica de la Ciudad de Manila, a monthly journal, was started in 1895, making available population and vital statistics. 2. 2 American Regime (1898 – 1946) The onset of the American regime brought with it a more systematized data collection system.This was marked by the creation of a statistical unit in the Bureau of Customs to collect, tabulate, and disseminate statistics on imports and exports. Although no statistical units were formally created in other government offices during the time, information were nevertheless collected and compiled by them for administrative purposes. The Bureau of Agriculture, created in 1902, compiled data on the number of farms, irrigated areas, and cultivated land.The Bureau of Labor, created in 1908, gathered data on the number and membership of labor organizations and labor cases. Vital registration likewise improved during this period. The first census under the American regime was conducted in 1903, wi th the next censuses undertaken in 1918 and 1939. Different organizations carried out the censuses each time. The PSS – Composition, Organization and Coordination, NEDA, 1980; Executive Summary of the Phase 1 Report of Decentralization and the PSS Project, 1994; History of the PSS – http://www. ire. it-u. ac. jp; Executive Order No. 121 – Reorganizing and Strengthening the PSS and for Other Purposes, 1987. 2 3 The Department of Public Information carried out the 1903 census and the United States Census Bureau processed the statistics while the ad hoc Commission of Census conducted the 1939 census. In 1918, the Bureau of Commerce and Industry was created (with a statistics division) under the Department of Commerce and Communication. For thirteen years, this division served as the clearing house of all statistical information in the country.The data were published yearly in statistical bulletins, which served as the comprehensive and authoritative sources of stat istical information during the period. The first attempt to consolidate statistical authority and responsibility in the country came about with the transfer of the Bureau of Commerce and Industry to the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, which was organized in 1932. A special statistical division in the department was created which absorbed the Bureau’s statistical functions as well as those of the Bureau of Agriculture.The statistics produced were published in the Philippine Statistical Review. The centralization of all statistical activities in one agency was realized when the Bureau of the Census and Statistics (BCS) was created by Commonwealth Act No. 591 in 1940 under the Office of the President. All major statistical units of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Department of Labor, the Bureau of Health, the Bureau of Customs, the National Library, Department of Public Information and the 1939 Commission of Census were merged to the new Bureau.The move to ce ntralize the statistical system was interrupted because of World War II. 2. 3 Postwar recovery period starting in 1946 When the Philippines gained independence from the U. S. in July of 1946, the urgent need for data with which to plan and implement rehabilitation programs for a war-ravaged economy manifested itself. The BCS remained under the Office of the President until 1947 when it was placed under the newly organized Department of Commerce and Industry for administrative purposes.In 1948, the BCS conducted the first postwar census. The creation of the Central Bank of the Philippines in 1949 and the Agricultural Economics Division in the Department of Agriculture in 1953, as well as the return of the Labor Statistics Division to the Department of Labor, ushered in a period of great activity. With the expansion of government activities in the fields of public health, education, social welfare, public administration, crop subsidies, monetary stabilization, and agro-industrial deve lopment, statistical units gradually resurfaced.Consequently, the need for a decentralized statistical system with a central authority responsible for coordinating all the statistical activities of the government was recommended. 2. 4 Reorganization in 1956 Through the Government Survey and Reorganization Commission created in 1954, a set of recommendations was formulated which provided the framework for the administration of a coordinated decentralized statistical system.These recommendations brought about two significant changes in the statistical system, as follows: (a) the emergence of the Office of 4 the Statistical Coordination and Standards (OSCAS) and (b) the transfer of some statistical functions from the BCS to other government agencies. The decentralization of statistical activities was carried out in 1956 with the creation of a central coordinating authority, the OSCAS under the National Economic Council (NEC) by virtue of Executive Order No. 119.Among the functions of t his body was to oversee the coordination of all statistical activities of five major statistical operating agencies and more than a hundred administrative agencies which carry out statistical activities as part of their administrative and regulatory functions. The five agencies were the following: (1) Bureau of the Census and Statistics, (2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics, (3) Department of Economic Research, Central Bank of the Philippines, (4) Labor Statistics Service, Department of Labor, and (5) Disease Intelligence Center, Department of Health.Later, more government agencies surfaced to become major producers of primary statistics to meet the increasing needs of government planners for statistical data. Likewise, all statistical functions pertaining to agriculture and natural resources, banking and finance, labor, vital registration, and education were transferred from the BCS to other government agencies, which by nature of their administrative and regulatory functions and f or highly well-organized statistical units, were better qualified to undertake them.This set up existed for about a decade and a half until another government-wide reorganization of the executive branch of the government was introduced based on the Integrated Reorganization Plan (IRP) in 1972. 2. 5 Reorganization in 1972 The implementation of the IRP in 1972 abolished the NEC and set up in its place the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) headed by a Director-General. One of the offices under NEDA was the Statistical Coordination Office (SCO), which was made up of two staff units drawn from the three branches of OSCAS.Meanwhile, in 1974, the BCS under the Department of Commerce and Industry was reconstituted and renamed National Census and Statistics Office (NCSO) and placed under the administrative supervision of the NEDA. During this time, only one official served as the NEDA Deputy Director-General for SCO and, concurrently, as Executive Director of NCSO. The offic ial also acted as Chairman of the Statistical Advisory Board (SAB), which was the forerunner of the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB). The existence of SCO, NEDA brought about a number of developments in statistics, particularly through its Statistical Development Fund.Among them were the following: (1) expansion in standardization work as exemplified by the publication of the Manual on the Philippine System of National Accounts, Frameworks, Sources and Methods; (2) first Philippine Statistical Development Program; and (3) development of statistical frameworks, such as Input-Output Tables (in collaboration with NCSO), Flow-of-Funds Accounts (in collaboration with the Central Bank), Social Accounting Matrix, and Agriculture Economic Accounts (in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture). . 