Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Janie s Harassment Claim Of The Least ! It Is A Crazy Story
The situation leading up to Janie’s harassment claim is unique to say the least! It is a crazy story, but the all the facts must be presented in order to determine if Janie in fact has a legitimate claim of harassment that she can file with the company and the EEOC. Janie works for a company of 30,000 employees as does Susie, although they work in different geographical regions. Janie has been employed at XYZ Corporation for twelve years, has had attendance issues over several years, and is currently under verbal warning for excessive absences on Mondays. Working at XYZ for seven years, Susie has no policy violations, is in good standing with the employer, and is well liked in her office. Janie and Susie’s connection is that Susie was once married to Janie’s Uncle Pete. After being divorced for several years from Susie, Uncle Pete passes away. Susie asks Janie if she can have Pete’s ashes after his cremation, and Janie refuses. Several phone arguments take place over the course of several months, at work during and business hours, with several coworkers overhearing. In reviewing Janie’s claim of harassment, we need to look at the different types of harassment and see if her situation falls in to one of these categories. Quid pro quo and hostile work environment are both forms of harassment, while retaliation is an adverse treatment of an employee by an employer or supervisor. Courts and employers generally use the same definition of â€Å"quid pro quo†, a form of sexual
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Key Stakeholders And Their Involvement - 1159 Words
Key Stakeholders and their Involvement In this accident, many groups of people were affected in various ways. Three main stakeholders involved were the company’s shareholders, the government and the fishermen. Shareholders following the explosion, BP’s shares dropped by 54%, resulting in a loss of $105 billion in share value (Jarvis, 2010). This greatly impacted BP’s financial status, as shareholders are vital to the financing of businesses. Share prices have been falling since the explosion, and have not returned to the original value before the incident (Read, 2010). Dividends were also not given out that year (ibid). As such, BP had to take measures to regain shareholder confidence. This incident also led to the resignation of BP’s†¦show more content†¦In the fishing industry, the incident led to an approximate $2.5 billion loss, while tourist industries experienced a loss of a predicted $23 billion (Jarvis, 2010). In addition, the moratorium placed on deep water drilling left 58,000 workers unemployed (ibid). In its Annual General Meeting in 2011, BP faced protests against BP’s executive’s remunerations and voiced their injustice (Webb McVeigh, 2011). Facebook pages such as â€Å"Boycott BP†and RIP Spongebob, who died in an oil spill cause of BP†have been set up by activists, and have garnered 847,730 and 468,157 likes respectively (Jarvis, 2010). Hence, the impacts on these stakeholders have varying degrees, but are nonetheless affected one way or another by BP’s mistake. Ethics and Values According to BP’s Code of Conduct, BP †commits to â€Å"excellence and to the disciplined management of our operations†(BP, 2013a). In this case, this is broken, as the oil wells were not properly checked. Site managers Robert Kaluza and Donald Vidrine were accused of acting irresponsibly when handling the checks on the rig (CBS News, 2012). Furthermore, BP’s former vice president David Rainey was charged for the deliberate understatement of the amount of oil that was being discharged into the Gulf (ibid). In addition, BP was accused of overpaying their CEOs. Bonuses of $100,000 to top managers were deemed improper in the light of the disaster. Claims made by shareholders and victims whose livelihoods
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Homelessness The Problem Of Homelessness - 1479 Words
Homelessness Do you think the government is really doing enough to fix the issue of homelessness?According to Lee, Dozens of homeless were left with nothing after a local Seattle organization (SHARE) closed its shelters (Lee, â€Å"Dozens of homeless camp out at county building after SHARE closes its shelters†). How could the government just let these people live without shelter? It even got to the point where the homeless were camping outside a county building because they had no other options. This is just one of the many examples found in the world around us. There are many, many reasons why the local government needs to do more to try to solve the issue of homelessness. First, the current cost of living isn’t affordable; the government should make it cheaper to live in Seattle by providing more affordable housing. Also, the government should make more effort to prevent homelessness in the first place. Lastly, the homeless population has a humongous impact on the loc al area. If you live in the Pacific Northwest, it’s very likely that you know the cost of living in Seattle isn’t affordable, but what can the government do about this? The government should make the cost of living less expensive by providing more affordable housing. The number of homeless people living in Seattle is much greater than the number of available permanent government-assisted homes. Seattle, Washington is one of the top 10 homeless populated cities in America (â€Å"The Top 10 U.S. Cities WithShow MoreRelatedHomelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness1350 Words  | 6 PagesHomelessness There are many parts to the subject