Sunday, November 10, 2019
CU1513 & Food Essay
Children need to be in a positive environment because if the child spends their day in an effective designed environment, the child will be physically, socially, emotionally, and aesthetically nurtured. The environment can maximise their intellectual potential and provide a foundation for the development of their emotional security. A positive environment for children and young people must be a safe place to work in, so a number of legal health and safety requirements should be in place. Whatever the setting, policies and procedures guide the workplace. 2) In my work setting, we work within the care standards regulations by making sure the setting is a safe place to be in, and being hygienic, we have a sterilising unit which is used everyday, and also sterilise the plastic toys and make sure everything is cleaned well. We wear aprons and gloves whilst changing babies nappies, and to go around every morning and evening checking that nothings broken. We also give out daily sheets to give to the parent/carer at the end of the day, to tell them what they’ve had and what they’ve done during the day. The Special Needs Code of Practice is designed to help make effective decisions regarding children and young people with special educational needs, but this does not mean you can tell them exactly what to do in each individual case. A positive environment and routine teaches children how to behave with people in general, in my work setting the ages are 3-18 months, so the older babies might get an early understanding on how to be around people and how to be around one another. If the staff are positive and approachable, it could also help children to talk to staff more about any concerns they may have. Also it allows parents to talk to the staff more easily, and feel included and equal. 3) This is part of children’s learning about self care and personal hygiene. We can help them do this by encouraging them to wash their hands before and after eating, and also giving them a mirror which can help them too. In my work setting, ages 3-18 months, it is very different, as they’d need their nappies changed regularly to prevent infections and sores, and to also talk to the parent/carer about any allergies or skin conditions their child might have. We also talk to parents/carers about their child’s hair in case they have any allergies or conditions as they may require special products. And we will ask them to bring in hats, especially during Summer. Teeth are important too, as well as having healthy milk teeth, it encourages the healthy adult teeth. With older children, workers can encourage children to brush their own teeth in the morning and before bedtime with the guidance of the parent/carer. 4) Rest and exercise both play a crucial part in health and well being of children. Learning and memory are at there best in well rested children. Exercise is equally important, playing a vital role in physical health, which promotes muscle and bone strength. In my work setting we promote exercise by doing activities with them which can include dancing, going out to the outside play area or going for a walk to the park, and then when they get out of their prams, they explore and identify new things too. We encourage rest by doing certain activities which includes sitting down and reading books and putting them to bed after lunch time and if they are tired at any time throughout the day we will put them in a cot/pram. 5) The basic nutritional requirements include plenty of fruit and veg, which we should be having at least five portions of a variety everyday. In my work setting we encourage the children to eat fruit and veg everyday by giving a different variety at both snack times. Bread, rice, potatoes and pasta and other starchy foods, milk and dairy foods, and also some meat, fish and alternatives, also to have a small amounts of foods and drink which is high in fat or sugar, although this should be kept restricted to special occasion foods only. 6) When children come together at meal/snack time, they should be all eating the same food, however there can be special requirements. For example, children with chewing or digestive difficulties may need their food chopped or liquidized. Specific food additives may cause allergic reactions. And even cultural/religious preferences may restrict specific foods, as either a general rule, or certain times and holidays. Whoever cant eat meat for any reason, we give alternatives to the foods given. 7) Food is a common way for illness to spread, workers who are ill or have recently been ill can unknowingly contaminate foods which are prepared and served to the children. In childcare settings, food safety is everyone’s responsibility, any member of staff that comes in contact with the food should be familiar with safe food handling practices and all work places should have a food safety book. The National Childcare Accreditation Council (NCAC) provides national guidelines for childcare which covers all areas of care, which includes information on all aspects of quality childcare, including hygiene, communications, discipline, food and nutrition. Research time journal. 40 minutes on questions 1-4 30 minutes on questions 5-7
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