6 Reorganization in 1987 Recognizing the need to further enhance the efficiency of the statistical system and improve the timeliness and accuracy of statistics for planning and decision making, a comprehensive 5 study and review of the PSS was conducted by a special committee in 1986. The committee recognized the need to maintain a decentralized statistical system with a strong coordination characterized by independence, objectivity, and integrity to make it more responsive to the requirements of national development.Thus, the PSS was restructured with the issuance of Executive Order No. 121, entitled â€Å"Reorganizing and Strengthening the Philippine Statistical System and for Other Purposes†on 30 January 1987. The Executive Order provided the basis for the present structure of the decentralized PSS. By virtue of this order, the NSCB as the highest policymaking and coordinating body on statistical matters was created in 1987, replacing the NEDA Statistical Coordination Office and the Statistical Advisory Board.The Statistical Research and Training Center (SRTC) as the research and training arm of the PSS was also established. The NCSO was rename d National Statistics Office (NSO) and was tasked to be the major statistical agency responsible for generating general-purpose statistics and undertaking such censuses and surveys as may be designated by the NSCB. The demands of national economic recovery after the EDSA Revolution in 1986 necessitated changes in the organizational and functional structure of the entire bureaucracy. Under Executive Order No. 16 issued on 30 January 1987, the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS) was established as one of the seven bureaus of the Department of Agriculture to take charge of the production of statistics on agriculture, fishery and related fields. The BAS has assumed most of the functions of its predecessor, the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. It was also on 30 January 1987 when the Department of Labor was reorganized anew under Executive Order No. 126 and one of its provisions was the abolition of the Labor Statistics Service and the creation of the Bureau of Labor and Employment S tatistics (BLES) as one of the six bureaus of the Department.The other departments have maintained the statistical units within their respective offices. Meanwhile, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) created its Department of Statistics on 20 March 2005 to assume the statistical functions lodged before at its Department of Economic Research. 3. THE PRESENT STATISTICAL SYSTEM 3. 1. LAWS AND OTHER LEGAL PROVISIONS FOR STATISTICAL ORGANIZATION AND SERVICES3 The following are the laws that govern the operations of the PSS: 3. 1. 1 Executive Order No. 121 – Reorganizing and Strengthening the Philippine Statistical System (PSS) and for Other Purposes issued on 30 January 1987 3. 1. 2. Commonwealth Act No. 91 – An Act to Create a Bureau of the Census and Statistics to Consolidate Statistical Activities of the Government issued on 19 August 1940 Other legal provisions concerning the statistical affairs in the country are the following: 3 Agency websites. 6 3. 1. 3. Executiv e Order No. 116 – Renaming Ministry of Agriculture and Food as Ministry of Agriculture, Reorganizing Its Units, Integrating All Offices and Agencies Whose Functions Relate to Agriculture and Fishery into the Ministry, and for Other Purposes issued on 30 January 1987, which includes the creation of the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics within the Ministry 3. . 4. Executive Order No. 126 – Reorganizing the Ministry of Labor and Employment and for Other Purposes issued on January 30, 1987, which includes the creation of the Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics within the Ministry 3. 1. 5. Executive Order No. 135 – Providing for the Establishment of A Well-Coordinated Local Level Statistical System issued on 6 November 1993 3. 1. 6. Executive Order No. 352 – Designation of Statistical Activities That Will Generate Critical Data for Decision-Making of the Government and the Private Sector issued on 1 July 1996 3. . 7. Executive Order No. 406 – Inst itutionalizing the Philippine EconomicEnvironmental and Natural Resources Accounting (PEENRA) System and Creating Units Within the Organizational Structure of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), and National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) issued on 21 March 1997 3. 1. 8. Proclamation No. 647 – Declaring the Month of October of Every Year as the National Statistics Month signed on 20 September 1990 3. 1. 9. Proclamation No. 93 – Declaring the Month as National Census Month signed on 7 June 1995 of September 1995 3. 1. 10. Proclamation No. 248 – Adopting the Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP) for 1999-2004 issued on 24 February 2000 3. 1. 11. Proclamation No. 1140 – Adopting the Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP) 2005-2010 issued on 19 September 2006 Board resolutions and memorandum orders/circulars are likewise issued as necessary by the NSCB Ex ecutive Board when there are new statistical frameworks and indicator systems, new mechanisms for statistical coordination, new methodologies or concepts, etc. or adoption and implementation by the various stakeholders of the system. 3. 2. THE COMPONENTS OF THE PHILIPPINE STATISTICAL SYSTEM The PSS consists of statistical organizations at all administrative levels, its personnel and the national statistical program. Specifically, the organizations comprising the system include the following: A policy-making and coordinating body – the National Statistical Coordination Board A single general-purpose statistical agency – the National Statistics Office 7A research and training arm – the Statistical Research and Training Center Units of government engaged in statistical activities either as their primary function or as part of their administrative or regulatory functions – all departments, bureaus, offices, agencies, and instrumentalities of national and loca l governments and all government-owned and –controlled corporations and their subsidiaries The major statistical agencies in the PSS include the NSCB, NSO, SRTC, the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS) of the Department of Agriculture, the Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics (BLES) of the Department of Labor and Employment, and the Department of Economic Statistics of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). Other data producers in the government include research and statistics divisions/units usually within the planning service of the various departments and bureaus. The major statistical agencies and all other data producers are situated in various administrative hierarchies of the country with each unit collecting and aggregating data. The said administrative areas include the national, regional, provincial, city, municipal and barangay levels. In addition, the local government units (LGUs) in each province, city, municipality or barangay are rich sources of data.T he enactment of the Local Government Code of 1991 which mandated the devolution of basic government services to LGUs had some implications on the data generation activities of the affected sectors. The chart below shows the linkages among the various institutions and players in the PSS. Framework for the Management and Coordination of the PSS 3. 