of homelessness, of course people talk about the solutions to it like The Ten Year Plan, then there is the history of it starting from the 1640’s. Also there is discussions about Homeless Shelters and more recently Anti-homeless Legislation. Then there are always the staggering statistics. The homeless is a very one minded topic for most. Most people think that the homeless should be helped, cared for, and educated for success. This is true (at leastRead MoreHomelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness1379 Words  | 6 PagesAlthough the numbers of homelessness in the States have decreased in the past 10 years, more than 3.5 million people each year experience homelessness, with 578,424 individuals experience homelessness each night (endhomelessness.org). Many poverty-stricken people are consistently at the risk of homelessness; there is a lack of affordable housing, many jobs provide low income, and destitute people cannot afford medical c are for support. However, homelessness does not only extend to the penniless -Read MoreThe Problem Of Homelessness And Homelessness Essay1286 Words  | 6 Pagesled to homelessness. These barriers may be a numerous amount of things such as substance abuse, personal trauma, unhealthy relationships, health problems, or unemployment. No matter the barrier, goals need to be set and must be realistic. If the goals seem impossible to reach they will be. Finally, there must be a commitment to following through with the set goals and a realization that this is an ongoing process that will not change overnight. There is a misinformed stigma of homelessness, whichRead MoreHomelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness Essay1182 Words  | 5 PagesThe Problem: Homelessness in Auckland Homelessness is a major issue in Auckland that is increasing rapidly over time. Generally defined by Statistics New Zealand â€Å"as living situations where people with no other options to acquire safe and secure housing: are without shelter, in temporary accommodation, sharing accommodation with a household or living in uninhabitable housing†, research has also found that there are four categories of homelessness including; without shelter e.g. living on the streets;Read MoreHomelessness Is A Problem Of Homelessness1658 Words  | 7 PagesHomelessness in Society Imagine you are homeless and have no shelter, or nowhere to go. You walk through storms in the same clothes you had on a week ago. You look around for help, but there is none. What would you do? Or imagine you are one of the forgotten ones, whom people call dirty, and disgusting. Suddenly you hear footsteps, with hope filled inside you, and then a sudden sadness strikes you as the 1378th careless person walks by you and doesn t notice you. All you want is somewhere to sleepRead MoreThe Problem Of Homelessness And Homelessness802 Words  | 4 PagesConclusion Homelessness has been an ongoing problem in the United States and it cannot be decreased until each state comes up with a plan that is affective. However, in order for this to work the economy needs to recover to the point where no one is without a job and is paid a wage that is manageable. The negative stereotypes of judging the homeless needs to be stopped and people need to be educated that homelessness can affect anyone. Although there are many services available to assist the homelessRead MoreThe Problem Of Homelessness And Homelessness1562 Words  | 7 PagesHomelessness We have already past Stone Age and marched towards the modern where we can see fascinating technology and different invention where cancer can be a cured with different medication but homeless still exists and is on the verge of increasing day by day. We can’t imagine ourselves being lost or not knowing where to go or what to do. Spending every day and night either depending on someone else or finding a shelter where you can have a nap. Waking up with the noises of the cars and otherRead MoreHomelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness1584 Words  | 7 PagesHomelessness Awareness At some point in their life, a person has seen or heard of an individual who lives on the streets. The individual who lives on the streets and holds a sign that says they need money for food is consider homeless. Sadly, these individuals are everywhere and the amount of people under this title is slowly increasing. However, in this nation we have the ability to begin decreasing that number. By providing the necessary amount of assistance required to place these individualsRead MoreHomelessness Is A Problem Of Homelessness1610 Words  | 7 PagesHomelessness is a monster. Each day, there are people on the streets suffering from homelessness. These unsheltered people litter the streets, and plead for help. There are different types of homelessness, but the most monstrous is chronic. The chronically homeless are left to endure the hardships of homelessness without hope of an effective solution. Americans disregard all homeless populations, but the most heart wrenching group that is d isregarded is the veterans. The veteran homelessness problemRead MoreHomelessness : The Problem Of Homelessness2773 Words  | 12 PagesJosh Elliott November 5, 2014 Professor Clark English 1102 Final Draft Homelessness in families has become a much more prominent problem in communities and many struggle from it as they are people who are lacking in funds causing them to be without a home. Today, homelessness among families is becoming more common and is unfortunately spreading all over the world. Most home owning people are unaware of the actuality of the conditions that the homeless people reside in and many cannot comprehend