2. 1. The policy-making and coordinating body 8 National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)4 The NSCB was created as the highest policy-making and coordinating body on statistical matters in the Philippines. It is under the administrative supervision of the National Economic and Development Authority. The NSCB formulates policies, delineates responsibilities, sets priorities and standards on statistics and administers the one-stop statistical information center.It also maintains multi-sectoral statistical frameworks and indicator systems which serve as bases for the improvement of statistical coordination. It provides links and fora for c oordination between and among these key players. It also serves as the statistical clearing house and liaison for international statistical matters. Foremost among the objectives of the NSCB is to develop an orderly PSS capable of providing timely, accurate, relevant, and useful data for the government and the public for planning and decision-making. The major goal of the NSCB is to promote the independence, objectivity, integrity, relevance and responsiveness of the PSS. The powers and functions of the NSCB as defined under Section 5 of Executive Order No. 21 are as follows: Promote and maintain an efficient statistical system in the government; Formulate policies on all matters relating to government statistical operations; Recommend executive and legislative measures to enhance the development and efficiency of the system, including the internal structure of statistical agencies; Establish appropriate mechanism for statistical coordination at the regional, provincial and city lev els; Approve the Philippine Statistical Development Program; Allocate statistical responsibilities among government agencies by designating the statistics to be collected by them, including their periodicity and content; Review budgetary proposals involving statistical operations and submit an integrated budget for the Philippine Statistical System (PSS) to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM); Review and clear, prior to release, all funds for statistical operations; Develop, prescribe and maintain appropriate framework for the improvement of statistical coordination; and Prescribe uniform standards and classification systems in government statistics. The NSCB as coordinator is not engaged in primary data collection. The Executive Order further provides that the decisions of the NSCB on statistical matters shall be final and executory.At the helm of the NSCB is the NSCB Executive Board which is composed of the undersecretaries of the different departments and heads of major statistical agencies and chaired by the Secretary of Socio-Economic Planning. The NSCB Executive Board holds quarterly meetings. The NSCB has a Technical Staff which performs the following functions: Provide technical and secretariat support to the NSCB; Serve as the statistical clearing house and liaison for international statistical matters; and Executive Order No. 121 – Reorganizing and Strengthening the PSS and for Other Purposes issued on 30 January 1987; NSCB website – http://www. nscb. gov. ph 4 9 Perform other functions as may be assigned by the NSCB and as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of Executive Order No. 21 The products and services provided by the NSCB Technical Staff are the following: Statistical policies and measures to resolve specific issues and provide policy directions in the PSS National Accounts and related economic accounts to assess the economic performance of the country Economic and social indicators Standards and classification systems to prescribe uniform standards in government statistics Statistical publications and CD Roms to disseminate the most relevant data produced by the PSS and to make statistics more accessible to the public The PSDP to serve as a blueprint of priority programs and activities to be undertaken to improve the PSS in the medium term Services †¢ Coordination of inter agency concerns †¢ Coordination of subnational statistical systems †¢ Statistical survey review and clearance system †¢ Development of statistical standards and classification systems †¢ Designation of statistics †¢ Local and international data requests †¢ Technical services †¢ Advocacy for statistical awareness †¢ One stop statistical information centers †¢ On line statistical service thru the Internet (www. nscb. gov. ph) 3. 2. 2. Data Producers In the government, the major agencies that produce statistics as their primary function are as follows: National Statistics Office (NSO)5 The NSO is the major statistical agency responsible in collecting, compiling, classifying, producing, publishing, and disseminating general-purpose statistics as provided for in Commonwealth Act No. 591. The NSO is under the administrative supervision of NEDA. It generates data on population, housing, agriculture, fisheries, business, industry, prices and households through periodic censuses and sample surveys.NSO also has the responsibility of carrying out and administering the provision of the Civil Registry Law as provided for in Act No. 3753 dated February 1931. It also processes and compiles administrative-based statistics on domestic and foreign trade, business permits and vital statistics from the civil registration system. More specifically, the NSO is tasked to: Prepare for and undertake all censuses on population, agriculture, commerce, and industry (Section 2, C. A. 591; Section 1, Batas Pambansa Blg. 72); 5 NSO website – http://www. census. gov. ph 1 0 conduct statistical surveys by enumeration, sampling, and other methods (Section 2, Batas Pambansa Blg. 2); compile and classify other statistical data and information (Section 2, C. A. 591); conduct social and economic studies and make projections of population, agricultural production, income and the number of livestock (Section 2, C. A. 591); publish and disseminate all information related to the above functions (Section 2, C. A. 591); assist the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) in the formulation of a continuing comprehensive statistical program for the government (Section 5, Presidential Decree 418); provide technical assistance and support to projects of other statistical agencies and institutions (Section 5, P. D. 418); carry out and administer the provisions of Act. No. 753, entitled â€Å"An Act to establish a Civil Register†(Section 2, C. A. 591) and other laws on civil registration; and issue authorization to solemnizing officers in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the Family Code of the Philippines (Executive Order No. 209 effective August 3, 1988). Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS)6 The BAS, which is under the Department of Agriculture, produces agricultural statistics. It generates statistics on crop production, prices of agricultural commodities, volume and value of livestock traded, farm income and expenditure, farming systems, agricultural finance, through sample surveys. Section 16 of Executive Order No. 16 defines the functions of the BAS as follows: to collect, compile and release official agricultural statistics; to exercise technical supervision over data collection centers; and to coordinate all agricultural statistics and economic research activities of all bureaus, corporations and offices under the Department of Agriculture. Further, Section 41 of Republic Act No. 8435 or Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997 approved on December 22, 1997, mandates the BAS to serve as the centr al information source and server of the National Information Network (NIN) of the DA; and to provide technical assistance to end-users in accessing and analyzing product and market information and technology. In 2000, the BAS structural organization was strengthened and reoriented pursuant to the relevant provisions of DA Administrative Order No. series of 1998 in compliance with the provisions of the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act or RA8435 of 1997. This law designates BAS as the central information source and server of the National Information Network (NIN) of the DA. Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics (BLES)7 6 7 BAS website – http://www. bas. da. gov. ph BLES website – http://www. bles. dole. gov. ph 11 The BLES, which is under the Department of Labor and Employment, produces labor and employment statistics. It generates establishment-based labor data, such as labor turnover, labor practices, organizations, occupational injuries and illnesses an d wage rates. Section 21 of the Executive Order 126 andates the BLES to carry out the following functions: Formulate, develop and implement plans and programs on the labor statistical system in order to provide the government with timely, accurate and reliable data on labor and employment; Conduct nationwide surveys and studies which will generate trends and structures on labor and employment; Develop and prescribe uniform standards, nomenclatures and methodologies for the collection, processing, presentation and analysis of labor and employment data; Establish appropriate mechanisms for the coordination of all statistical activities in the Department and for collaboration with other government and private agencies including international research organizations in the conduct of surveys and studies in the area of labor and employment; Disseminate statistical information and provide statistical services/advice to the users by establishing a data bank and issuing the Bureau’s s tatistical materials and research findings; Develop and undertake programs and projects geared towards the enhancement of the technical competence of the Department on theories, techniques and methodologies for the improvement of the labor statistical system; Monitor and exercise technical supervision over the statistical units in the Department and its agencies; and Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or assigned by the Secretary. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)8 The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) is the central bank of the Republic of the Philippines.It was established on 3 July 1993 pursuant to the provisions of the 1987 Philippine Constitution and the New Central Bank Act of 1993. The BSP took over from the Central Bank of Philippines, which was established on 3 January 1949, as the country’s central monetary authority. The BSP enjoys fiscal and administrative autonomy from the National Government in the pursuit of its mandated responsibilities. Th e BSP has supervision over the operations of banks and exercises such regulatory powers as provided in the New Central Bank Act and other pertinent laws over the operations of finance companies and non-bank financial institutions performing quasi-banking functions.The BSP, through its Department of Statistics, monitors and compiles various statistical series on monetary, financial and external variables useful for the formulation and analysis of monetary, banking, credit and exchange policies. To increase public awareness on various economic and financial issues, as well as promote transparency in its operations, the BSP releases various publications, reports, media releases and other relevant resource materials. The BSP also conducts the Business Expectations Survey and the Consumer Expectations Survey. 8 BSP website – http://www. bsp. gov. ph 12 Other Data Producers In addition to the above statistical agencies, various other departments, including the bureaus and attached agencies under them, also generate statistics as by-products of their primary functions.The following are the departments with stronger statistical units and more statistical outputs: Agriculture, Agrarian Reform, Education, Energy, Environment and Natural Resources, Finance, Health, Labor and Employment, Science and Technology, Social Welfare and Development, Tourism, and Trade and Industry. Other sources of data are the following departments: Budget and Management, Interior and Local Government, Justice, National Defense, Public Works and Highways, and Transportation and Communications. 3. 2. 3. Statistical Training, Education and Research Institutions Statistical Research and Training Center (SRTC)9 As the training and research arm of the PSS, the SRTC conducts short-term courses in statistics and related fields and researches to enhance existing methodologies, concepts and systems used in statistical operations. As specified in Section 10 of Executive Order No. 21, the functions and responsibilities of SRTC are as follows: Develop a comprehensive and integrated research and training program on theories, concepts and methodologies for the promotion of the statistical program; Undertake research on statistical concepts, definitions and methods; Promote collaborative research efforts among members of the academic community, data producers and users; Conduct non-degree training programs to upgrade the quality of statistical manpower base in support of the needs of the statistical system; and Provide financial and other forms of assistance to enhance statistical research and development. The SRTC has a Governing Board which formulates policies for the management and operations of the agency.This Board is composed of the Secretary-General of the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) as Chair with the following as members: the Administrator of the National Statistics Office (NSO), the Dean of the UP School of Statistics (UPSS), the Director of the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS), a Director of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), and the Executive Director of the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC). The