WK 2 Research Article Analysis Paper - 1085 Words
Research Article Analysis Angie Downs COMM/600 December 1, 2014 Linda Research Article Analysis This research article analysis is over the article Undergraduate student researchers, preferred learning styles, and basic science research: A winning combination which is published in the Clearing House Journal and written by Lori Woeste and Beverly Barham. This article can also be found in Week One Electronic Reserve Readings. In this analysis a summary of the article will be provided, the type of information discussed in the article will be given, as well as if the information in this article should be considered reliable and valid. Summary This article is based on basic science research and the role that a team†¦show more content†¦64). Both research students were then asked to demonstrate various techniques needed in basic science research and both did so accordingly, displaying a throrough understanding and competence in the techniques required (Woeste Barham, 2012). The next section chronicles the beginning of the project. After receiving a detailed plan from the grant application, the student researchers were asked to investigate and report the timing of adherence for bacteria to different substances (Woeste Barham, 2012). Right away it was noticed that SR1 was experiencing difficulty starting anything new and although SR1 was able to take over once receiving help, there was a significant reoccurrence of the same issue (Woeste Barham, 2012). However, after moving SR1 from the office space to the laboratory where he or she could have a hands-on approach to using instruments and protocols, SR1 displayed c ompetence in the ability to begin and he or she began a great source of contribution by manipulating items to help in the creative part of the process (Woeste Barham, 2012). By moving SR1 from the office to the laboratory, the student researcher was able to contribute as well as learn in a learning style that was best suited for his or her needs. While SR2 did not display the need for a hands-on approach to develop new ideas for various parts of the project,Show MoreRelatedScientific Method and Health Care2524 Words  | 11 Pages |Health Care Research Utilization | Copyright  © 2010 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course introduces students to the purpose and process of research as applied to health care. Students will examine the role of statistics and various research methods. In addition, students will analyze the key elements of evidence-based research within health care. Policies Faculty andRead MoreCourse schedule IST7100 1 1 1589 Words  | 7 Pagesgiven as the content found in your course catalogue by course code. I. 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Data Communications and Networking Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of star, bus, and mesh Physical topologies. Provide real examples of each type. 2.Explain encapsulation and decapsulation in a five layer TCP/IP protocol suite. How does multiplexing and de-multiplexing differ from encapsulation and decapsulation? 3.Calculate the approximate bit rate and signal level(s) for a 6.8 MHz bandwidth system with a signal to noise ratio of 132. 4.Explain why the OSI model is better than the TCP/IP model. Why hasn't it taken over from the TCP/IP model? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both models. Answers: 1.A network consists of nodes and communication channels connecting the nodes. The physical topology of a network is determined by the structure of the physical communication channels connecting the nodes together. Physical communication channels can be wired or wireless. The advantages and disadvantages of star, bus, and mesh physical topologies have been summarized in the following table (Forouzan, 2012). Advantages Disadvantages Example Star There is a central control over the network. Simple and easy to maintain. If any node malfunctions, it is easy to disconnect the node and troubleshoot without affecting the rest of the network. Performance depends on the number of nodes connected to the central hub. The nodes may have to wait for some time before communicating with another node. The network may go down if the central hub crashes. The switches/ hubs connected in a LAN network. Bus Simple and easy to implement. Low-cost solution. If any node malfunctions, it is easy to disconnect the node and troubleshoot without affecting the rest of the network. Performance depends on the number of nodes connected to the backbone channel. At a time, only two nodes can exchange data. The network may do down if the backbone channel goes down. The average waiting time for the nodes to communicate with one another is high. The computers or end user devices connected to the LAN network. Mesh Robust and offer high performance. Each two node has their own dedicated communication channel. The waiting time for nodes to communicate is very low. Complex and hard to maintain. Costly solution. There is no central control, the structure is highly distributed. A personal area network using Bluetooth or wireless channel having more than two devices. 