Executive Director of SRTC serves as exofficio member of the Board. In 2005, the SRTC conducted 29 statistical training courses/programs, equivalent to 1,145 training hours, with a total of 643 participants.Three research projects were also completed Executive Order No. 121 – Reorganizing and Strengthening the PSS and for Other Purposes issued on 30 January 1987; SRTC website – http://www. srtc. gov. ph 9 13 during the year. The training was conducted not only for the major statistical agencies and other data producers in the central/regional offices but also for the local government units. The SRTC has also embarked on partnership with the United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific for statistical training as well as with other international organizations, such as the German Development Cooperation, UN FAO and UNFPA for the conduct of training courses.Academe On human resource supply, the PSS relies on the academic institutions offering Statistics/Applied Statistics courses and related fields such as Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science/ Information Technology, Demography, Public Administration, and Business Administration/ Management. Several universities throughout the country are offering undergraduate and graduate degree courses in statistics, with the University of the Philippines School of Statistics in Quezon City, Metro Manila and the University of the Philippines Institute of Statistics in Los Banos, Laguna as the leading universities in terms of course offerings in statistics. Statistical researches in the system are usually undertaken in close collaboration with the academe.The PSS benefits from the strong collaboration and partnership between the official statisticians and the members of the academic and research communities who sit as chairpersons/members of various interagency/technical committees, serve as consultants in research activities and projects implemented by the PSS and act as advocates of statistics in general. 3. 2. 4 Data Suppliers/Respondents Collection of data is done either thru sample surveys, censuses or reporting forms. Respondents can be individuals, households, business establishments/enterprises, government or non-government institutions. The extent and quality of data supplied by the respondents critically affect the quality of statistics produced by the data producers.To strengthen the relationship with the respondents, the data producers conduct dialogues and communication programs to advocate support to data collection activities. 3. 2. 5. Subnational Statistical System The NSCB Regional Divisions perform the mandate of coordination at the subnational level using mechanisms such as those mentioned above as well as providing technical assistance to the data producers and users in the regions. Due to the budgetary constraints of government, these units are physically present only in ten (10) regions: Regions 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR). They also manage and administer the regional branches of the National Statistical Information Center (NSIC), one-stop shop of statistical information and services.Providing assistance to the NSCB in terms of statistical coordination at the subnational level are the Regional Statistical Coordination Committees (RSCCs). The RSCCs formulate policies and programs particular to a regional statistical system. The members include agency regional directors, provincial planning and development coordinators and a representative from the private sector. These Committees are chaired by the NEDA Regional Director and are coordinated by the NSCB Regional Divisions. 14 The NSO has its regional, provincial and municipal offices. Likewise, the BAS has provincial offices. The other departments ha ve their subnational offices at different levels.These offices gather data at the subnational levels and forward thm to the central offices for consolidation. They also serve as outlets for dissemination. In addition to the statistical agencies and the various departments of the national government, the local government units (LGUs) also generate statistical information covering their respective areas or constituents. They also conduct surveys and process data from local administrative forms for their planning and monitoring purposes. Most of the data generated by the LGUs are municipal and barangay data since these are not available from the national surveys except in the Census of Population and Housing where data are generated down to the barangay level. 3. 3.MECHANISMS FOR STATISTICAL PLANNING AND COORDINATION, INFORMATION DISSEMINATION AND ADVOCACY Different mechanisms for statistical planning and coordination, information dissemination and advocacy being implemented by the NSC B Technical Staff are being advocated to the agencies in order to improve their effectiveness in servicing the data needs of the various stakeholders and users for development planning, policy formulation and monitoring of the progress of government programs. Other initiatives and measures are also continuously being undertaken to improve the organization and operations of the PSS, thereby enhancing the quality of the statistical products and services. STATISTICAL PLANNING AND COORDINATION 3. 3. 1 Statistical PoliciesStatistical policies may be in the form of acts, executive orders, presidential proclamations, and resolutions and circulars issued by the NSCB Executive Board which are intended to guide agencies and other stakeholders in terms of organization and implementation of concepts, definitions, methodologies, new systems, best practices and others. The implementation of and compliance with the statistical policies are being monitored by the NSCB Technical Staff. 3. 3. 2 Stati stical Frameworks and Indicator Systems The NSCB is chiefly tasked to develop and maintain appropriate frameworks and indicator systems to serve as tools for statistical coordination. This includes the System of National Accounts (SNA) that produces estimates of the Gross National Product (GNP) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The SNA is maintained by the NSCB with data inputs coming from various agencies including private institutions.The compilation of the SNA by the NSCB has given it a powerful tool for statistical coordination that allows the identification of data gaps that need to be addressed by the PSS. Other frameworks/indicator systems that are maintained by the NSCB include the Leading Economic Indicators, Foreign Investments Information System, Gender and Development Indicators, Philippine National Health Accounts, Poverty Statistics, Food Balance Sheet, Quarterly Economic Indices and Economic and Social Indicators, the STATDEV which is a tool for monitoring the targets under the 15 Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). The NSCB also serves as the repository of the MDG database for the Philippines. 3. 3. 3 Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP)The PSDP articulates the vision, direction, strategies and priority statistical programs and activities to be undertaken in the PSS for the medium term in order to meet current and emerging needs of the national and local planners, policy-makers and data producers. The formulation of the sectoral statistical development programs was spearheaded by the NSCB through the various inter-agency committees, task forces and working groups composed of the key players and stakeholders in the PSS. Indicative budget requirements for the programs and activities are also included. The PSDP which is prepared every six years is designed to provide vital information support to the Medium-Term Philippine Development Program and to promote efficiency of statistical opera tions through optimum use of available resources and adoption of cost effective measures.It envisions a PSS with greater capacity to provide excellent service and high quality statistical information for better use in policy analysis and decision-making to meet the changing needs of the stakeholders, data users, society and the international community. Several PSDPs were formulated in the past and the current one is the PSDP 2005-2010 which is the 7th PSDP developed by the system. This is the Philippine version of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) being advocated by PARIS21 or Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century. 3. 3. 4 System of Designated Statistics (SDS) Executive Order No. 52 was issued in July 1996 to implement the System of Designated Statistics (SDS) as a mechanism for the identification and generation of the most crucial and essential statistics for administrators, planners, policy makers, and decision makers in the gov ernment and private sectors. It is also an important tool in addressing problems, such as data makers in the government and private sectors. It is also an important tool in addressing problems, such as data gaps, duplication, delayed release and inaccessibility of important sets of statistics, and as a framework for setting priorities in data production. The designation includes the implementing agency, frequency of collection, geographic disaggregation and schedule of data dissemination.At present, there are 60 activities/statistics designated; however, it is a dynamic system that allows modifications to respond to changing needs and priorities and to emerging capabilities of statistical offices. The statistics under the SDS form the core of official statistics that constitute a set of public good that the designated data producers must be accountable for. These include censuses, surveys, administrative data systems, derived data systems and statistical indicators. As a result, the se designated statistics receive priority attention in the preparation of the national budget and duplication of statistical efforts is minimized, if not eliminated.Relatedly, the Philippine government has been subscribing to the International Monetary Fund’s Special Data Dissemination Standards (SDDS) since 1996. The SDDS covers economic and financial data and their releases are monitored through the advance release calendar and metadata. The NSCB serves as the coordinator for the SDDS. 16 3. 3. 5 Statistical Budget Review One of the functions of the NSCB is to review budgetary proposals for statistical activities of agencies. For many years now, the annual Budget Call issued by the Department of Budget and Management provides that the NSCB endorse agency budget proposals involving the System of Designated Statistics.Budgetary thrusts are formulated for the guidance of the major statistical agencies and other data producers. In the review of statistical budget proposals, the PSDP and a number of minimum targets/measures aimed at enhancing/ensuring the quality of data and capability building of agencies serve as the criteria. 3. 3. 6 Statistical Survey Review and Clearance System (SSRCS) The SSRCS involves the substantive review of the design and instruments of statistical surveys or censuses sponsored and/or to be conducted by government agencies including government corporations at the national and/or subnational level. Recently, the scope of the SSRCS has been expanded to include administrative recording systems.The system aims to ensure the quality of the data to be generated from the inquiry, to avoid unnecessary duplication in data collection and to elicit the cooperation of data providers and respondents. Some of the review criteria adopted include (1) essentiality and appropriateness; (2) reporting burden; (3) adequacy of survey and forms design; (4) clarity of questions and nstructions; (5) use of standard classifications and definitions; (6) c ompleteness and adequacy of tabulation plans; and (7) schedule and manner of disseminating results. On the average, the NSCB clears around 18 surveys annually which include regular, periodic and one-shot surveys with individuals, households or establishments as respondents. 3. 3. Statistical Standards and Classification Systems The standard classification systems serve as instruments for promoting the comparability and consistency of statistics generated by data producers. These standard classification systems can also be used in the organization of databases and information systems. Annex 1 shows the list of the existing statistical classification systems in the Philippines. Other standards include the prescription of standard concepts and definitions in the various sectors to ensure the comparability of statistics generated. 3. 3. 8 Technical and Inter-Agency Committees on Statistics (TCs/IACs) and Task Forces (TFs)The TCs/IACs/TFs are created (1) to assess and evaluate the qualit y, usefulness and timeliness of sectoral data and determine areas of duplication, discrepancies and gaps; (2) to review the concepts, techniques and methodologies used in the collection, processing and reporting of data; and (3) to recommend an efficient and workable scheme for the allocation of agency responsibilities in the production of statistics. Thru these committees, weaknesses in sectoral statistics including those affecting data quality can be addressed. The committees recommend policy measures to the NSCB Executive Board. The TCs/IACs/TFs are composed of both data producers and users including the private sector and members of the academic and research communities. 17 To date, the committees created by the NSCB include six TCs, ten IACs and two TFs. Annex 2 shows the list of the committees and task forces. 3. 3. 9. Agency Statistical Calendars Agency statistical calendars are useful guide to data users in their search for statistical information from government sources.The statistical calendar contains information on the statistical activities of the agency, such as the frequency, outputs to be generated, expected date and mode of release, and contact person. 3. 3. 10. Bilateral Meetings Bilateral meetings are conducted between two agencies for the purpose of discussing, clarifying and resolving specific problems of the agencies in terms of data production and dissemination, among others. 3. 3. 