2.There are five layers in the TCP/IP protocol suite as shown below. When an end user sends a message, then it starts from the application layer on the site A. the message goes down below the protocol stack. At each layer, control information is added to the message coming from the last layer. Then the message and the control information are encapsulated and forwarded to the next layer. When the final encapsulated message is received at the site B, it starts from the physical layer and goes upward in the TCP/IP protocol stack. At each layer, it is de-capsulated, the message and control information are separated and only the message is forwarded to the next layer. In this way, the original message reaches to the end user at the site B. Source: (TechnologyUK, 2017) Encapsulation and decapsulation are different than multiplexing and de-multiplexing. Encapsulation and decapsulation are applicable to the structure of a message passing through the TCP/IP protocol stack. On the other hand, multiplexing and de-multiplexing are applicable for the physical channel that carries data from sender to receiver. When there are multiple senders trying to send their data to multiple users through the same channel, then the bandwidth of the channel is distributed among all sender and data is multiplexed to fit into the packet size allowable for the channel. At the receiving end, the packet is de-multiplexed and the chunks of data go to the intended receivers. There are different types of multiplexing schemes depending on the attributes of the communication channel, for example, TDM or Time Division Multiplexing, FDM or Frequency Division Multiplexing and so on (Forouzan, 2012). 3.Following information have been provided in the question. The SNR or S/N = 132. The bandwidth = B = 6.8 MHz. The assumptions are, C = channel capacity M = Maximum number of signal levels. By combining the Shannon-Hartley and Nyquist formulas, Now, putting the value of M, 4.OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection model. It is a standard for a network connecting nodes and allowing data transmission. On the other hand, TCP/IP is not any standard, it is a protocol suite. So, OSI and TCP/IP models are fundamentally different. OSI is better than TCP/IP model as its applicable for any network. It gives a modular abstraction for the developers so they can implement the functionalities of each layer separately and connect those together. Each layer is loosely coupled with the adjacent layer (Forouzan, 2012). So, the changes on one layer do not affect the rest of the part. Compared to that, the TCP/IP model shows how different protocols can be used for different purposed for an IP-based network like the Internet. It is not applicable for all types of networks. Hence, the scope of TCP/IP model is limited compared to OSI. On the contrary, OSI model cannot replace the TCP/IP model as OSI does not focus on the protocols of a communication network. It focused o n the functions of a network. Basically, OSI and TCP/IP models are complimentary to one another. The advantages and disadvantages of the models Advantages Disadvantages OSI It is an international standard for any communication network. It gives an abstraction and breaks down the complexities of the implementation part of a network. It does not give any information about the actual implementation part. It does not give any information about the protocols and technologies to be used at each layer. TCP/IP It gives information about the protocols for each layer of an IP-based network. It has simplified the implementation part. It has limited scope for IP-based networks only. 5.Following information have been given in the question, There are 10 routers. The propagation delay of each router is 3.5 microseconds. The queuing delay of each router is 1.8 microseconds. The bandwidth is 8Mbps. The length of the communication link is 1900km The speed of light is, meters/second The frame size is 5 million bits or . The calculation is, Total delay = Propagation delay + Transmission delay + Queuing Delay + Processing Delay. = + + + = + + + = () + + (+ seconds = 0.633693 Seconds Hence, the dominant components are propagation delay and transmission delay. The processing delay and queuing delay are negligible 6.POP3 or the Post Office Protocol version 3 is used as a mailbox and works on the client-server model. It allows a client to access mailbox hosted on a server. The client can retrieve emails from a server. The can be implemented by following the RFC 1939. The commands and responses between a client and server for POP3, are defined in the RFC 1939 documentation. However, a POP3 session can be in any of the states, closed, authorization, transition or update. A state of a POP3 session helps to understand the current context of the session. When a request from a client is submitted, the session goes into the authorization state. Once authorized, it goes to transaction or update state. When the transaction is completed, it goes to the closed state (Microsoft MSDN, 2017). During the authorization, a client can force it to close by using the QUIT command. References Forouzan, B. A. (2012). Data Communications and Networking: McGraw-Hill Education. Microsoft MSDN. (2017). How POP3 Service Works. Retrieved from https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc737236(v=ws.10).aspx#w2k3tr_pop3_how_cjzh TechnologyUK. (2017). The TCP/IP Protocol Stack. Retrieved from https://www.technologyuk.net/internet/internet-technology/tcp-ip-stack.shtml
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Gambling Casinos Essay Example For Students