11. Performance Measurement Scheme for Statistical Agencies and Other Data Producers A Performance Measurement Scheme for Statistical Agencies and Other Data Producers was institutionalized in 2002 after it was pilot tested in 2001.It determines the capabilities of agencies in responding to the needs of their clients and other stakeholders thru a set of indicators of agency performance in terms of relevance, timeliness, accuracy, reliability, transparency and integrity, comparability, effectiveness, accessibility and client orientation. Through the scorecard t hat will be maintained for each agency, the public will be made aware of the success of the agency in accounting for its commitment to the public. Ultimately, the results will be used for advocacy, promoting public accountability and benchmarking purposes as basis for pursuing improvements in the quality of outputs and services.The performance scheme which is proposed to be conducted every two or three years is also seen as an approach in measuring the quality of products and services of the PSS. The criteria considered to assess the performance of national statistical offices are as follows: (a) relevance; (b) timeliness and accessibility; (c) accuracy and reliability; (d) transparency; (e) independence and integrity; (f) comparability; (g) quality of research program and training materials, facilities and resource persons; (h) effectiveness of coordination; and (i) quality of financial and manpower resources, equipment and facilities for statistical operations. Indicators based on these criteria were identified. 3. 3. 12.Hosting of International Conferences/Meetings The NSCB spearheads the hosting of international statistical conferences/meetings by the Philippine government. Topics discussed include developmental/emerging concerns in the field of statistics. This is being done in coordination with international organizations. STATISTICAL INFORMATION DISSEMINATION 3. 3. 1. National Statistical Information Center The National Statistical Information Center (NSIC) was first established in the country in 1993 through a project jointly implemented with the Statistics Sweden and the Swedish 18 International Development Agency (SIDA). The NSIC, which serves as a one-stop shop for statistical information in the country, is lodged at the NSCB.To date, several branches of NSIC have been established in selected regions where there are NSCB Regional Divisions. Services provided include frontline and library services, bookshoppe and technical services. 3. 3. 2. Governme nt Statistics Accessibility Program (GSAP)/General Standards for Statistical Information Dissemination (GSSID) The GSAP was implemented in 1998 with the vision of making statistical information and services in the country highly accessible to users nationwide and worldwide. Its conceptualization was anchored on the fundamental principle that information is used for decision-making and therefore the timeliness and integrity of the information should be ensured.The components of the program include the organization of an inter-agency consortium, issuance of an executive measure providing for the program as a flagship project of the government, investments on technology upgrading, systems and human resource development, adoption of common policies and standards, and alliance with the private sector. The GSAP paved the implementation in 1999 of the General Standards for Statistical Information Dissemination (GSSID) in the PSS. The GSSID was designed as a mechanism of the government in s etting appropriate and acceptable standards of reliability, integrity, timeliness, transparency, and accessibility of government statistics.Specifically, it promotes adherence to these standards in the dissemination of statistical information and greater utilization of data, fosters adoption of generally accepted data dissemination practices, and involves active participation of users in making statistics more accessible and useful. Worth noting is the standard on the dissemination in advance of the calendar of release of the various statistical products of an agency. In the long-term basis, the GSSID also serves as a tool to address data gaps and spur continuing improvements on data dissemination. The GSSID was inspired by the SDDS prescribed by the International Monetary Fund. 3. 3. 3 Press releases/articles/websiteThe issuance of press releases and articles by the major statistical agencies and other data producers on the latest available data or emerging concerns that would be r elevant to national planning and development is another mechanism for statistical information dissemination. These press releases and articles are in print form and/or posted on the agency websites. STATISTICAL ADVOCACY 3. 3. 1. National Statistics Month The NSM is being observed annually during the month of October, following a Presidential Proclamation, as a vehicle for soliciting the support of the public at large in improving and enhancing the quality and standards of statistics in the country.The NSM, which has just completed its 17th year in October 2006, has become an effective venue for strengthening and unifying the Philippine statistical community and in instilling nationwide awareness and appreciation of the importance of statistics. Every year, the NSM focuses on a particular theme to highlight the statistics pertaining to the theme. The major activities undertaken by government agencies and some private institutions include symposia and 19 training/seminars/lectures, in formation dissemination using print and broadcast media and statistical contests. A much-awaited event among fourth year high school students is the Oratorical Contest which is held annually as part of the NSM celebration of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and Department of Education.It has gained popularity because the oratorical contest has served as a venue for promoting awareness in statistics, for instilling pride in the Philippine culture and for hearing the voice of the young. During NSM celebration, other contests held catering to students and the youth include statistical quizzes, poster-making and slogan writing contests. 3. 3. 2. Statistical Conferences The National Convention on Statistics (NCS) is held every three years to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences in the field of statistics, in both theoretical and practical applications, and for discussing recent statistical developments and prevailing issues and problems of the PSS.It further aims to elicit the cooperation and support of statisticians and professionals in related fields from the government, academe and private sector towards a more responsive statistical system. The 10th NCS will be held in October 2007. Statistical congress is conducted annually in Western Visayas which started in 2001 and in Mindanao which was first held in 2004. The statistical congress aims to gather producers and users of statistics as well those from the academe in order to share a common knowledge and understanding of recent developments in the statistical system and address prevailing and emerging statistical concerns in their respective regions.The Philippine Statistical Association (PSA), the professional statistical organization in the country with chapters in selected regions, conducts quarterly/annual conferences to serve as venue for discussing current statistical issues. There are also inter/intra university conferences, such as the Student-Faculty Conferences. 3. 3. 3. Philippine Stati stics Quiz (PSQ) The PSQ is an annual contest that aims to test the knowledge of statistics of first-year college students and is held nationwide. It further aims to contribute to the building of scientific and technological manpower by helping identify and nurture talents in the field of statistics. It is organized jointly by the National Statistics Office and the Philippine Statistical Association. 3. . 4. Press conferences, producers’ and users’ fora Press conferences are held by the major statistical agencies to present latest available data for critical indicators, such as the national accounts, inflation rate and core inflation. Producers’ and users’ fora are also conducted to enhance awareness and appreciation of available statistics and to gather feedback towards the improvement of PSS products and services, and to communicate ongoing developments and plans. 3. 3. 5. Feedback/evaluation mechanisms 20 Feedback/evaluation mechanisms are necessary to solicit comments and suggestions from the data suppliers and providers and data users.Their comments and suggestions would serve as useful inputs towards the improvement of the statistical system. 3. 4 STATISTICAL MANPOWER One of the essential conditions for the PSS to achieve its goals and objectives is the formation of a core of qualified personnel to undertake statistical work and to contribute to the progressive development of its statistical activities. Although there are other factors that play important roles in the ability of an agency to manage its statistical operations, it is the capability of the statistical manpower in the organization that eventually determines the performance of the agency. Statistical manpower includes personnel involved in the collection, processing, compilation, dissemination and publication of data.It includes statisticians, mathematicians, economists, accountants, engineers, information technology specialists, and subject matter specialists in v arious fields who possess the statistical knowledge needed to plan and carry out statistical programs, projects or researches and who use the science of statistics in analyzing data. 3. 4. 1. Manpower Resource As shown in Table 1, the number of personnel engaged in statistical work of the government as of 2003 based on figures from six (6) statistical agencies and 11 selected other data producers totals 5,725 with 2,290 (40 percent) personnel employed in the central offices and 3,435 (60 percent) in the regional/field offices.It is important to note that of the 3,435 personnel in the regional/field offices, those from the NSO and BAS which take charge of conducting regular censuses and surveys account for almost 79. 0 percent of them. 10 Table 1. Statistical Manpower in Statistical Agencies and Selected Other Data Producers, Philippines, as of 2003 Agency Statistical agencies (6) Selected other data producers (11) Total Total 4,535 1,190 Central 1,784 506 Regional 2,751 684 5,725 2, 290 3,435 There are a few professional statisticians in the PSS as majority of those holding statistical positions acquired their skills through training and experience. As of 2003, those with degrees in statistics, whether undergraduate or graduate, account for only 4. percent of the total number of statistical personnel. Hiring professional statisticians and keeping them is a continuing challenge for the PSS. An inevitable problem encountered is the succession and turnover in statistical posts typically due to resignations or retirement. Such turnovers may lead to difficulties especially if there are skill shortages. 10 Results of the 2003 Performance Measurement Scheme for Statistical Agencies and Other Data Producers. 21 In many ways, motivation is the key to the success of statistical human resource management and development. In addition, most government workers perceive that they are not properly financially compensated for the work they perform.The low salaries of statistici ans in the government have actually contributed to the exodus of trained official statisticians to the private sector, the international organizations and even to statistical agencies of foreign countries. Thus, it is important to maintain high morale among statistical personnel, and enhance their loyalty and esprit de corps. 3. 4. 2. Management and Development The PSS recognizes the importance of statistical capacity building such that there is a need to continually build the human capacity of the agencies in order to be more effective and efficient in responding to the ever-increasing demand for statistical data by planners and decision makers from all sectors. With qualified and competent statistical personnel, the capability of an agency to undertake statistical work is strengthened.There should be more concerted efforts and innovative approaches in building the capacities of the agencies to effectively manage the statistical activities and to respond to the demands of the stake holders. Aside from training, other factors in the area of personnel management include good compensation, pleasant working conditions, proper motivation and a dynamic profession. Meanwhile, an inevitable problem encountered with respect to newly-trained staff is the increase in employee turnover. With the new skills acquired by the staff, their marketability increases and if the organization cannot match the attractive offers received by the trained staff, which is often the case, the staff is lost. Capacity building is mostly done through non-degree training which aims to develop statistical expertise at various levels of competencies.Participation in training programs/courses is funded from own agency budget or by availing of training grants/programs sponsored/conducted by local or international institutions. Furthermore, most locally-funded and foreign-assisted projects undertaken by the statistical agencies normally include a training component for the project staff. The SRTC, as the training arm of the system, contributes heavily to developing/strengthening the knowledge and skills of statistical workers on the various aspects of statistical work, such as survey design, data collection and processing, database management, and data analysis, presentation and dissemination.These regular programs are meant to enable civil servants at the central and regional/field offices to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to enable them to improve their performance in producing, analyzing, and disseminating statistical information for public consumption. Aside from SRTC, other statistical agencies such as the NSO, NSCB, BAS and BLES also conduct in-house statistical training and special-purpose statistical seminars/training for advocacy and/or technical assistance purposes. Opportunities are also available for the statistical personnel to pursue advanced degrees in statistics, such as master’s and doctorate degrees, both in local and foreign universities through scholarship grants/fellowships.Also through the Philippine Statistical Association (PSA), the professional organization of statisticians in the country, short training courses are offered to the members as well as the private sector. 22 Despite the conduct of these training activities, there continues to be a number of challenges in building human
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