Gambling Casinos Essay Gambling Casinos: A Plague on SocietyGamblers no longer need to trek to Las Vegas or Atlantic City to find the action they so badly crave. It is available today in their own hometowns. Legalized gambling is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States. Gamblings tremendous popularity is evident in the recent increase in the number of off-track betting parlors (OTBs) and riverboat casinos that dot the midwest and the Mississippi Delta. Billboards on major highways depict the action and excitement available at such facilities. For most of the industrys patrons, gambling is fun and a form of harmless entertainment. For the four to six percent of gamblers who become problem or pathological (compulsive) gamblers, however, it can be a devastating illness that negatively affects every aspect of their lives. Im worried that the more legalized gambling ?havens? that open up, the more problems we can expect as a result of them. The greatest social cost of legalized gambling is the probable increase in problem and pathological gambling. In Connecticut for example, the Foxwoods Resort Casino opened up in 1995 and the number of pathological gamblers sky-rocketed. In 1994, there were 235 calls to the Gambling Anonymous hotline and in 1995 (after the casino opened), there were 588. In 1997, the state of Connecticut also launched a massive media campaign for community awareness of the social problem and encourage to get help for people with gambling addictions because at least 70,000 adults in Connecticut have gambling problems. Pathological gambling is a progressive disease that devastates not only the gambler, but everyone with whom he or she has a significant relationship. In 1980, the American Psychiatric Association accepted pathological gambling as a ?disorder of impulse control ?. It is an illness that is chronic and progressive, but it can be diagnosed and treated. Some of the costs are: physical and psychological stress, significant increase of substance and alcohol abuse, major depressive disorders and attempted suicide. The gambling addict is basically a ?slave? to the habit. He needs the stimulation that winning money creates and this possibility keeps him going. The underlining problem is a self-image of himself as a failure and this destroys his self esteem. Many of them have been laid off work or ousted from a relationship and gambling tends to distract one from thinking about ones failures. Besides the negative effects that gambling can have directly on an individual, there are overwhelming economic and social costs of widespread casino gaming that many states (particularly the ones which allow legalized gambling) have to deal with. In 1996, Professors William N. Thompson and Ricardo C. Gazel of the University of Nevada Las Vegas conducted a BGA (Better Government Association) study on the effects of riverboat gambling on the state of Illinois. Thompson and Gazel found that the social costs of one pathological gambler is $10,000 a year, this includes the economic cost of debt, insurance, crime, incarceration, and clinical treatment. In Wisconsin, Thompson and Gazel did a study of Indian gaming, and they concluded that there was no net economic impact- none whatsoever. Thompson said: ?All that was happening was poor people- the players, were losing their money, the poorer players- the Indians?. Theyre paying your taxes?. ?With local players instead of new tourists, Thompson says, there is very little, if any, job creation; gambling simply initiates a massive transfer of money from the owners of local business to the owners of casinos. Because they havent been around long enough, no one knows yet what the impacts of Indian gaming will be. ?The only thing that I would say in respect to the people living where Indian gaming is legal, is that youre rolling the dice with the quality of life,? Thompson said. Ten years from now, he predicts, somebody will do a study and realize the real economic and social impacts of gaming. Another big concern for the future is video gaming, which many local businesses want to compete with casinos. Thompson calls video gaming the ?crack cocaine? of gambling. ?Be careful of wide-open video poker all over the place,? he warns. ?You could really screw this place up.? Gambling is a big business in America. Gambling is a three hundred billion dollar business to be exact, netting the gaming industry thirty billion dollars in net revenue annually. .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 , .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .postImageUrl , .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 , .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:hover , .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:visited , .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:active { border:0!important; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:active , .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4 .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uded88a0a3952f9cef925c42167cf97f4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: nervous conditions paper EssaySeventy years ago it was illegal to gamble anywhere in the United States. Our parents grew up thinking that gambling was morally wrong, but our children are growing up thinking that gambling is as easy as going to McDonalds. Today, thirty-six states have lotteries, ten states allow casinos, and twenty-five states permit Indian gaming. Its getting bigger all the time. For the first time in history, gambling is available close to home. People can walk to and from work and gamble. State governments actually encourage their citizens to gamble because it seems like an easy way to collect tax free money. Authorities and experts who have studied these issues have clearly documented the problems presented by gambling casinos. It seems that no one really benefits from gambling establishments, while many, many people are hurt or negatively affected. With all of the bad outweighing the good, I think its time that gambling casinos become a thing of the past
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